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Everything posted by patrickdrinksbeer

  1. are you sure that’s what you’re drinking? because david s., the lone untappd user to have checked in that beer strongly disagrees!
  2. it’s like you’re not even familiar with infrastructure man.
  3. breakside is a very well respected and run operation that makes awesome beer. so that sounds promising.
  4. New Great Heights brew debuting tomorrow. 6% berliner base with blackberry and raspberry purée added during fermentation. not a milkshake fruit smoothie beer. this is a dry, tart, and drinkable.
  5. does it actually taste like beer? some of these fruit smoothie beers looks so ridiculous to me, i just can’t.
  6. have we talked about how girl-next-door hot michelle is in this thread?
  7. that beer beat out 166 others (including mine) to win gold at GABF in 2019
  8. we had to furlough 2 full time sales reps, a delivery driver, and our assistant brewer. the taproom staff has been manning beer-to-go sales. my partner and i have done all the brewing, cellaring, and packaging. but, sales have been great. our distro business disappeared completely but we’re selling a ton of crowlers and 4-packs. the margins compared to draft beer are trash when you can on our scale (ordering 1 or 2 pallets of cans at a time), but we’re certainly in a much better spot than just about anyone who has no canning line. bringing in enough to pay all of our bills at least.
  9. saw that on reddit. doesn’t make much sense to me unless the daniels just desperately want out of the business and were willing to take a low valuation that SA couldnt pass up.
  10. $12 seems a little steep but is $7.99 the regular price? i’m guessing that’s a sale price.
  11. they must have connections because they managed to get on shelves in HEB and Specs without a brewery. their entire investment is in a branding firm.
  12. i had never heard of these guys before this post. 10k IG followers and a branded delivery van for a brewery who doesn’t brew and has 300 untappd check-ins.
  13. maybe they would still be open if you bought their beer instead of belgian imports.
  14. give that glass a quick cold water rinse before you fill it next time
  15. what a kick in the nuts to finally get a brewery open during this shitty time period
  16. i’m pulling for Great Heights Brewing Company.
  17. their largest customers (HEB, Whole Foods, etc) pretty much prohibit that sort of thing.
  18. by the time this whole situation shakes out, i think we’ll lose at least 25% and maybe closer to 50% of the breweries in this country.
  19. wow. can’t believe they kept that under wraps for the most part.
  20. i went to the internets looking for this info and didn’t see anything. is this insider friend info?
  21. plenty of craft breweries will be closing this year if people stop going to bars and taprooms for a month.
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