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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bone3421

  1. I don't know what all the bitchin is for. I'm up 16k% for the year and only down 21% for the month.
  2. Shit bro you should keep up with the gamestop folks...reverse repo, shit that was last months news... Been hearing about that since it was like at 300m what's it up to now 900m+ Shits borked
  3. I'm a believer...the game goes on
  4. If CLF pops today and I can get up to 200$ profit I'm probably going to sell and throw it all in GME....feeling like I need more Other than that holding my uuuu and weed stonks until they come to fruition
  5. Rough day...if only we had a time machine, woulda sold at 350$ and then reloaded today
  6. I would say the "currently shit company" is not accurate. They paid off debt, refreshed board with top talent from Amazon,chewy and announced new CEO and CFO. I would say currently they are looking pretty strong.
  7. That was the theory being thrown around...so not the best news for that. I'm on free shares so I'll hold a bit longer and see what happens. If it drops to far guess I'll be stuck with shares until the transformation is complete and it takes off
  8. 500, pfft....once the 8k comes out and we see the votes we'll find out how high this goes
  9. I've been in it...not sure if mentioned but they also announced a new medical branch "Symbios" the other day. In other news CLF is having another nice run...after my options expired of course
  10. Buckle up... Meeting is adjourned Ryan Cohen June 9, 2021 [emoji573][emoji573][emoji573][emoji573]
  11. Or maybe it's the year of the squeezes...gamma and short
  12. That would be problematic but you would have to be dumb to be in that spot. If you read up on other squeezes(Volkswagen, overstock,etc) you will see it's not a quick event. So you should be able to sell close to the peak, hopefully. We will know more after votes are announced in a week or so. Will give idea to how many shorts are still floating around out there
  13. Well first of all for the 2nd point...a short position has to be closed at some point. That's why squeezes work, a short is obligated to buy shares to close position. For the first point.. Berkshire trades at 434k currently, there is plenty of money in the market to cover.
  14. The "squeeze" isnt looking that squoze these days.....
  15. Looks to be still green on my ticker...
  16. Highest gme has been since January....
  17. Hope so, still got my calls for January and shares after reading a post in March[emoji106] Also if you recall I was asking if we expect all of uranium stocks to see a bump... Dennison mines is up 22.7% this month, I might sell tomorrow or this week and take my gains as it's just a side piece
  18. Still hasn't went above where I sold at so not sure what I would be mad about
  19. Just cancel it....this would be 4th one in 6 years, seems a bit excessive...let the players rest.
  20. I hope they end up cancelling it...reading the article about it and this jumped out at me...would be 4th Copa America in 6 years...seems a bit much
  21. Amc,BB and other "meme" stocks had crazy volume again.... Gme only had 8mil...after 15mil Wednesday
  22. Good luck...I was in since 8$ so I'll take my double up and try to get back in when whatever is going on calms down. Thing didn't move at all with all the good news months ago so I since a rug pull tomorrow or next week
  23. I sold my BB this morning, I just don't trust what's going on right now. Over 340m in volume yesterday and 500+m today??? I like it long with it's deals with Amazon and other companies,but I feel it will head back to 10$ soon so I took my profits and i'll buy back in if I get good price later
  24. Silver lining: Trent misses Euros and is rested and ready for LFC next season
  25. In non-meme news what do the smarter people here think about the fed announcement that they are winding down corporate bond holdings.... Bullish or bearish?
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