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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. That's why this war is so shocking to many. They share your culture, language, look like you. It's not like going to the middle east and saying ha these savages don't know any better.
  2. They dont have it from what I can tell. It'd be attached already.
  3. Cruise missile are expensive is all I can think of why he isn't using them. I thought it was going to be a lot of Donbas and the shelling with artillery would happen. That failed capture of the airport I think put a big reason on why it hasn't been tougher. 28 aircraft carries a lot of people and equipment. I also think part of their strategy was to capture Ukrainian stuff and use it against them. Then their helicopters were rendered ineffective. Either the Russian army is way over rated or they are putting on a fucking show.
  4. I was watching some videos earlier and it just had pictures of abandoned Russian vehicles, tanks, trucks, various armor and I thought is that vehicles that just couldn't make the trek anymore? Those things take a lot of maintenance and if maintenance hasn't been maintained. A bunch of those vehicles won't make it to their objective.
  5. https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2022/02/24/firefight-airport-kyiv-chance-sot-lead-vpx.cnn
  6. Yeah, we were taught tactical wipes out an army. Strategic wipes out a city.
  7. Man. I have it on CNN and it has their correspondent Matthew Chance telling his story of what happened at the airport battle in Kiev today. It is an absolutely insane story. He was told by the Ukrainians that the airport was secured. So they go walking around and they run into another group. This group has no markings so he's just like hmm, we will record here. They tell him go away it's very dangerous. He asked why do you think the Russians are coming soon? The guy says we are the Russians and then a huge fire fight breaks out. Like what the fuck.
  8. TLAM-N is a seabased cruise missile that is nuclear tipped. That's considered tactical. We definitely have those. There is an air craft launched cruise missile. I think it's like the AGM-20 or something. I may be missing a number. But they definitely exist. Kind of crazy incident with those things I would say 20 years ago maybe? They were flying a mission from Barksdale to Minot on a B-52. They ended up loading 6 nuclear tipped missiles and had no idea. They checked the next day and thought they lost the missiles. Come to find out it was sitting in a hanger still attached to a B-52. But yeah. Tactical nukes exist. They are in the inventory but probably never to be used again because they are needed for any sort of mission profile anymore. They save it in case something new comes up.
  9. Haha. Nah bro. Link two definitely ain't a tactical nuke. If it is put in an ICBM. That's a START treaty nuke. That's end your world shit. I don't care how low yield that is. If a foreign country sees an ICBM launched he's not going to call you and ask for it's yield. Tactical nukes were designed to be launched from conventional battle field weapons. Artillery. TLAM-N designation and such. But trying to pass off a low yield ICBM as a tactical nuke is not wise.
  10. Russian jails going to be full tonight with all those protesters
  11. The first 24-48 hours are supposed to be psychological to wear out the will and resolve of your opponent so when the main force comes in it is a much easier fight and basically mop up and surrenders. The Russians are giving the Ukrainians some hope. That's scary.
  12. The airport stuff is a complete shock. Those are supposed to be Spetnaz doing those types of operations. But they got caught in a complete trap. I tried finding the video again but it's somewhere lost. They fell straight into Ukraine's trap and lost helicopters and ultimately had to run.
  13. What does surprise me about the regular vs special soldiers are some of these units that are getting mollywopped by the Ukrainians are taking place pretty far into the interior of the Ukraine. So that tells me some of these dudes aren't the conscripts and are Russian regulars. So maybe the Ukranians just have more will to fight than I thought
  14. It's because you always hear about their top tier units. Those guys are incredible. They are well equipped well trained and can go toe to toe with anybody. As you start getting less specialized you get weaker and weaker. Training takes money.
  15. Tactical nukes were a thing during Soviet doctrine. Two massive army's in open field and armor. We were scared that Russian T72s would cause lots of damage and carnage so the idea of a low yield tactical nuke was put into play. They tested them. Then better options came along like bigger more powerful bombs and explosives. There might be one or more laying around just in case but never be used.
  16. Taiwan may or may not have nukes. They were part of the pariah 3. Not saying they have them. But wouldn't be surprised if they did.
  17. If I was Taiwan or any other country that has a neighbor that poses a threat to me right now I'd be on the phone with Syria, Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan and ask how much it would cost to buy a couple of nukes or some chemical weapons from them right now.
  18. The UN is there for a form of communication but why the fuck would you join an organization that has no teeth when it's a big country vs a little country. That's some league of nations bullshit. That's what it was designed to stop. If you just talk then there is nothing good if there is no consequences NATO is being a bitch because they sat there with absolute no response. They asked about Turkey and a blockade. They said oh no. We won't discuss that. That's Turkeys call.
  19. The UN will cease to exist after this. NATO is going to look weak as fuck
  20. Watching the NATO meeting right now on BBC and NATO is basically being a bitch
  21. No one said it was going to cause NATO to jump in. We were saying that's how you get NATO to edge closer. One incident yeah, not gonna happen. Two incidents and civilians die. You get a little closer. And so on and so forth. It's the surprise that Russia is so willing to engage so close to the border on a sort of meaningless target.
  22. Thanks for explaining it. Less than an hour after the attack he jumps in and all of a sudden is like yo man. A blind pig could have saw this coming. I'm so shocked that none of y'all saw it. I saw it from a mile away. I'm just shocked that y'all didn't see it coming
  23. That sounds like the goal of a man who knows he is dying.
  24. The hind sight analysis is fine and dandy but you're gonna tell me. Yeah man, I expected Russia to come in and do this week's ago. Even a blind person could see it. Because if you did I would say you're full of shit. Now that it happened it's easy to see what his objective is. You don't decide to invade a sovereign country without provacation after having so many other opportunities to do it without reason. It makes no damn sense. Even if he takes out and installs a new govt in Ukraine does NATO lift the sanctions when he decides to go home? Ukraine for bankrupting your country. How is that a good trade off?
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