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Posts posted by Texas73

  1. 4 hours ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    A good friend of mine said the exact same thing just the other week. He's 61 and is as honest as the day is long, but he's Team R regardless of the candidates in front of him. He did walk it back a bit by saying "never say never", because his dad was a yella dog Dem from Wichita Falls who never voted for an R in his life until the final 2 presidential elections of his life (hint: the D won but was infamous for wearing a tan suit once).

    Beto is not going to win by converting these type of Republican voters. Texas is not going to go blue by converting them either. Beto's and Texas' hope of going blue is with increased voter turnout, specifically among Hispanics. 

  2. Just now, SmokeyTheBear said:

    Giuliani made a statement and says there are other recordings and that the FBI has them. Trumps words on hearing about this latest revelation was that he wasn't aware he was recording and that "I can't believe he is doing this to me."

    Get the popcorn. This gonna get good.

  3. 7 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:


    All  he has to do is keep reiterating how very much in favor of marijuana legalization he is. 

    This.         There are enough Republicans who want marijuana legalization to put Beto over the top. In addition, this stance would increase the millennial vote which is already going for Beto.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Celery Man said:


    (edit - not poking fun at anyone in particular, just thinking about what kind of swing he needs in rural Texas)

    I'm not making fun of anyone either.

    Here is the deal: Trump got 52.2% and Clinton got 43.2%, so yes Trump won Texas by 9%. Using those numbers for O'Rourke vs Cruz, O'Rourke would need to pic up 4.6% statewide, resulting in O'Rourke: 43.2% + 4.6% = 47.8% and Cruz: 52.2% - 4.6% = 47.6%.  All this is assuming over 4% goes to others.

    When you lose by 9% you don't need to swing 10% your way to win but rather > 4.5%.

    I'm done.

  5. 11 minutes ago, RayDog said:

    I meant that Beto needs a swing of 10% of the rural vote. Trump only won by 9%, and Beto should do well enough in non-rural areas to make it close.

    Trump won the entire state by 9% so Beto would need to have a 10% swing of all of Texas, not just the rural vote.  

  6. 16 minutes ago, RayDog said:

    Beto's 254 county swing was brilliant as he only needs to get 10% more of the rural vote than Trump did. Trump's tariffs alone may give Beto that much.  

    What? Beto ONLY needs to get 10% more of the rural vote than Trump did?  Explain please.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

    That Cruz is now engaging Beto on twitter tells me he's nervous as hell, as he should be.

    Lose this race and you can pretty much put a fork in his political career.

    This election is monumental if Beto wins. It is disgusting that all of rural Texas will vote for him for one reason: the R in front of his name. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    And those who qualify. Just graduating HS does not make one qualify.

    You have that right. I teach college students who have Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Pre-Calculus credit on their high school transcript whose math level is middle school. Many couldn't make a 50 on an Algebra 1 final exam. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I hate to be Debbie Downer but Mueller’s findings are not going to remove Trump.

    Seriously, what facts could Mueller possibly provide that would force the Republican’s hand?

    Mueller could name Trump as a witting co-conspirator and the Republicans still won’t act because Trump’s base doesn’t give a shit if Trump committed treason to beat Hillary, they applaud it.

    All the high crimes and misdemeanors necessary to remove Trump are on full display right in front of everyone.  Americans don’t need Mueller to be the minister of truth to tell us Trump obstructed justice and conspired with Russia to undermine democracy.  He ran a campaign on undermining democracy.  “The election is rigged! Russia if your listening...Wikileaks! I love Wikileaks!”  Not enough gave a shit at the time, what makes you think they will now?

    I really hate that you are right. I've been an educator for almost 5 decades and Hope Springs Eternal keeps me going. I keep thinking people will see the light, use critical thinking skills, hell, just thinking skills and realize how fucked we are with Trump. Roy Moore did lose in bright red Alabama.

    With hundreds of millions of people I can't believe we elected a dotard. 

  10. Lifelong Democrat here starting with working in the McGovern campaign while at UT. As for as "78% support free public university tuition", what is the price of free tuition to every public university in the United States? Seems it would be astronomical, impossible to fund.

    I can see free public junior college tuition but all public university tuition seems impossible to me.

    • Like 1
  11. 31 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    - Neil Gorsuch
    - Brett Kavanaugh
    - Tax cuts
    - Widespread deregulation

    I, also, could go on and on.

    If it could have just as easily happened on the D side, why didn't it? He tossed a coin and it landed, coincidentally, on the elephant instead of the donkey?

    No, the American conservative movement has gone down an obvious path that led it to this point. From Goldwater to Palin, you can trace the path to this presidency without much effort, regardless of what the more upper-crust conservatives want to believe.


    White trash put Trump in office. 

    • Like 2
  12. 57 minutes ago, ScottishHorn said:

    I dont excuse anything.  I dont think Trump has ever pretended to be anything but what he is.  Hillary has.

    Trump has pretended to be moral, honest, intelligent and a patriot. He isn't.

  13. 50 minutes ago, ScottishHorn said:

    I care about neither.  I just think it's funny when Hillary takes a moral position.   

    Defend what Trump did today. It is far more important what Trump does and says than a tweet from Hillary. Catch up.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Shinesintx said:

    Let’s see...raise taxes, kill more babies, abolish ICE, let more illegals in, open borders, Russia Russia Russia. Yep, that ought to do it.

    Bullshit. These are not Beto stances. Fuck you.

    • Like 3
  15. 25 minutes ago, pepper brooks said:

    Same here. I find the Republican Party wholly incompetent and repulsive. I find the Democrat alternative full of mentally ill imbeciles who’s ideology is rooted in abject failure.  I am repulsed by politics in general, but when push comes to shove I will take the ones who at least pretend like they’re not insane. 


    I still cannot see where all the race/facism shit comes from. It’s now if you favor upholding immigration laws and kicking out the felons breaking our laws and if you’re someone who actually upholds your oath of office to make sure the laws are enforced, you’re a racist. It’s really a kindergarten argument. I don’t like the immigration laws. I absolutely want them enforced.  I absolutely want Congress and the president to work on a new immigration law.  THere is a right way to go about changing outdated law. Ignoring the law, failing to enforce it, failing to work on a new law, and calling people racists isn’t the way.  Off soap box and out of here. 

    The policy in the Obama presidency was when illegal aliens commit crimes they are sent back. Sounds like you agree with that.

    The current ICE policy is not only illegal but downright Un-American. In January, 2018, my Hispanic contractor was followed by an ICE vehicle as he was leaving Home Depot in Austin headed to work. A few blocks from his destination 3 ICE vehicles stopped him and surrounded his vehicle. He was questioned about whether he was a United States citizen for 20 minutes. He was born in Austin, he gave them his birthday and told them he was born at Brackenridge, he had to give them his childhood address and they asked him to name all the schools he attended as a child. He of course was let go.

    This kind of action is race profiling by police. This is the bullshit that Sheriff Arpaio did which is illegal. Fuck ICE.


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  16. 15 hours ago, Lucid said:

    Because I happened across this article first and because I'm not aware of any religion that says divorce is verboten, even the catholics have their annulment thing

    Are you aware that up until the 1960's when divorce became more common, conservative churches like the Baptist church and the Churches of Christ would ban people who got divorces from their churches?

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