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Posts posted by Lagunamadre

  1. 32 minutes ago, Longhorn94 said:

    As the father of a son who just finished his sophomore year in the Plan II Honors and Computer Science programs and another son who will be enrolling in the Fall as a freshman in the Plan II Honors and Economics programs, I can honestly say that the University of Texas is better today than ever before. Whatever they are doing, they need to keep doing it! I absolutely love and adore my alma mater.

    Apologies for any quazi-racist references I might have made in reference to the PCL Library back in the Shaggy days.  

  2. If you want to join the Young Alt-Right Club and wear your MAGA hat around campus, there is a group for you. If you want to join the transgender vegan environmentalist club, there is a place for you. That's how college campuses should be. Those groups can hold their signs in front of the tower and yell at each other like they used to do back when I was in school. It's college, a time to be exposed to things that make you uncomfortable. 

    • Like 4
  3. 5 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

    Do you think a sovereign state has a duty to protect its citizens from suicide bombers?

    Do you believe in mass shootings? Should we start shooting people who open carry because they might be a mass shooter? 

  4. 16 hours ago, Brothahorn said:

    What about Galveston?

    I would love a casino in Galveston, as opposed to traveling to that shitty state next door.

    Still a bit too close for my liking. Speaking from a strictly selfish place. Galveston is close enough that a couple day beers on a Saturday lead into a 45 minute uber drive and re-discovering my daily withdraw limits. 

    I tend to have self control issues when I'm around blackjack tables and am properly imbibed. That's why I like planning my visits to Vegas and/or Lake Chuck. It's more of a controlled chaos.  

  5. 14 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Its probably pretty unsurly, but I like having  my gambling at a distance. Nothing is more depressing than going into WinStar or some shitty Louisiana casino and see the blue hairs smoking and sending their cash down the tubes and limping back to their now-a-little-bit-more-dire lives.  I don’t really want that in Texas.  Make me fly to Vegas to see it.  

    I agree. I would hate it if Houston had casinos. I enjoy having to go to Vegas or Lake Chuck to lose a grand. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, DanRydell said:


    This decision just requires them to do it directly rather than ordering states to do it.


    Presumably though if Congress passed a law allowing some states to have legal sports betting and others not, then that law would look similar to PASPA and would be struck down by the supreme court using the same constitutional arguments used against PASPA. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Orca of Peace said:

    this is a common myth about shields, no one is doing that. Second, the videos don't show anyone armed. People are throwing rocks and molotov cocktails (do you know what that is?) but these fall short against the heavily fortified fence and barricades. Besides the soldiers are behind bunkers and dirt mounds.  Don't clutch pearls about the "danger" posed by the unarmed crowd.

    Israel is about to get theirs and they probably deserve it. Fuck Bibi the warmonger. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, DanRydell said:

    Adelson only has one US casino outside Nevada (in Pennsylvania) so it’ll be interesting to see if he calls in his chits and gets Congress and Trump to fix the law to ban it everywhere but Nevada.


    Pretty sure this decision would prevent congress from doing that even if they wanted to. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    We are going to get Jesus Part II out of the deal.  That's what John Hagee has promised.  He's the guy we had give the benediction today.  For this highly controversial, diplomatically challenging (to the say the least), we feature a minister who predicts we (or Israel) will be nuking Muslims as a necessary part of Christ returning. 

    Hagee and Beck



    Christians and Muslims are going to fuck it up for all the rest of us. 

  10. 14 minutes ago, JimTom said:

    Great place huh bud?  The country is run by Sharia law where stoning is a legal punishment and they can kill you if you play hide the salami with your buddy. You probably wouldn't last long there.  But by all means, go there, check it out, and let us all know.  



    Sharia law is the main source of Qatari legislation according to Qatar's Constitution.[2][3] Sharia law is applied to laws pertaining to family law, inheritance, and several criminal acts (including adultery, robbery and murder). In some cases in Sharia-based family courts, a female's testimony is worth half a man's and in some cases a female witness is not accepted at all.[4] Codified family law was introduced in 2006. In practice, Qatar's legal system is a mixture of civil law and Islamic law.[5][6]

    Flogging is used in Qatar as a punishment for alcohol consumption or illicit sexual relations.[7] Article 88 of Qatar's criminal code declares the punishment for adultery is 100 lashes.[8] Adultery is punishable by death when a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim man are involved.[8] In 2006, a Filipino woman was sentenced to 100 lashes for adultery.[8] In 2010, at least 18 people (mostly foreign nationals) were sentenced to flogging of between 40 and 100 lashes for offences related to “illicit sexual relations” or alcohol consumption.[9] In 2011, at least 21 people (mostly foreign nationals) were sentenced to floggings of between 30 and 100 lashes for offences related to “illicit sexual relations” or alcohol consumption.[9] In 2012, six expatriates were sentenced to floggings of either 40 or 100 lashes.[7] Only Muslims considered medically fit were liable to have such sentences carried out. It is unknown if the sentences were implemented.[10] More recently in April 2013, a Muslim expatriate was sentenced to 40 lashes for alcohol consumption.[11][12][13] In June 2014, a Muslim expatriate was sentenced to 40 lashes for consuming alcohol and driving under the influence.[14] Judicial corporal punishment is common in Qatar due to the Hanbali interpretation of Sharia Law.

