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Sheep Have Wool

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Sheep Have Wool

  1. 49 minutes ago, SameSame said:

    I'm not dying on any hill.  The guy's going to LSU.  Looks like both sides are happy with that.  He gets to join a good program and they get this psychopath who Texas fans say will destroy the program.  We all take our chances.



    4 minutes ago, Carl Winslow said:

    thuglife = championships  choir boys = texas from 2010-2017

    brooks is a take

    I'm legitimately unsure if both of you are trolling or are just mentally defective. I'm either case, I'm negging you both. It's the only way to be sure.

  2. 6 hours ago, futureman said:

    he probably spent a few minutes, or more, taking the time to neg all those posts of yours.  and those are minutes he will never get back.  so, that’s good. 

    To be fair, it's not like the guy could have much else going on in his life.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Katfid54 said:

    They're also extremely susceptible to losing backs out of the backfield. We'd been saving the mesh/RB wheel for OU (which scored a TD). We might score on it another time of two against Baylor, especially since Evans wants to see RBs catching passes. 

    Was that called in your Herman offense Mensanalysis thread? If so, a tip of the hat.

    I haven't watched a ton of Baylor football this year, but from my limited viewing, their LB corps is bad to very bad. Some tempo and passes to RBs to exploit mismatches could lead to easy scores, especially if they keep having to involve their secondary in the run game.

  4. 42535100_245963832709698_522492508173729

    Sous vide chuck roast with an herb crust and au jus, honey-glazed carrots, and a salad (and a shitty Instagram filter).

    Despite the questionable photography choices, this was really, really good. There's a great recipe from Chefsteps that I used. I've made sous vide chuck roasts before, but trimming it up and reassembling it made a huge difference to the final product: it was absolutely prime rib-like in taste and texture. Their idea of using the juices from the bag to make an au jus was also a great one, and I'll probably continue to use it when I make pan sauces in the future (and might save it to freeze).

    • Like 9
  5. image.png

    The German food from @Brisketexan and @PantsTent inspired me to see if I could fix my rinder rouladen recipe, and I was super pleased with the results. For those sadly impoverished souls who might not be familiar, it's basically a pickle wrapped in bacon wrapped in mustard slathered meat that gets braised, then served with brown gravy.

    It tastes like pot roast, but if pot roast was more deliciously complex and tasted better. Also there's pickle, which is completely non-optional. Removing it is like putting beans in chili.

    • Like 7
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  6. Just now, Vic Mackey said:

    I guess I don't pay attention. I am not sure what the chant proves in this instance. It's a conference game. One of the SECSEC teams are going to lose.

    Wrong. One team wins, and the other gets a near victory over a sitting P5 SEC team.

    • Like 1
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  7. 23 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    EJ on Hamm from earlier today.

    Hamm helped Footwork King build his brand. He was the first reporter to give him much attention, so FK still helps him out. That's why Hamm gets so angry when I get info from FK i.e. the Shepherd visit in the summer. FK wants his kids to make conscious decisions, while the latter, well, you know. Remember, FK has kids at Texas, A&M, LSU and TCU.

    I seem to recall EJ fellating some quarterback coach recently in an effort to do the exact same thing. Does anyone have the name?

    • Like 1
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  8. 44 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Lmao. You don't score 40 when you turn the ball over 4 times and can't get 6 in the red zone. Fuck out of here he ain't right about shit.

    I am entirely unsurprised you missed the point of that post.

    • Like 1
  9. 55 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:

    Some Texas fans feel that TCU coach Gary Patterson was slighting Sam Ehlinger with a comment made about the Longhorns quarterback on Tuesday.

    Drew Davison@drewdavison

    TCU coach Gary Patterson on Texas QB Sam Ehlinger: "He will beat you with his feet. He’s a running back playing quarterback, he beats you with his feet. ... He’s the X-factor in their offense.”

    2:26 PM · Sep 18, 2018


    I mean, I'm offended. He's a fullback, you fat sweaty fuck.

    • Like 5
  10. 10 minutes ago, satyanash said:

    I'm tempted to partially believe Hamm, if only because I heard from Wescott a few years ago about how much Brauninger despises him. But there's no way that's all there was to their confrontation. There had to be more.

    There's undoubtedly more. You don't get removed from a football game because you're just having a heated discussion.

    It's also going to be basically impossible to get a non-twisted version of the facts from Hamm. He's such an insecure little shit that he has to cast everything as someone else's fault. I can't blame his wife for bailing. Can you imagine it? "You see, honey, it's not MY fault I got fired. I just ran out of paycheck!"

  11. 16 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Also, anyone crowing right now about Ehlinger doing anything other than showing up and being positively average this past Saturday are either Westlake honks or clueless about the game. I'd like to think that Ehlinger can continue the relatively idiot-free play this Saturday against TCU, but I feel pretty certain that Patterson and crew are fucking cackling right now about how many looks they're going to give Ehlinger in order to coax a multitude of baffling totally expected turnovers. 

    Fify. I expect two, but I'm hoping they're more of the "arm punt" variety and less of the "endzone pick returned for a touchdown" sort.

    I suspect the playcalling is more on the "we don't trust Sam" side. It seems like many of the plays are designed to limit the amount of processing he has to do, which, yeah, that's probably not a bad idea.

    To be a little more fair to Sam, he did have some very solid passes, as well as a couple others that should have been caught. He also should have gotten tagged for a safety. I think most of the reason he looked better is that the offense looked (slightly) more effective, and that had a ton to do with (occasionally) not playing directly into our tendencies and actually planning to have Sam run the ball.


  12. 31 minutes ago, Katfid54 said:

    Orlando's D is going to present a much different test.  Instead of bringing 6+ on every play, Orlando will bring 3-5 per play, counting on coverage to prevent TCU from being able to his those quick rhythm throws.  Will TCU's OL be able to hold up against our 3-5 man rush every play?  Who knows.  The OSU game tells us nothing about this.  That's the real match up of the game, in my mind.

    I actually feel pretty good about our ability to apply pressure and get by/through the TCU OL, but I don't feel great at all about our ability to do that effectively and contain Robinson. Hagar is going to have to show he can do more than charge mindlessly into the backfield, or we're going to see them convert a ton of 3rd-and-8s.

  13. 5 hours ago, Jack Straw said:


    That looks outstanding, especially with that red pepper flake. How did it taste? Do you have a solid recipe?

    Provoleta is always good, but I don't feel like I've ever had any that was great, even in Argentina. I can't help but think, "You know what would make this awesome? If you threw some chorizo in and turned it into queso fundido."

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