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Moby Ric

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Posts posted by Moby Ric

  1. 1 hour ago, XYZ said:

    I have a question. In Infinity War Thor is able to drive his axe into Thanos’ chest even with Thanos having all six infinity stones. Fast forward to Endgame, and it’s Thanos with ZERO infinity stones versus Thor (with the axe AND the hammer) plus Captain America and Ironman, and he thoroughly kicks their asses. Shouldn’t Thor alone with those two mighty weapons be able to easily kill Thanos?

    I was thinking this as well.  The only reason I can think of is Thor was fat Thor in Endgame and he was badass Thor in infinity.  But yes, Thor should have been able to kill stoneless Thanos easily.

  2. 3 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    I’d ask you not to be a homophobe. But I can only open the door, I can’t make you walk through it.

    Typical response from a poster like you.  I will let the good folks from South Park explain it, and then put you on my ignore list.  Feel free to drop some acid, listen to some shitty music and put me on yours.


    • Like 1
  3. Bicycle fags.  This morning a group of them peddling down the road not in single file, just bunched in a group on a small road with no bike lane.  Fuckers were just backing up traffic and not giving any fucks about it.  Everyone was yelling or honking at them when they got a chance to pass.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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    • Fuck You 2
  4. 19 hours ago, SHOOTER12 said:

    Also a lot of construction companies require you to back in when parking at their field offices/trailers.  The way their logic was explained to me is it no one is flying 90 to nothing getting to work and probably dragging like take a couple seconds and back in, as to where when it's time to get off everybody's driving like a bat out of hell to get home and have more accidents when they are pulled in rather than backed in. I think it was Zachary construction that did the research on that.

    Wasn't Zachary the aggy construction co that oversaw the bonfire building.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Sandman said:

    Every other radio ad is for boner pills or some other ED treatment. 

    And yes, I'm too cheap to pay for SiriusXM or any other music service. 

    Interesting thought after a string of post about children..............and assholes.

  6. 5 hours ago, The Ace of Aces said:

    The FAs should receive raises and promotions. 

    Meanwhile Spirit has canceled like 70 percent of its flights the past three days, its employees (well contractors, Spirit has few ground employees if any) have walked off the job in San Juan, etc. 

    Friends don't let friends fly cheap airlines. 

    Not sure that is entirely true, it might be.  Both sides are being kind of vague.  There is some confusion as to why Spirit is cancelling flights.  The current thing I read is that they are not able handle the massive load (insert joke here) of passengers so fast.  They need time to ramp up and they are the cheapest.  So cheap travel + covid bucks + don't travel regular = this shit right here.  

  7. 18 minutes ago, Brew said:

    It’s the Olympics, most of these people don’t make millions and do have to work shitty jobs to pay their bills outside of the top names.

    I have zero issue with them using their platform to take on issues. It’s what people with an audience do and this is their shot to take on shitty policies, shitty prejudices, and shitty people in general. In case you missed it, go back and listen to the shit the Venezuelan triple jumper deals with. The world is a screwed up place.

    As far as the overall Olympics, we have watched every night and I rarely watch TV or sports. Swimming and track and field have both had great stories coming out of them and ultimately that is what the Olympics are about. It’s the stories of the teenagers that do the unexpected, the old guard like Allyson Felix making one last stand, people like Finke coming out of nowhere and going double gold, the epic 400M hurdles final, etc. I don’t understand people like Helo that come in and post how happy they are for a team to lose. The women’s soccer team has dealt with some shit over the years while being one of the most successful US teams ever really, they have earned the right to take their stand.

    Please read my post.  I did not say most.  In fact I said a few athletes.  And they are very well known.  Use your platform via social media is ok with me.  Using your platform while there to represent a nation is just wrong imo.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 5 hours ago, Js1 said:

    Followed by half the country then rooting against their own country because their feelings are hurt.

    Freedom of fucking speech, baby! 

    First off, that is like your option man, not a fact.  Yes, Freedom of Speech.  Just like it is every American's freedom to turn off the tv.  I don't know anyone who is rooting against teams, in fact most people are rooting for them.  But many are not going to support or watch some pampered athletes who on one hand have made millions of dollars in endorsements by being a capitalist, and then bash it, and this country.  That is why they don't watch, it is a few bad apples that are spoiling the bunch.  People are tired of the belly aching that it's not fair from millionaire athletes, when these people live a privileged life.  You play a fucking game, you don't actually work a shitty job for a shitty wage.  Did you work hard to get there, yes, there is no arguing that and you have been very rewarded for it.  But don't go someplace and "represent" this country if you are going to turn around and disrespect or bash that very country that gave you the opportunity to be there.  Those entitled few are representing only themselves and their interests.

    And don't preach "feelings hurt".  JFC people had to endure 4 years of the biggest temper tantrum ever seen.  Christ that is just flat out hypocrisy.

    Rant over, take it to the CR, go bitch to a mod and hide under their skirt and report my post blah blah blah.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. 19 hours ago, Lobo said:

    Watched about 45 minutes of avatar for the first time recently, couldn't finish it.  Holy shit, what an awful movie, and I liked some of his other movies.  

    My random thought is about the main dude in the wheelchair.  He has the same DNA as his dead, identical twin.  The most important space mission in human history completely relies on him using his DNA to operate the local avatar body and this company has spared no expense to excavate this planet.  Presumably, neither the space ship nor the operating bases on this other planet are ADA compliant...doesn't make much sense since other than Stephen Hawking, we've never sent a person in a wheelchair into outer space...let alone another solar system-no point in building out ramps everywhere.  

    So he holds all the cards.  They need his DNA, he has to go up there in person, and he has to be in his wheelchair on ships/bases that aren't designed to accommodate him so that will cause infinite problems in terms of logistics, delays, safety, etc.  So instead of telling the corporation, "In the interest of simplicity and effectiveness...I'll go.  Just fix my legs first so I can complete the mission."  But nope, the only person he accepts "leg help" from is a psychopathic, genocidal maniac who seems about as trustworthy as Heinrich Himmler.  Horrible fucking movie. 


    That genocidal maniac also played Ike in Tombstone.

  10. So now that she is home I have more to tell.  The dinner guy who was just out of control apparently was all over the ship pissing everyone off.  They couldn't shake this guy.  They get off the elevator he is there, they go to the show, he is there announcing to the theatre his arrival.  Up in the adult only area where people go for the quiet he is screaming his displeasure about things.  4,000 people on a ship and he is everywhere.

    Food was a step above Country Kitchen Buffet in her opinion.  Drinks were meh.  She was so ready to get home and felt that every time she sat to relax it was time to get up and do something.  Pool was insufferable with the crowds etc.  She compared it to being trapped in an RV on vacation.  

  11. Docked, off the boat and on the way home.  But dinner last night had yet another show. Apparently dude did not get something he wanted threw a fit and then threw his plate off the table.  It hit another couple and covered them in food.  The cruise people had to ask them to move to another table.

    Home note, MIL's cat did not shit everywhere today.  

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