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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by coachherman'sgrill

  1. That was a plain ol' mudhole stomping. And Bevo set the tone pre coin flip. Amazing
  2. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/lou-holtz-lauds-his-hero-jimbo-fisher-following-texas-am-dismissal-believes-aggies-can-win-going-forward Even though I can't stand him, Lou "Mush Mouth" Holtz has a new hero
  3. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/38993986/mike-elko-aims-fulfill-texas-potential-top-program Elko says in the last paragraph:
  4. I thought this thread was about "being in this mother fucker "? How about the stifling defense this year? Or the great STs play? What was your favorite moment or play this year? Mine was the pick 6 last game. I think that was the only one we had but I am sure you gentlemen and gentlewoman can correct me.
  5. I would assume the BOR would have to say, we need to stop the bleeding and stabilize the program, so let's keep Bjork for the time being. But that's a terrible assumption on my part and I am starting the rumor that the BOR got CDC but CDC can't talk right now because he is busy packing.
  6. Did they put it on layaway? (i have done that before)
  7. Left out Day on that list of "no fucking way". Franklin, Lane, and Lanning are good where they are at. Norvell, maybe?
  8. "Watts down? Alah akbar and there's a pick." Got damn, that's funny
  9. This is a job being cooked up by non-Asian Mar
  10. Crystal stripper pics or shut this one down
  11. No way. Our front 7 would stuff the meat chickens
  12. Kinda related note, anyone following the drama of the LSU women's basketball?
  13. Truth. Remember "jet pack guy"? So fucking stupid. Bevo Blvd, the bands, and overall game atmosphere is so much better. Strong Era, you went to the game, wasn't really much to do for the kids, bored wives, etc. Now, it's pretty fun for the non football fans that are there. And the organic Neil Diamond night, years ago sold me on CDC.
  14. I don't know about y'all but I am in this mother fucker. Thinking back to last night, I don't know what happened to MM for Arch to come in but when he did, it was such a sigh of relief for me because it seems like Sark has this team, this program, along with CDC, heading in the right direction. 11-1!!! I would have never taken that bet in week 3. If we get in the playoffs, we get in. If we don't, there will be a reckoning next year and years after. We couldn't ask for a better senior's night, especially against those Mission tortilla throwing, goal post stealing, Ag hitting with binos, Leach firing, CJK5H's son concussion enabling, fake gun shooting, throwing shit at the bus, Crabtree recruiting fucks
  15. That was almost cathartic, what a great win. 11-1
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