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Posts posted by Texas73

  1. 48 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Because they aren't seeking asylum until they get caught jumping the border.  If they were seeking asylum, they would do it at any embassy or port of entry.  They are attempting to sneak in and make it to a sanctuary city so they can stay forever.  They only claim asylum once they get caught.

    Those entering at a port of entry are being sent away so yes they are entering illegally. Try again.

  2. 1 hour ago, BabaYaga said:

    The only thing "manufactured" - is this bullshit talking point about "ripping" kids away and "concentration  camps"....

    What do you call it when the children are taken away to bathe them and then they never return? As for as the concentration camps, have you seen the videos of the camps?

  3. 1 hour ago, HtownHorn said:

    Which Obama part is bullshit? That pictures don't exist from his tenure as president with kids in cages? Look, this situation sucks 100%. Hopefully there can be compromise to fix the situation promptly. I hold out little hope there will be.

    Obama put kids in detention centers who came without parents. That is not the same as separating kids from their parents.

  4. 2 hours ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    I LOVE golf. If I had time, I would play 2-3 times a week. That said, I haven't picked up a golf club in about 9 months due to having a 1 year old. 

    Of all the arguments regarding Trump vs. Obama, I wish the golf thing would go away. Yeah, Trump is a fucking horror and it's sickening how much he plays at his courses. But Obama played a FUCK TON of golf for a man in his position as well. 


    What is a FUCK TON?

  5. I got a Robo call today from Ted asking if I was concerned that there might be a new supreme court justice appointment in the near future. If I am concerned whether a conservative will be appointed I should push 1 and if I am not concerned push 2.

    I pushed 2 and the call ended.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Who are these federal officials separating kids from their mothers?!  No fucking way would I do that job, fuck that shit. 

    But I guess “they’re just following orders.”

    Like the Nazis gassing Jews during Hitler, many were good people. They just followed orders is all.

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  7. 1 minute ago, JimmyJames said:

    Trump recognizes his base is so brainwashed by Fox News and dumb that he can sit there and say on live TV that he will lie to everyone in the future if things go wrong, never admit he was wrong and lie and blame the dems, or Obama or Hillary or the moon or something and they still lap it up like the straight up morons that they are. 


    Objectivity and critical thinking skills died years ago. 

  8. 29 minutes ago, Caracara said:

    Did you see the part of the trailer that emphasized, now or never? one final chance. Watch it again

    You think this is Trump being a hard-ass negotiator? 

    Gesus, some people are dumb.

  9. 1 hour ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Nah.  You take all of East Texas and you gift it to Louisiana.  That way aggy can be in the SEC where they want to be.  Give El Paso to NM.  Give the panhandle plus Lubbock to OK.  The rest remains Texas.

    I'm good with east Texas going to Louisiana and the panhandle to Oklahoma but I support Beto so I want to keep El Paso.

  10. I'd like to east Texas and west Texas to separate from the state of Texas. The mostly rural counties in those areas vote 80-90% Republican and are the reason Texas is not blue. The I35 corridor and Houston are the highly populated area so the number of Congress representatives would be Democrats.

    The pitfall is there would be 4 Republican senators and 2 Democrats so maybe not a good idea. Texas will turn blue when my generation, the baby boomers die off. 

  11. A former '69 high school classmate of mine was in Austin a few years ago and we were eating at the Domain. She said "A Mexican is now a cashier at the Brookshire's in south Tyler! Why would one of those people want to work at the Brookshire's in south Tyler?" I responded, "She probably needs the money." She and her husband are big aggy fans although both went to TJC and then Stephen F Austin and they are dyed in the wool republicans. They attended W's presidential inauguration.

    They are devout members of Green Acres Baptist too. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Tennesseehorn said:

    And if that actually happens Texas will be royally fucked.  NICE THOUGHT.

    Republicans running for president will be royally fucked. 

  13. Katy Tur just had a segment on MSNBC about Beto trying to unseat Cruz. Just the effort, charisma, and good looks of Beto is a positive that will help his campaign. I've got my yard sign out and of course they are all over Austin. IMO rural Texas that will decide this race because when they vote 80%+ R they out number the margin of Democratic votes in the urban counties that will vote for Beto.


  14. Trump is a blowhard. He is a corrupt narcissist, lies to protect himself, and has too many associates that have connections to Russia for it not to true that there was collusion. 

    His tweets indicate that he is unhinged and unstable. He needs to go.

  15. 2 hours ago, GRHorn said:

    Yeah. He respected norms.  His IRS just went after political oppontnents and the DOJ prosecuted journalists.  

    That was the trick to Obama.  Super slick and cool and for the people, but his actions were diametrically opposed to the image.

    Nobody jailed for the financial crisis, but look he slow jams the news with Jimmy Fallon!!11!1!1

    Obama didn't use the IRS to go after his political enemies. Fox News repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true. Only one IRS office was involved in the vetting of the numerous applications for tax free status and both liberal and conservative groups were looked at. It is true there were more conservative organizations asking for tax free status so more of them were investigated. 

    This lie bothers me more than most of the other Republican bullshit.

    • Like 4
  16. 3 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I don’t know exactly.  

    I do know there was a very angry out of touch element of the population that was galvanized by Trumpism.  

    I’m not sure Obama could have stopped that train.

    Obama didn't have the power to shut down Fox News or the Benghazi Investigation. He could not stop it.

  17. 50 minutes ago, sheeeit said:

    Mostly because I have a hard time believing that John Kelly would ok a top secret security clearance to a person that was about to be indicted by the fbi for conspiracy against the US.  Also, I have a very hard time believing that that the upper echelon of the doj and fbi would not speak up or leak or something similar if they are aware that a top secret security clearance was given to a person that was about to be indicted.  Honestly, I think it would be criminal of those people to not speak up. 

    I have a hard time believing 40% of the voting population still support Trump.

  18. 2 hours ago, Buzzrock said:


    That’s not what I asked. Can you be consistent? Comey said that in the Hillary case charges would have been brought against anyone else. That doesn’t seem squeaky clean.

    What’s good for the goose and all that.


    Cite where Comey said "that in the Hillary case charges would have been brought against anyone else". 

  19. 1 hour ago, JimmyJames said:

    Here’s what Trump being president and still having significant support tells me. It’s amazing to me that the generation that was given the most to work with, the baby boomers, bequest to them with the unlimited bounty and US control of the world by the greatest generation in history, the GI generation, has turned out to be the biggest gigantic pieces of shit in history (as evidenced by president shitstain) and have thoroughly squandered what was given to them to the detriment of everyone else that follows. Really is a fascinating sociological study as to how that can possibly happen. Circle of life I guess. 

    I'm a baby boomer, UT class of '73. George H W Bush, a very moderate Republican, spoke at my commencement. I'm as pissed as you are the way evangelical "Christians" are voting. It is not the Christianity I grew up with in the '50 and '60's. I am from Van Zandt county, which went for Trump something like 85%. I'm sure my east Texas former classmates and relatives think I'm crazy. Most of them stopped their education at high school and think Trump is doing a great job.

    I'm really hoping for a Beto victory so that my faith in the decency of our state is restored.

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