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Posts posted by Lagunamadre

  1. 4 minutes ago, R2D2 said:

    Black Panther and Wonder Woman making so much money while getting critical acclaim have put an end to the pandering to stupifying bigotry. The Roseanne reboot wasn't hate filled, it was basically the prior show.

    Donald Trump can't really raise money in America, he needs rogue foreigners to help him cheat the system. His behavior is bad business. And Roseanne's Twitter behavior is the same as Trump's.

    Once again Hillary was right when she said "delete your account".

    Hmmm, maybe everything happening is somebody's genius strategy to evolve America, by exposing then eliminating all its (not so) latent rottenness.

    "Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman." -  Justice Louis Brandeis 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, R2D2 said:

    Dennis Miller attached himself to Bill O'Reilly and then Bill sexually assaulted the news division, so ... 

    Anyway, she's finished. Unless she wants to do a racist Trumpian podcast.

    Even night club comedians will condemn this.

    She will be a co-host on Fox News. They'll bring her and Scott Baio on to discuss why we need a wall and why celebrities should stay out of politics, without a sense of irony. 

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, RPM said:

    If anyone did it would be FOX. But, I don't think the entertainment division wants to wade into the news division's cesspool.

    Ya doubt they would touch it. Rupert doesn't control that side. There are presumably still some morals on the TV side of things. 

  4. 1 minute ago, R2D2 said:

    Trump is kryptonite. He's the human version of Russian murder poison. The paradigm has been cemented, he devalues everything he touches. He's the non consensual midas touch of another's private parts.

    Every trump supporter should heed the warning. An alliance with him will debase you, completely.

    Scaramucci aside. 

  5. I'd also like to thank Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity Wars for helping in Disney's promptness with the decision to cancel the show. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Will the president weigh in on behalf of Roseanne Barr? Can he resist mentioning it in Tennessee tonight?

    She will be referred to as a "young and beautiful life, with stars in her eyes" now her "life is in tatters" because of the "fake news media" and "liberal hollywood elite". 

    • Like 2
  7. 57 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    i like the capitalizing of "white america."

    OK Hayden, you've been in there long enough, anymore exposure will lead to to depression and extensive research into New Zealand real estate. 

  8. 39 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    so far, this is my favorite reply:


    It really is a nice summation of your alt-righter, dumb, racist, aggie, close-minded all wrapped in an American flag and shielded by the bible. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, Lat22 said:

    So the NFL shouldn’t have fired Kapernick for freedom of speech but it’s OK when ABC fires Roseanne? Got it.

    Were you upset when Kapernick lost his job for his peaceful protest? 

  10. 3 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    I'm sure you won't waste your time, because you can't pick apart shit. 

    I started with an awesome lie?


    DNC paid Fusion GPS, who paid Steele for the information used in the "dossier" to obtain the FISA warrent.

    My day will come? Whats going to happen? A bunch of brainwashed Marxist communists are finally going to take the country over?


    Yes the Obama administration - he controls the DOJ and the FBI - as observed in the texts between the degenerate anti-Trump idiots working for the FBI who were busted cheating on their spouses. They even tried to delete all this in a "technical malfunction" but it didn't work.


    Doesn't get more simple or clear than that. I guess you are going to not waste your time with a rebuttal and instead resort to more name calling and weird threats. Weak.

    The problem here is that Trump's hand picked people now control the FBI and DOJ and they think you and Sean Hannity are full of shit. Your a bunch of retarded monkeys throwing your own shit at the wall to see what sticks. 

    Hillary was investigated for years and came up with nadda. Now there is an investigation into that investigation, so sleep easy. 

    Trump has been investigated for just one year and one by one his people are being indicted with mounds and mounds of evidence behind each indictment. All signed off on and gathered under the watchful eye of a republican led DOJ and republican led FBI and under the watchful eye of conservative judges. 

    And yet, somehow, the Democrats, who have zero power in DC right now, are orchestrating a coup inside the Justice Dept., CIA and FBI that the republicans whom lead each of the aforementioned departments as well as the White House, House and Senate are powerless to stop. These same Democrats who are so incompetent they couldn't beat Donal fucking Trump. They are somehow secretly controlling all of the power and successfully fabricating crimes that Trump and his people didn't have anything to do with while simultaneously covering up crimes committed by Hillary, Bill, Loretta, Obama. 

    That's a bold strategy Cotten. Fucking moron. 

    • Like 2
  11. 2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Trump has successfully painted the Republican Party as the party of professional incompetence.

    Well done.

    Trump's Base - "Better than elitist intellectual homos who use big words and stuff" 

  12. 2 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    Japan and South Korea will pay for our invasion of North Korea just as soon as Mexico pays for the wall.

    It's cool we can just use Iraq's oil to pay for it. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    Try to imagine this administration managing a taco bell.

    Look, destroying trust in our institutions, alienating our long time allies and threatening nuclear war to various countries is one thing, FUCK with my cheesy gordita crunch and we got a real fucking problem on our hands.  

  14. 4 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Are you sure about Ryan? I can't find anything granting the Speaker of the House that authority. 

    Only the acting AG can appoint. Congress can recommend an appointment but it is up to AG to accept the recommendation. It ain't gonna happen. 


    Besides between Benghazi and Emails Hilldawg has been investigated more than any person on planet earth. If Gowdy and Nunes haven't found anything yet, it ain't there. 

  15. 12 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    she is dreadful at this job. and she's just hateful. i stayed home to work and i'm watching her sham of a press conference where she's just ugly and confrontational to the press pool. all the while, she finds inventive ways to say "i don't know." she adds zero value.

    They might as well not even hold these press conferences. Her response to damn near every question is either "I don't want to get ahead of that" or "Ask (insert somebody else)" or the most infuriating "I've already addressed that, we've been clear on that", which undoubtedly they have not.   

  16. 3 minutes ago, F250 said:

    Are you referring to theological determinism "Calvinism" or something like libertarian free will vs philosophical determinism?


    No clue. I'm not well read on the various isms, so can't speak to any one groups thinking. I'm more referring to it in the abstract, that the events that happen in between a human's birth and death were out of their control, that a higher power controlled their actions, and at their birth the higher power knew how their story would end. 


    What ism would that fall under? 

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