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Posts posted by Texas73

  1. 15 minutes ago, Hate said:

    Well, here is what I stand for and you tell me how I should vote:

    1.  I'm against open borders, but I do support legal immigration.  I did not agree with the "Syrian airlift" that Obama started and that Clinton wanted to double.  

    2.  I wouldn't say I support abortion as I think the idea is abhorrent, but I realize that as a society we are probably better off without thousands of unwanted and unsupported kids.

    3.  I support "Republican" platforms as far as the economy goes.  I'm not one of those that pretends that Republicans care about the debt more than the Democrats, because neither has shown that they do.  

    4.  I didn't agree with the Iran deal or the Paris Climate change deal. 

    5.  I didn't agree with the ACA being shoved down our throats.  

    6.  I support gay marriage.

    7.  I support legal and the decriminalization of other drugs.  I would commute marijuana sentences and turn those empty prison beds into treatment centers.


    These are just a few off the top of my head.  

    The ACA was passed by Congress. Expound on how it was shoved down your throat. 

  2. 40 minutes ago, Caddox said:

    Lol you have to be such a douche to put out one of those "in this house we believe" signs. 

    Why do you have to be a douche to put this sign out?  I know several people in Travis Heights in Austin who have the sign and they are not douches. 

  3. On 6/20/2018 at 8:59 PM, Celery Man said:


    Wow, the gerrymandering done in 2010 should be declared unconstitutional. This is disappointing and just what a lot of Trump voters used to vote for him. Supreme Court justice .appointment

  4. 7 minutes ago, The Royal We said:

    Of all of Trump's BS, this self inflicted nonsense is the hardest policy decision for me to understand.  I don't see how Trumpkins square this one in their heads.  Especially the lower income folks who are going to get mangled by the increasing costs of so many products and low skilled jobs lost.  Does Trump even know what the ideal outcome is here?  What is the absolute best thing that can result from all of the pain?

    fuck the libtards

  5. 28 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    Too late hoss. 4 kids that are well taken care of because I’m actually smarter than the average bear. 

    Instead of misinformed I’d say uninformed.  Immigration is just an issue that has never really interested me.  I grew up closer to the border than most, my grandpa had illegal aliens working on his farm growing up, but it’s not something I’ve ever devoted much thought to.  

    Unlike a lot of people on the internet I don’t act like I’m an expert on everything. With 4 kids and busy career I don’t have time to keep up with details of every thing political.  Thus my posts were direct questions.  Mojo was good enough to provide answers, however simple.  Thanks. 

    I’ll continue to comment and debate here to the level of my knowledge and ask questions when I don’t know something.

    You can continue to be an “informed, intelligent” poster that acts like a dbag and refers to a black Supreme Court Justice as a “Tom”. 

    Excellent post until your last sentence. Are you aware that Thomas rarely joins in on the discussions of the Supreme Court. He rarely asks the defendants or prosecutors questions. Reports are he sleeps during the proceedings and then votes with the right wing every time. I don't call him Uncle Tom but all of my black friends do. 

  6. 3 hours ago, sheeeit said:

    Avenatti is kind of the poster boy for those that have temporarily (hopefully) lost their minds because of trump.  He is everything that most people on here claim they hate:

    1) He lies constantly

    2) He is financially corrupt including 1) bankrupting the coffee chain he owned and then lied that he owned, 2) failed to pay millions in taxes on the the chain, 3) hired lawyers to help resolve the issue and then stiffed them on their bills and they sued him, 4) failed to honor an agreement with a former law partner that sued him and that he settled with and then failed to honor the settlement 5) failed to pay his personal income taxes, 6) withheld payroll taxes from employees but never sent them to the IRS resulting in a $900K  lien against his personal property, 7) recently filed for bankruptcy for his current law firm, 😎 lied to the court, and admitted it, to try and get additional money from a judgement he won for his clients even though he had already been paid his entire fee

    3) Recently tried to get wealthy dems to fund his attack on trump but was turned down

    4) Is twice divorced and both wives claimed abuse in court proceedings but later denied them after the settlements

    5) Bought a house and reneged on the terms and had to be forcibly evicted by the owner and is being sued

    All that from just a few minutes of searching.  He is a total slime ball.  He lies about everything he is involved with and owes millions to creditors and the IRS and his ex partners and wives.

    Again, he represents everything people on here say they hate.  But he went after trump so he is a star apparently.  

    He claims to be handling the recent immigration cases pro bono but I bet he makes some sort of claim for payment.  Might even be a go fund me or similar type situation.



    Fake News.         


