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Posts posted by sasquatch69

  1. 20 hours ago, Stinkpalm said:

    Same, man… same. I’ve been checking the DORBA app like a crack addict. Cedar hill SP opened this morning, everything else is still red, so I guess I’ll be heading to Cedar Hood this evening 

    Northshore and Horseshoe JUST flipped to green.  Thinking I may need to duck out on my final meetings this afternoon :D

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. Jonesing to get back out on the D/FW-area trails, especially with the gorgeous weather on tap for this week - and everything's still closed due to mud.  Hoping Northshore/Horseshoe will flip to green soon, as they're usually the first to do so.  Tyler's trails went green this morning, but no time to make that drive.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. I'm thinking the RMS remnants show may not be on air much longer.  The latest:



    A Dallas-Fort Worth radio DJ was charged with producing child pornography on Wednesday, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Texas announced.

    Clois Glenn Raborn, 49, who occasionally appeared on The Russ Martin Show on KEGL-FM (97.1), made his first court appearance Thursday afternoon, the U.S. attorney’s office said.


  4. 5 hours ago, Stinkpalm said:

    I’ve gotta get back over there. Been short on time lately, so just been rotating between northshore and horseshoe since they’re right next door. But curiosity about the east side is becoming an itch I need to scratch, and those photos don’t help.

    It’s definitely a challenge (and I don't feel I did it justice), but worth your time. And thanks to you as well for putting Gateway on my radar!

  5. @TwiceHorn, thanks for the Gateway Park rec. I had a day off today, so I headed over to FW to check it out and wasn’t disappointed. Did west loop twice and east loop once (including the new Wax Loop that was added on recently) for a total of 10.4mi.
    West was fantastic and easy to navigate even on the first go-around (though I skipped most of the features). The first half of East was easy, but then I hit the “Eddie’s Revenge” climb section which was really tough. I had to walk a few spots but got through it. The views of downtown at the top were worth it (basically, the highest point is right off I-30). 
    I can’t wait to go back.






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  6. 3 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    How much do y'all stand and pedal?

    I'm out of the saddle a fair amount, obviously, for descents and technical stuff, but don't standing pedal often, except maybe to surmount a climb, usually when I'm overgeared, or if it's so steep I need the weight on the front wheel.  And that's part of my aversion to standing pedaling:  I am conditioned now to keep my weight back on everything but climbs.  And standing to pedal tends to put my weight forward, which feels dangerous, except on flat, pretty smooth terrain, and climbs.  Not to mention the increased potential for pedal strikes.

    And DFW trails require a lot of pedaling.  There's just not enough sustained descent to remain out of the saddle for long and needing a few pedal strokes.  So sit n spin it is.

    But I may not be a very good standing pedaler.  So, I tried doing more standing pedaling on the single speed on the road so I could focus on form.  That's a bit less than ideal, because I can't upshift, so at some point I am going to start bouncing pretty good, no matter how good my form (at least I think?). 

    My standing pedaling experiment has caused some hip soreness, I'm pretty sure from the aforementioned bouncing.  Maybe this is a fool's errand.

    I find myself standing more now than I used to, particularly over small wooden features, etc. (like the little up-and-overs on blue/black trails at KJ), so I can pedal and get some good momentum coming off of them.  I also find myself dropping my butt back off the seat more now on drops.  One of these days I should probably spring for a dropper mechanism/post.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. Hadn't seen this mentioned in this thread, so apologies if I missed it above.



    On her now-private TikTok account, Caroline Cruz, 13, shared a video recently telling her viewers what it’s like being the daughter of U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, a homophobic Republican from Texas.

    “A lot of people judge me based upon him at first glance,” she said. “But I really disagree with most of his views.”


    The teen also said that their family Christmas card was Photoshopped to make her shirt longer.

    Cruz’s account went private shortly after her video started going viral. At the time, social media users posted what they wrote were screenshots of her profile that listed her pronouns on her bio as she/her and had “bi” written too.


