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Everything posted by patrickdrinksbeer

  1. what happened to junior this morning? left mid-show and never heard them address it.
  2. Big crawfish cookoff with live music and new beer releases at Great Heights Brewing today, if anyone is looking for something to do.
  3. While Cole’s agent, Scott Boras, negotiated a seven-year, $163.5 million extension with the Astros for second baseman José Altuve last spring, Boras generally prefers his clients to establish their values on the open market. For Cole, who is eligible to hit the open market at the end of the season, Boras almost certainly would want a deal in excess of the largest contract awarded a free-agent starting pitcher this offseason — six years, $140 million to left-hander Patrick Corbin. Cole, like Corbin, would reach free agency entering his age-29 season. And while lefties are a rarer commodity than righties, Cole is the more accomplished pitcher, and not by a small margin. His ERA, when adjusted for league and ballpark, is 17 percent better than the league average; Corbin’s is nine percent. In virtually every statistical category — strikeout rate, strikeout-to-walk rate, fielding independent pitching — Cole holds a substantial edge. A short-term, high-dollar extension for Verlander, who will pitch at 37 in 2020, also would appear to be a long shot. The Astros, one of the game’s most analytically driven clubs, are unlikely to pay market value to a pitcher of Verlander’s age. And Verlander, who finished second in the 2018 Cy Young voting, probably would not want to take a pay cut from his current salary of $28 million.
  4. two new beers this saturday at Great Heights. we’re also doing a 17 team crawfish cook-off and will have a couple bands in the afternoon. swing by if you’re in the hood.
  5. first scenario is automatic third year, the second scenario is club option
  6. If he went .330/50/150 this season, he wouldn’t get a 6x$35M offer
  7. i bet correa turned down a similar offer after 2017
  8. the actual tweet provided context. it’s the number of players drafted by the organization to have made it to the bigs with that team, since 2014
  9. reminds me how affordable it is to drink beer in oregon
  10. anyone else tired of gordon’s obsession with gender stories? do we need to hash out every single one of these stories?
  11. from ken rosenthal: The Dodgers offered Harper another option – a three-year deal with opt-outs and an AAV above Zack Greinke’s record $34.4 million but well below $40 million, according to sources.
  12. he actually nailed it. i thought it was a dumbass prediction too.
  13. my guess is that boras made it known that they weren’t listening to anything less than 8 years, but now that they haven’t gotten those offers, the dodgers feel like they have a shot on a shorter, higher AAV offer.
  14. yeah, that was not thinly veiled sarcasm
  15. hmm, i wonder when that was written? if publishers would date their articles maybe we could know.
  16. beer trading is a pretty big thing on the internets. beeradvocate, reddit, instagram, beerexchange, etc all have means of facilitating trades. where you’re located and what you have access to will determine what beers are obtainable for you.
  17. i haven’t visited, didn’t realize there was a restaurant involved. edit: i’m an idiot, i thought you were talking about celis, not nxnw south. carry on.
  18. meaning the taproom? it costs nothing to run a taproom. i don’t see how that could possibly make sense if you’re keeping the building.
  19. tucker is classified as a rookie for 2019 season.
  20. Coincidentally, I just got wind today about Strange Land selling some equipment. Have no actual info on the status of the business.
  21. i’ve also had solid beers from baileson. not one i considered sub-par. haven’t had beer from most on greenspoint’s list, but he did name a couple i would agree with. by the way, greenspoint, have you had a GHBC beer since your visit during our first month?
  22. taproom is kind of weird, being an old mexican restaurant, but the beer is fantastic.
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