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Hizzaz Mahdoud

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Everything posted by Hizzaz Mahdoud

  1. Should be good for about two off-sides penalties per game.
  2. Dangit! i was SURE I saw him reflected in the shades! Otherwise, great stuff, as usual.
  3. Yep. I actually spit out part of my drink. Incredible!
  4. To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the BAAAAAAAmentations of their women. This has been glorious.
  5. Calm down there, Miss Karen. We don't want 6figs to have to call the paramedics. Then we'd have to start calling you "D-fibs."
  6. I admire your commitment and your ingenuity. Not to mention your choice of beverage. Hats off, and horns up to you, sir!
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