    That was easy.

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

    Where did you hear this? True question.   Also, in what way did Obama 'open up the border', de facto or not, when he had record number of deportations in his terms?  I'll hang up and let Hannity answer. 

    Fox News says Obama opened up the border numerous times a day so it must be true.

  8. 1 minute ago, staboner said:

    these are so ridiculously over the top that it makes me think its BS

    i don't doubt comments like that exist though. i know they do. and its frightening how we have allowed political and cultural divides to turn some of us into monsters. 

    These are not over the top if you have been paying attention the last 2 years. They are horrendous but they are reality in today's America.

  9. 7 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    In that instance I would say that would be hilarious for the Ruskies, not so much for Americans. And I guess that actually gets to the root of the issue too with Donald, all his "humor" is always at the expense and making fun of or putting down another party. There is no shared humor or building consensus/humor. It's divisive humor and, while the right's memes in particular are pretty funny, they don't do anything but divide.

    Seriously? Do you know what "hilarious" means?

  10. 33 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    She didn’t deserve that nomination and you fucking know it. You bitch and cry about how she got screwed over, yet the biggest screw job in that whole election was that the DNC uses superdelegates, almost all of whom were in the tank for HC before the primary campaign even started. That party and its chair took great pains to make sure that any possibility of Bernie being nominated would be snuffed out, even though his message was far more resonant with the average voter. I seriously don’t think you understand how horribly Trump loses had he faced Bernie in the general.

    Do sane people wish that she would have beaten Trump? Yes

    Did they shed a single tear over poor her losing? Fuck off with that rancid corporatist shit.

    Clintonism is dead and that stupid party needs to quit wasting its time, energy and momentum that the GOP continues to hand it on a silver platter on trying to resurrect it.

    Forget the super delegates. Clinton had more lay people supporting and voting for her than Bernie. Hillary won the primaries, she desered the nomination and she deserved the presidency. I hope the 11% of Bernie supporters who voted for Trump and proud of themselves. They fucked all of us. Fuck off.

  11. 3 minutes ago, F250 said:

    They probably weren't voting Republican in the early 70's.

    In the '60s there were 2 Democratic polling places in my town of 2600, the high school and the one cell police station. Republicans had to go to a private residence to vote which was 4 miles out of the town. Fewer than 15 voted Republican then. 

  12. 12 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Boy--I find that hard to believe.  I mean, I think Sessions is in a lot of trouble.  But I think Hurd is a dead-congressman walking.  He wins that district by a nose in the most Republican of years--it's impossible for me to see how he wins it in this environment.

    And I think Culberson is probably in worse shape than Sessions.  

    And I wouldn't sleep on John Carter.  He shouldn't be in as much trouble as he's in.  But he is.

    Totally agree. Hurd is a dead man walking.

  13. 11 hours ago, HtownHorn said:

    They aren't honest enough to self reflect that deeply. Their side has no solutions, their side has no values.

    Bullshit. I have values. You are an asshole with no values and no real argument. 

  14. 41 minutes ago, austingirl said:

    Oh, they admit it. Plenty of people admit it. Some quotes:

    "Our government works best for the economy when special interests, PACs and corporations control Congress. The last thing we need is for Congress to be controlled by the unwashed and uneducated masses. Your candidate seems to have little or no knowledge with respect to the inner workings of our government."

    "[Beto is a] Great guy, wrong color. Sorry!"

    "You lost me at Democrat. That's the last thing we need is another Democrat in the Senate or Congress. Ted Cruz will get my vote and will easily win this election because Texans are not idiots."

    [This one was a wrong number.] "First off my name is not [a girl's name]. I have a cock....2nd...I will never vote for Looney Liberals ruining our country...3rd...Remove my number from your list...And 4th.....MAGA.!!!!!!"

    "He'll no I'm not voting for some dumbass libtard #MAGA"

    "Well let's see. He appears to be Pro Death of the unborn, our most helpless and defenceless. His promotion of open borders is tantamount to inviting low wage scabs to cross the border so that they can steal jobs from our citizens. He favors ending the war on drugs even though our life expectancy has declined (for two years). Open borders will only result in increased heroin and fentanyl imports, increased addiction and even more death. What's not to like? KEEP TEXAS SUCCESSFUL!! VOTE REPUBLICAN!!" 

    You have that right. I've been in Austin since the early 70's but I am from east Texas, Van Zandt County. They would vote for a Republican child molester over a Democrat. When I ask my relatives and friends from there why they will never vote for a Democrat they say because of Food Stamps and Abortion. 

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