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Posts posted by GotThatFire

  1. There’s a fix. There is always a fix.

    The problem does not lie just with the police. Citizens and society also have a problem. Can’t put everything on cops. Crime is rampant and violent crime is widespread. Criminals need to take responsibility as well. If you disagree, realize you are a criminals’ champion, then bow out of the conversation because your opinion is invalid.

    I want to live my life in peace and happiness and be able to raise my children and let my daughters go out to play and be safe. It would also be cool if they could grow up and not get raped or murdered or sucked into a life of crime by their surroundings. That’s what most people want and until that’s what most people get then it will be hard to fix things. You can’t just fix one thing

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    See the quotes from, oh, I don't know, THE HEAD of the Fraternal Order of Police, which supported (and actually got passed in Illinois) laws making it ILLEGAL to record cops doing their job:

    Again....the police sponsored laws to make recording them ILLEGAL (law was later found to be unconstitutional - duh).  This is the enemy.  This is what we face.  Not only are they not accountable, they actively fought to make a mechanism of accountability ILLEGAL, punishable by imprisonment.  That's how badly the police want you to fuck off and not hold them accountable.

    In the other thread you declared that we the people were the enemy soooo maybe you’re drunk in the morning?

  3. 2 minutes ago, Iceman said:

    they are cumbersome in trials?

    Maybe you jest I don’t know? But that should and could definitely be a good first step and I’m wondering what sort of excuses they’ve given and why they haven’t been laughed out of the room

    • Haha 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Gengs1 said:

    These protest will turn deadly/violent pretty soon and people will seize it as a power grab, trump just itching for it. We are experts and Turing protests into violent riots all over the world and have perfected it to get a desired results. This will be moved forward a “coup”. At end This will end up being battle cry to vote for law and order aka republicans. This will all end up being used as a Republican ploy to get votes.

    the bad guys just need to be dressed the same and show the protesters it’s ok and the protesters will get blamed. This will be just like occupy Wall Street. Once Fox News starts the direction, will just be black democrats rioting and don’t vote for the D party 

    Psychopath . Authentic frontier gibberish 

  5. 2 hours ago, SHOOTER12 said:

    Get a fucking grip. It was an attempt at comedic relief, which everyone could use right now.  If you have to politicize everything, you are part of the problem, not the solution.

    I don’t need your stupid ass comedy or hypocrisy 

  6. 2 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    Seattle cop puts his knee in the neck of a protestor, other protestors yell at him to stop, and his fellow officer actually takes charge and does it for him. stuff like this needs to be shared too:



    That particular cop might have just finally realized that their training is bad. Hopefully this spreads

    By that cop I mean the cop that pulled the other cops knee off

  7. 2 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    I honestly don’t know what I put at the bottom for the piece of shit chain for humans . White trash or antifa. It changes daily

    There’s still people on this planet that own slaves, so maybe look elsewhere, as bad as these two candidates may be.

  8. 2 minutes ago, wood said:

    Dude kicks the unconscious guy in the head and then immediately take off running. Definition of a pussy. Unreal.

    Yeah, but surly doesn’t like the person who posted the video therefore it is misinformation and you should act like it never happened, or something.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I would like to think that, but I don't see any officials trying to rein them in.

    And something else to consider - they are doing nothing but turning even more people against them.   When they pull these stunts and "light up" folks who are on their private property, who are simply filming, they are pushing a whole lot of people sitting on the fence to get off.  Maybe they join the protest, maybe they vote differently, whatever, the cops are not helping themselves at all with this shit.

    Which makes you question the intelligence of these cops.

    Friend of mine who did quite a few tours in Afghanistan, commented last night (it was about another video) that when they went through a village, and treated the locals nice, the locals would sometimes tell them later on about activity or IEDs being planted, even point out hideouts and the like.  If his team had acted like some of these cops are acting, the next time somebody planted an IED, the villagers would avoid it, but they wouldn't tell the Americans soldiers.

    Hell yeah, they should definitely vote out the people in charge of their city, that shit is unacceptable.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    More beautiful video of people helping to cleanup after the destruction last night in Minneapolis:  black, white, Hispanic, Asian, and others, working side by side in solidarity of commmunity.  That’s the America I know and love. 

    I need that video. Got a link?

  11. 5 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Perfect! Then cops can kill more people while the government robs us blind to enrich themselves and revoke our freedoms but this time, no one is around to snitch on them! 

    The divisive national news outlets are a problem. People can live in relative peace and harmony, but watching this fucking news nonstop and going out and seeing your neighbor of a different race you don’t look at them the same. It’s disgusting and it’s exactly what they want, they should be shut down and checked. Local news has its purpose

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