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Posts posted by Lagunamadre

  1. Looks like Bolton, et al are leading us back to regime change policy. Do we have $3 Trillion and 10,000 18 year old lives to spare? 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    What's the benefit of pulling out of this deal and letting Iran have nuclear weapons? Serious question.

    This is as honest of a response I can think of: It pisses off Obama and liberals. 


    That is the crux of Trump's policy. No facts or logic behind it. 

  3. 1 minute ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    When will General Mattis get to weigh in?

    He already has. Trump ignored him. He only listens to people on Fox news. And sadly, that is not a joke. 

  4. 1 minute ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Iran does not support al Qaeda. That's a lie. They hate al Qaeda. 

    Ohh strap in, there are about to be a lot more lies behind that one. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, relapse98 said:

    Was this something Obama had a position on?

    If yes, do the opposite.

    Even if the rest of the civilized world and Trump's military and intelligence leaders think we should stay in the deal? 

    Trump and his followers show themselves to be more and more ignorant by the day. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    NYT reporting we are pulling out of Iran deal

    But of course we are. Every intelligent observer warns of the dire consequences of pulling out. Trump's not going to do what those educated pussies advise. 

  7. 30 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:


    This has been the best part. What drives most people into caring one way or another isn't logic or ethos, it's repulsion. Leftists acting like total fucking morons drives way more people to the right then the right ever could. All they have to do is keep triggering insane leftists and people will be flocking to the right in greater numbers. 

    Basically, the leftists ruined it for the liberals. 


    I might have to start watching Fox News now........on mute. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    With a little sprinkle of But Kissinger.

    More like "but every former Secretary of State."

    James Baker just met with Mohammed bin Salman. I'm sure the Breitbart crowd was furious about that one. 

  9. 17 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    I don't care what you were told. Scrapping the Iran deal would be against "the interests of the US". Ergo, what Kerry is doing is in the interests of the US. The DOJ (lol) can determine whether or not its legal.

    However, based on the fact that Kerry is not a complete dumbass, nor, I suspect, is he a traitor, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt, until proven otherwise. Anybody associated with the current administration, or any of its supports, don't get the benefit of the doubt.

    If Henry Kissinger has never been charged with a crime, than what Kerry did was certainly legal. 

  10. 17 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    It was part of the controversy with Flynn during the transition in particular.  It was a stupid controversy then, it's a stupid controversy now.  

    Kerry didn't try to hide his meetings or lie about them after the fact either. 

  11. 44 minutes ago, sachick said:

    I was offline over the weekend? Anything interesting happen? Did the idiot get us into any wars?

    No, our war with Iran starts next weekend. This was porn star weekend. Keep up. 

  12. Trump is evil. If you gave him a button that made him more powerful every time he pushed it but it also killed a random person in the world with every push, he would lie around maniacally pushing that button 24/7.   

  13. The evidence they have on Cohen must be fucking epic. A) In order to get the warrant to spy/raid. B) 99% of the words between he and trump were likely incriminating for a whole host of crimes. 

    Can't wait for his perp walk. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I think it's the best anthem out there, but understand that my main criteria are (1) does it truly evoke and capture the essence of the country it represents, and (2) is it a great piece of chest-puffing music for said country?

    Russian, French, British, are the best.  In that order.

    Leave your America Card at the door bro. What's are you going to tell me next, crepes are better than pancakes? 

  15. Just now, ChiTownDoc said:

    I’m hoping he doesn’t pull a JoePa and check out right after shit hits the fan.  Hopefully he lives w long miserable life. Ass cancer, colostomy etc

    He can't check out soon enough. Gonna pop of bottle of the good stuff on that day. 

  16. 2 hours ago, FondrenRoad said:

    The problem is that Trump is the symptom.  We are the underlying illness.  Trump concealed nothing about his character during the campaign.  The gangrene isn't Trump, its half our populace.  We could shore it up for a little while by ditching the electoral college, but the infection has already spread too far. 

    Well besides that $130,000 paid to conceal the fact he was banging a porn star when Melania was breast feeding Barron. 

  17. 22 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    I track the appointment of federal judges mostly using four websites:





    The Trump Administration may have as many as 200 ARTICLE III federal judges confirmed in his first two years, but has has only 33 confirmed to date.  (Obama appointed 329 in eight years.) However, the process appears to be rolling.  There are 70 names in the hopper and 8 more hitting any day.  The hearing process has been slow but it looks like 6 circuit court nominees and 29 district court nominees may come up for a vote very soon, dumping 35 from the hopper and getting the number up to 68 or so.

    I am unclear how the midyear election process will affect things.  Maybe things slow down.  And if the Dems win control of the Senate God help us.   If the GOP keeps control then we'll get to 200 easy by the end of 2019.

    At this rate by 2020 we'll be allowed to tell women what to do with their bodies, stop those homos from marrying, bringing back poll taxes and teaching about Jesus in public schools. Hang in there Tahoe we'll get back to the 1950's in short oder and you will safe again. #MAGA 

  18. 8 minutes ago, Dr. Teeth said:

    Right: Celebrities suck. They know nothing. We don’t want them on our team. 

    Also Right: Look we got Kanye, this validates us forever. God bless this celebrity. 

    Celebrities should keep their stupid-uneducated mouths shut. Unless it's Kanye, Rosanne, Ted Nugent or Kid Rock. We should take what they say to heart. 

  19. 1 hour ago, chainsaw said:

    It's going to have to be Larry Nassar bad.

    We've already ran these traps with ol' Roy in Alabama. That would not be enough with the current iteration of the GOP. If Nassar had been a Republican candidate, Hannity would have done nightly hit pieces on McKayla Maroney and Trump would have tweeted out links to each segment. 

  20. 1 hour ago, lemonlime said:

    Except why would anyone use the term "sleepy eyed" to describe someone anyway?  And someone who happens to be Jewish who does not have "sleepy eyes" whatever the fuck that means?  

    "Poopyhead," "Lazy," "Low energy," "Lyin," "Liddle".   Those all make sense and are actual derogatory ways to refer to people.  "Sleepy eyes" is nonsense, other than as a known anti-Semitic slur.


    I think it's possible, maybe even likely, Trump didn't know it was a slur.  Hell, I doubt he knows what the Holocaust is or what actual Nazis did.  I am damn sure that if Trump didn't know it, he heard it from his coterie of bigots who are the ones making policy in this administration.  That doesn't give the Dotard a pass.

    Trump had know clue that "sleepy eyed" is a derogatory term for Jews. He was just parroting what he hears coming out of Stephen Miller's office several times a day, Stephen knows exactly what the fuck it means.  

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