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Moby Ric

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Posts posted by Moby Ric

  1. 15 hours ago, Patricio Swayze said:

    Athletes wearing jewelry. I’m looking at you baseball players. I know it’s not a contact sport, but it just looks stupid.

    Speaking of this.  There was a player for the Braves last night wearing a pearl necklace.  WTF?!

  2. 11 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    The decision has been made that Tech will fire Matt Wells according to the FWST

    Yep, hearing Wells is being fired today and that Cumbie will be the temp HC till a full time replacement is found.

  3. On 8/28/2021 at 1:56 AM, 956 Worldwide said:

    Nonnie’s in Caldwell slams, but why get the boudin one? There’s so many better options for a kolache, it’s like Hank Hill says about Christian Rock— you’re not making church music better, you’re making rock and roll worse. 

    Rice doesn’t belong inside bread. 

    If you are not getting your Kolache's at Jake's in Caldwell you are missing out.  They are only open a few days a year though.  I discovered them while driving through on a Thanksgiving morning to the MIL's house and it was life changing.

    edit.  Just realized it is Kolache Fest in Caldwell this weekend.  

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  4. On 8/31/2021 at 2:27 PM, texasdago said:

    Man, was just talking to my dad about this place.  

    Next door was Shanghai Red's 


    Restaurants viewed from the turning basin in Houston Ship Channel

    CSB: When I was in 8th grade my dad was the President of this construction company that had a helicopter.  We took it all around Houston one Sunday and landed it in the parking lot at Shanghai Red's for a lunch break.  This whole crowd came around when we left to take off.  I was sitting into front seat with the pilot, with headphones on thinking I was such a baller.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Dating show looks dumb as hell.  Like you are going to go off into the woods to take a dump on a dating show where you are trying to hook up.  I am sure the folks on there have real food and real water and are not roughing it too much.  

  6. 18 hours ago, SKJ said:

    Should I put this here or the random tires thread...

    The left wheel fell off your smoker and is over there between the 'e' and 'n'

    It is really just a grill not a smoker, there is no fire box.  So there are truly no "burnt ends" just some burnt hot dogs.

  7. So the PAC 12 has decided not to expand and stay in the world of irrelevant.  Not that any teams in the remaining Big 12 would do anything for them.  But new blood is new blood.  I am going to laugh if the Big 12 somehow comes out of this by adding BYU, UH etc and becoming a better conference that the PAC 12 after a few years.  But they still have baylor so may not be possible. 

    • Like 1
  8. So I was driving the other day and was behind a BMW SUV at a light.  Looked at the plate on it and it had a license plate frame with the Brazzers logo on it.  Why does brazzers sell plate frames, and why would anyone put it on their car?  Did not get a chance to see the driver.

  9. On 8/19/2021 at 3:56 PM, Pancho said:

    So douchy


    I'm calling bullshit.  Nobody would put that together, and then nobody would share it on the internet.  No fucking way I would tell my friends my yearly income, bonus, etc.  Totally made up.  Cause who the fuck spends $80K on a 3 day weekend.  Unless you had fuck you money.  And $5 million is not fuck you money.

  10. On 8/14/2021 at 5:52 PM, Buzzrock said:

    That’s where I’m at.


    Posted earlier but our garage holds my car, my golf cart, and the beer fridge. The third bay is full of her crap so her car stays in the driveway.


    Get a quote to have your garage floor coated and coax your wife into it being a good investment for your home.  That way all the shit in the garage will have to be moved out. She will discover that most of the stuff out there she will not need and boom, to the curb.  You get a new garage floor that looks great, and a clean space for you to drink beer alone in your garage.

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