  8. 9 hours ago, C-Man said:

    Incredible. I watched that a few weeks ago. There were some Soundboard FLAC/mp3 files of that show posted many moons back but they've all been scrubbed it appears. I could probably do it myself but it would be a lot of work. If anybody has it and can post it on Dropbox or something, I would be most thankful.

    Wow, I just watched that Bonnaroo 2006 video and it really was fantastic. I’ve only seen Radiohead in person once, at the Mitchell Pavilion in Houston in 2001, and while that was a great show it didn’t compare to this one.


    I also found it melancholy to watch this one, as I feel like 2006 was the last year before smartphones started really invading life shows and completely changed the experience for the worse.

  9. 14 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Right after a kind of blind descent (Green Loop), they added a pretty tall and very exposed section that caught me a little off guard.  I had already charged up the thing when I decided I might ought to stop and kind of check it out before proceeding.  Well, I had already climbed it, the rest was descent, but I really dislike starting from a stop on a descent, particularly when it's exposed like that.  So I walked it down. 


    Is that the rerouted section that runs alongside the SoPac trail embankment? If so, it caught me off guard a couple weeks ago as well. 

    Even after riding it numerous times, I still struggle with the rooty up and down section on the blue loop right before you turn right and go under the bridge. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. The live broadcast of the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols from Kings College, Cambridge, UK has become a Christmas Eve tradition at our house.  No sermon, no proselytizing, just a series of Christmas carols/anthems interspersed with readings from the KJV, all with fantastic British accents and sung by one of the best choirs in the world.  It's listened to/watched by millions across the UK (and now the world via streaming), and always begins with the director tapping one of the boy choristers on the shoulder just as the mics go live, to sing the first verse of "Once In Royal David's City" solo a cappella.  

    If you appreciate any kind of music, really, it's worth listening to.  Though tickets are hard to get, hearing it in person in the gorgeous 16th-century Kings College chapel is a bucket list item for me.

    Here's today's service.  Hope all you Surly folks have a great Christmas: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0012r7b

    Brilliance and Beauty in Equal Measure – Choir of King's College, Cambridge  | Musica Viva Australia Blog

  11. On 12/19/2021 at 8:32 AM, TwiceHorn said:

    I guess we should talk about cold weather riding attire.

    I had bought some softshell pants, but they're really too warm for all but the coldest rides.  Got some thin, "coolmax" tights, pantyhose, as my wife likes to call them, and they're really just about right for riding down into the high 40s.  And, I guess legs are really kind of the least of your worries.

    I have fleece pullovers of varying weights that seem to work pretty well, but it feels like it might be nice to have some wind protection, especially at first before you get warmed up.  But I am pretty sure most "windbreakers" would turn into a sauna before most rides are over.  I don't think even the best GoreTex is really up for that.

    Also, I avoid full zip jackets, without actually having tried one, on the theory that unzipped, it would billow and flap around annoyingly.

    One problem that is kind of peculiar to me is that I don't really like riding with a backpack.  I avoid my hydration pack in all but the hottest weather.  And that means I never have any place to stick removed layers, so I force myself to get it right or be a little cold, from the get-go.  One of my riding buddies has a fannypack type thing that holds a couple of water bottles and probably has room for a jacket or fleece.  Maybe I should try something like that.

    No backpack for me either, pretty much ever.  I usually wear a pair of padded MTB shorts (my wife calls them "butt pants") with zipper pockets for keys, phone, ID - and then just use a cage on my bike for my water bottle.  When it's under 50 I wear a pair of padded bike pants under the shorts, a long-sleeve dri-fit and a fleece top.  That's pretty much good for anything 40 and up.  I rode Horseshoe one time last year when it was 35* and wore an additional top layer, full gloves and a skullcap under my helmet, which was sufficient once I got warmed up.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Stinkpalm said:

    Nope. Ended up riding the west loop twice, like you did. Forgot my phone that day and didn’t really study the trail map beforehand, as I wasn’t expecting the trail to be so poorly marked, so I missed the turnoff to hit the East side. Definitely going to try again and hit that side next time, just to try my hand at the DH-ish jump line (even though I still suck at jumping). I’ve heard the East side is the better side, though.