    Stoning is a legal punishment in Qatar.[15] Apostasy is a crime punishable by the death penalty in Qatar.[16] Blasphemy is punishable by up to seven years in prison and proselytizing can be punished by up to 10 years in prison.[16] Homosexuality is a crime punishable by the death penalty for Muslims.[17]

    I would urge you to not look too deep into our BFFs over there, Saudi Arabia. You will not like their beliefs. Should we go to war with them too? 

  11. 1 hour ago, George Morgan said:

    President Trump is doing a great job under the circumstances.  He inherited a complete mess from Obama.  Jobs are growing, unemployment is falling, taxes are less, federal revenue is up, we're  keeping illegal aliens from entering the country,  conservative judges are being nominated and approved at record speed, welfare rolls are dropping, our support of Israel is better and stronger, ISIS leaders are being hunted down and killed, drug dealers are being brought to justice,  respect for the military and police is better, the second amendment is being protected, Christians are not being attacked as much,  and the press hates him.  What's there not to like?

    And, if he pulls off a deal with North Korea that lessens the risk of war, he'll get the Nobel Peace Prize.  Well deserved I might add.  If people like Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Maxine the idiot don't like him, that's a good thing.

    Out of curiosity, can you expand on the "mess" Trump inherited from Obama? What specifically was a mess?

  12. 39 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:



    Sure, everyone loves a puppet government. I'm not saying we don't do that. But we dropped off stacks of cash to Iran remember? This is what they are wasting it on.

    I member. We gave them their money back years ago. I'm sure the cash they are using now comes from the $10's of billions in dollars of trade they have with China, Russia and the EU. I'm sure your aware that money is fungible. 

    • Haha 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, Dolemite said:

    I have watched this 3 times. This is the third time that I have posted this video on this site. For those who are seriously interested in the middle east please watch this all the way through and see how relevant this is in retrospect, considering the changes in Saudi Arabia, and the annulment of the Iranian deal.

    Iran is coming down and peace is coming to the middle east, much quicker than most can imagine.


    Ahh yes, because if recent history has taught us anything, it is that when Middle East regimes come down, peace ensues. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Let me re phrase, a large enough segment of the DNC is anti christian, IMO and it comes thru in rhetoric fairly consistently from those wings of the party.

    I don't believe the party as a whole is anti christian at all, but DNC party positions do fly in the face of what many christians believe at times.  Abortion being chief among them.

    If you are atheist/agnostic there is a 95% chance you would mainly vote for Democrats. That doesn't mean all democrats are anti-christian, but if your anti-christian you are likely a democrat. 

    Under the same line of reasoning, all republicans aren't racist/homophobic/xenophobic BUT if you're a racist/homophobe/xenophobe there is a 99% chance you vote republican.  

    • Like 1
  15. 9 minutes ago, Hefeweizen said:
    12 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:
    Kimberley Strassel is positioning herself to be in a time slot between Tucker and Hannity. She has started to check the Trump kool-aid. Lots of money to be had once you get the Dolemites of the world eating out of the palm of your hand. 

    Their editorial page and Strassel particularly is why my subscription lapsed e without renewal.

    I just love when the Trumpkins run over to here to prove that they "win" with links to ultra-conservative editorials, like we will all think because it's from the WSJ it is actually news. 

    Trump's base needs to brush up on the difference between news articles and editorials. 

  16. 35 minutes ago, Jack Burton said:

    that article sucks

    Kimberley Strassel is positioning herself to be in a time slot between Tucker and Hannity. She has started to chug the Trump kool-aid. Lots of money to be had once you get the Dolemites of the world eating out of the palm of your hand. 

  17. 31 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I've related this before, but might as well relate it again.

    I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic schools until I went to college.  My wife and I visited and spent time at several protestant congregations before settling on a denomination that we're both heavily involved with nowadays.  I grew up in a heavily Jewish part of town, and ran around with a bunch of Jewish families.  I grew up in multicultural Houston, and spent a good amount of time with people from an even broader swath of cultures and faith.

    Without question, the MEANEST people I have ever had to deal with in my life have been the showy type of "evangelical Christians."  And I don't just mean once or twice, I mean consistently.  From nearly 50 years of data-gathering, if you were to ask me which cultural and faith demographic in this country is just plain the meanest, I wouldn't hesitate to tell you 'fundagelicals."  And now, we see the culmination of the marriage of that "faith" and politics in a political movement that CELEBRATES meanness, name-calling, etc.

    If Christianity was a "product," then the folks who have most loudly claimed the "brand" have all but destroyed its reputation among all of the kind of folks we'd like to see consuming it.  In short, if you're a kind, decent person, living "the way" that the Gospels teach (because that's what Christianity is -- it's a WAY -- it's not a magic ticket where you just shout "I love Jesus!" and you're in)....then you want NOTHING to do with the current brand.

    And now, I think that might be okay.  Christianity destroyed itself by becoming a cult of worship of self, and its institutions.  If they all fall and burn, let them.  The Gospel will survive.  The way will survive.  And we'll start over.

    So much this. The meanest people I've ever met in my life are hard core christians and coincidentally some of the nicest are agnostic/atheist.  


    And for anybody on this thread to complain about white christians being "persecuted", you all fucking deserve it. The pedophile Roy Moore's most solid base is/was white evangelical christians. If over 80% of your people support a pedophile, the criticism is overly deserved. Don't complain about it, work to fix it.   https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/politics/alabama-exit-polls/?utm_term=.718ace030ad3

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  18. 4 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    I don't know the answer off the top of my head, but has the US ever had a successful regime change, that didn't end up coming back to bite us in the ass?

    We had a successful regime change in 1783. 

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