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Everything posted by patrickdrinksbeer

  1. i don’t disagree, but that’s a huge “if” for a dude who’s never thrown more than 128 MLB innings in a season. handing out $18M x 3 right now seems like a huge overpay. He knows the risks, too.
  2. oily adjuncts are tough to brew with. kills beer foam and head retention.
  3. it was bad. way too long. i finally turned it off when doug benson was touring the store. i just couldn’t anymore.
  4. Watch out for a new Wakefield-facing deck at Great Heights Brewing this week...
  5. pretty sure neither D&T nor JGB have been part of Treadsack for quite some time.
  6. completely meaningless until the fines and missed paychecks are reality.
  7. Signed Steven Souza to a minor league deal. So we got that going for us...
  8. i was pretty disappointed when they sold out. Sucks was probably my most purchased beer in like 2013-2014.
  9. just for a little more perspective, we’re at about $0.50 per can in packaging costs (can+lid+label+paktech holder+cardboard case flat). that doesn’t include the cost of canning machine, CO2, spillage, labor, designer, or any of the actual beer costs. so there is an enormous difference in selling a $12-16 four pack of IPA to-go ($3-4 per beer) compared to $6-7 pints in glassware we can use hundreds of times. our business built on margins of draft beer isn’t really feasible on margins of canned beer (at a small scale).
  10. yeah we’ve participated with HopDrop in the past, but we have no issue selling all of our own cans. it’s the slowed taproom and distributed keg sales that have tanked. obviously i understand why that is and we’ve been very cautious in our own taproom with reduced capacity, no bar seating, one-use plastic cups only (which i despise), only table service (no lines), and zero events. we may jump back on with HopDrop just to move a little more volume. the production capacity of our canning line and the (lack of) availability of actual cans really limit the amount of volume we can put into cans vs kegs. it’s probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 30/70 right now.
  11. drinking one of those right now, myself. thanks for the support!
  12. just north of the Heights proper. appreciate any word of mouth!
  13. dry january is gonna sink some breweries. december was horrible and january and february are going to be worse. we’re a fairly popular brewery, well regarded, in a great spot and we’re struggling right now.
  14. watched the new clooney film “the midnight sky.” fucking terrible.
  15. ironic they use the word “trademark” to describe their own product
  16. this makes zero sense to me unless there happens to be a severe shortage of restaurant space in munster, indiana. if they own the real estate, its impossible to make sense of. if they lease, there has to be someone willing to pay to take over that is a better bet to succeed than an absolute 100% fail-proof concept (on the other side of covid). just don’t get it.
  17. How on Earth did you stumble upon this website, Mrs. Papelbon?
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