    Hit northshore the other day just before the front moved in. Still have a ways to go to get back into decent riding shape, but felt much better after getting warm (and working off the Cuban sandwich from lunch in the first couple miles). Oncor has clear cut all of their previously untouched powerline easements and it’s just ass ugly. I get it, it’s just what the power companies do, but I’ll still bitch and whine about it every time I ride it from now on. I didn’t even recognize parts of the trail that were cleared, after having ridden it regularly for 12 years. It’s amazing how different the same trail can feel when it’s surrounded by trees versus open land. 

    They did the same thing last year at Big Cedar and it was awful - they completely obliterated 2-3 trails that ran through the easement by bulldozing over them.  Trail stewards finally have them mostly back to normal now, but without the brush that was around them previously.

  13. On 12/11/2021 at 4:33 PM, sasquatch69 said:

    Not exactly sure. Need to talk to the tech - just got a voice mail.

    Got my bike back. Bottom bracket just crapped out, basically - may have gotten dirt in it or something, but the action got super rough and noisy on rotation. Tech basically said “they don’t make them like they used to, so it’s a good thing they’re cheap to replace”. Rode 6mi at KJ this morning and it’s good as new.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 7 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Creaks are so deceptive sometimes. I had a creak that I attributed to the fork, which needed service. In any event it seemed to come from the front of the bike. 

    Of course, it was probably the cracked frame, which was near the seat tube. 

    What broke on the bottom bracket? Bearings give out? 


    Not exactly sure. Need to talk to the tech - just got a voice mail.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. Finally back riding somewhat regularly  again after nearly two months off due to some vertigo issues. The last couple of rides my crank has gotten really creaky, especially when really pushing down on climbs. I took off the pedals and greased the threads, and put a little grease in the openings of the crank, but no change. Took it to the LBS and turns out it’s a broken bottom bracket - and it’ll take at least a week to get a replacement. Dammit.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. On 11/30/2021 at 7:37 PM, South Austin said:

    A lot of that shit costs a lot of money. Yet smack dab in the middle of that is elimination of property taxes. 

    Brownback tried a similar approach in Kansas and it led to financial ruin for the state for several years.

  17. Quote

    The new campus is planned to be built around the law school, 1515 Commerce St. Two buildings, the Texas A&M System Research and Innovation Center and the new Education Alliance Building, will flank the existing school. The law school, housed in a former Southwestern Bell call switching facility, will be razed and replaced with a new building serving as an entryway to the campus.

    The new campus, described by Sharp as Aggieland North, would be much more than the law school. It could house programs in emergency response communication, medical technology, advanced manufacturing, nutrition, biotechnology, medical laboratory science and nursing.


    This is a shot across the bow at TCU, which has pretty much had FW to itself w/r/t community/corporate connections.  OTOH, it's a nice boost for the east end of downtown, which has been pretty shabby for a while - and helps bring some new activity downtown after a long exodus of businesses (Radio Shack, Pier 1, XTO, etc.)

  18. 19 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Funny thing.  Baker McKenzie is large and has a very substantial international footprint and has had for a long time.  Longer, say, than Norton Rose Fulbright, the Norton Rose being a British firm.

    But it's not really good at most of the things American law firms are good at:  corporate finance, big ticket litigation, energy, IP, environmental, etc.  So I guess it really is all about shadowy international transactions.



  19. Got four rides in this week before the rain hit on Friday. Rode another 8mi on the Trinity Skyline Trail (mostly gravel) today just for scenic views and something different, especially since my three “local” trails are still closed.

    Put some Maxxis Rekons on the bike that a buddy gave me when he went tubeless. So far, so good. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  20. I realize we're generally in analysis mode, but stepping back, I'm just struck by how utterly alien this is to the concept of actual representation for your region.  All the urban areas (and even some rural) are so carved up that some of these reps won't even know half the areas they're ostensibly representing.   

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