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Lazarus Bocanegra

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Posts posted by Lazarus Bocanegra

  1. Office > park > line > nom Feges BBQ (moist plate w/ corn & carrots) > coffee > exit > office in 45 minutes today.  Putting out a very good product over there, and the veg give me the positives.  No pics

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, NastyDreams said:

    According to the true history of having a Bacchanal, they won't have achieved a real appreciation until they get drunk enough to throw up on each other.  Tickets please.

    if we're gonna be technical about it, it won't be a bacchanal without the sparagmos and omophagia, the tearing apart and eating of raw flesh



  3. 29 minutes ago, RD3 said:

    So here's the question... when I go to a BGE "dealer" are the prices all the same?  There is one about 6 miles from me and they deliver free in a 10 mile radius.  I am thinking of going in today during lunch to take a look.  Tips?

    Generally, the prices are consistent.  That said, depending on where you are located, might be able to find a deal over Memorial Day weekend. I bought my Large BGE in Houston at Bering's on Memorial Day weekend, used their 20% off coupon.  

    As for accessories, you'll definitely want the plate setter.  I've found the ash tool pretty helpful.  Ultimately, you will fry your gasket.  I did so several years ago and never felt the need to replace it.  YMMV   I would also recommend replacing the dome thermometer because the BGE is a pos.  NBD if you're running a dual-probe

  4. 4 hours ago, Bat Guano said:

    I'd be careful with the tobacco, at least if you're going to spray it on tomatoes, because it might contain tobacco mosaic virus. I've always heard you should keep tobacco as far away from tomatoes as possible.


    • Like 3
  5. 2 minutes ago, Lazarus Bocanegra said:

    +rep to PenelopeWitherspoon


    I would add going to Boom Chicago to the list.  It's in the Leidesplein Theater and is always great.  


  6. +rep to PenelopeWitherspoon


    I would add going to Boom Chicago to the list.  It's in the Leidesplein Theater and is always great.  

    and eat at Mr. Hot Potato

    • Like 1
  7. 12 hours ago, Reagan1k said:

    Flying in mid-June and need to plan 3 evening meals for clients from both in and out of town.  Party of 5 - what are the current can't miss spots in town right now?

    Last time in town with this group I did State of Grace and Xochi.  

    Doris Metropolitan 

    B&B Butchers 

    I believe there is a table that can fit 5 at Theodore Rex 



    • Like 1
  8. Self-promoting threadjack, but I co-hosted the Americana Cafe on 90.1 KPFT this afternoon and my playlist included some of the aforementioned Texas Country/folk singer songwriters.  Any some North Carolingians.  And a brit.  give a listen

    Please come back to Texas, Mike Nicolai

    Also, the Avett Brothers are honorary Texans now.  I was there and seent it happen


    • Like 1
  9. Pending Counts  
    18:1956(h); 18:981(a)(1)(B),(C); 18:982(a); 28:2461 - Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering; Criminal Forfeiture
    18:1956(h); 18:981(a)(1)(B),(C), 982(a), 28:2461 - Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering; Criminal Forfeiture
    18:1957(a); 18:981(a)(1)(B),(C); 18:982(a); 28:2461 Transactional Money Laundering; Criminal Forfeiture
    18:1957(a); 18:981(a)(1)(B),(C), 982(a), 28:2461 - Transactional Money Laundering; Criminal Forfeiture
    18:1956(a)(2)(B)(i); 18:981(a)(1)(B),(C); 18:982(a); 28:2461 - International Money Laundering; Criminal Forfeiture
    31:5324(a)(3); 18:981(a)(1)(B),(C); 18:982(a); 28:2461 Structuring Financial Transactions; Criminal Forfeiture
    18:1956(a)(2)(B)(i); 18:981(a)(1)(B),(C), 982(a), 28:2461 - International Money Laundering; Criminal Forfeiture
    18:1956(a)(1)(A)(ii); 18:981(a)(1)(B),(C), 982(a), 28:2461 - Laundering of Monetary Instruments; Criminal Forfeiture
    31:5324(a),(d)(2); 18:2; 18:981(a)(1)(B),(C), 982(a), 28:2461 - Structuring Financial Transactions; Aiding and Abetting; Criminal Forfeiture
    18:1001(a)(2) - False Statements
    18:1344(2), 1349; 18:981(a)(1)(B),(C), 982(a), 28:2461 - Bank Fraud Conspiracy; Criminal Forfeiture
    26:7201 - Tax Evasion
    18:1001(a)(2) 18:981(a)(1)(B),(C); 18:982(a); 28:2461 False Statements to Federal Agents; Criminal Forfeiture
    18:1349; 18:981(a)(1)(B),(C); 18:982(a); 28:2461 Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud; Criminal Forfeiture
    • Like 1
  10. On 4/13/2018 at 8:38 AM, idigTexas said:

    Anyone have experience, good or bad, with any cycling touring companies?  I'm considering a trip, but haven't yet decided on the destination.  I've been reading a lot of online reviews, but it's nice to have first hand info.

    I did a ride along with Pursuit from Madison - Chicago in the summer of 2016 that was organized by Trek Travel.  It was absolutely top-notch.  Food, staff, equipment, and accommodations were all outstanding.  10/10 would ride again.  

  11. For those interested, the recent Tales from the Pits episodes with Patrick Feges are outstanding, particularly if you're from Houston and you enjoy the local food scene.  He gets into a lot, from getting blown up in Iraq, to various stints around town, Wes, Killen, Shepherd, Knight, etc.  Worth the listen.  

  12. Had a pretty good solo game the other night.  Came upon one dude standing next to one of the brick sheds as a I crept over a hill.  Somehow, looking right at me, he doesn't see me.  Although I had a scar, I potatoed for a second and change to a bandage right before I started closing the gap on him.  Without realizing it, I changed to hunting rifle, ducked down, and shot him square in the face.  Later, the final group had ensconced themselves in fortified towers, and I placed the perfect ramp straight up on top of a dude in the samurai outfit, dropped in behind him unawares, got a shot off, then fell off his tower for much damage.  Then blown up by dude in the other tower.  fml

    The new replay feature is incredible too.  


  13. On 3/26/2018 at 10:10 AM, Dr.J said:

    stealth mode is the way to go, live on the edge of the storm

    Had a match the other night where I wound up inadvertently riding the storm after I got caught not paying attention (as per usual).  Running through the storm to safety, I see a purple glow in one of the ruin houses.  I'm close enough to the storm wall that the time spent to divert is worth seeing what's in there.  In and out quick-like.  Purple Scar.  I'm hauling ass out of the storm, and right where I'm about to come out is a grove of trees.  Good cover to bandage up.  I come out of the storm, and there's a dude taking cover behind that tree, engaged with another guy across the field.  

    Purple Scar straight to the dome.  Booty acquired. 

    I use his sniper to take a couple shots at the guy he was engaging, and then when that guy charges me I go full potato, forget to switch back to the Scar, and am swiftly executed with sniper rifle still in hand. 

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