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Posts posted by BradInATX

  1. 56 minutes ago, sheeeit said:

    Maybe you can provide a link to these eyewitness's saying he said "kill all the asians".  Because I checked cnn, msnbc, fox, politico, AP, the police, the AG and anything else I could think of and I can not find a single source to corroborate these claims.  All I can find is one tweet from someone no one has ever heard of.  Amazing that folks come here and claim somone has a preconceived notion or bias that is influencing their thoughths on this deal and then use a non confirmed tweet as a "fact".  I am guessing that if the killer realy said that then all of the politicians and media calling this a hate crime would be all over it.  Because, if he did say that, then it would absolutely be a racially motivated act and a hate crime.  But somehow no one except you experts here are calling this a fact.  Maybe the inept police force and investigators forgot to talk to eye witnesses?  More likely they heard it and then locked the eye witness up in solitary so they can keep claiming this was not racially motivated.



    Spends paragraphs discrediting everything under the sun, but totally trusts what the mass murderer says.

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  2. 53 minutes ago, TheStoicPaisano said:

    Good on Biden.


    Damn. "Saying the quiet part out loud" gets overused a bit here, but damn. Legitimately saying the quiet part out loud, that Cornyn and his base see treating people humanely as a negative. Of course anyone paying attention already knows that. But to see the cards on the table on social media that brazenly is stunning.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    Has New Orleans decriminalized?  You could get a contact high walking around in the quarter this weekend.  Someone was even smoking next to two cop cars and some emt’s in broad daylight when we walked through Jackson Square one day.

    Yeah, and the cops don't GAF either, especially in the quarter. You have to do something amazingly stupid to get the attention of NOLA police in the CBD area. They know not to mess with the cash cow.

  4. 3 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    Yeah, I get it.  That probably wasn't a foul in the 80's NBA.  But then again, they fought like twice a week, too, lol.

    It's not even that level, though. If he had just sort of wimpily put his hand in to block it, he would have never made contact with the arm. Essentially you're saying that you can't violently block a guy, which is shitty. There's a lot of space between letting Bill Laimbeer go full thug on guys in the paint and banning violent blocks. I doubt that'd be a foul in the 2021 NBA playoffs - probably regular season though.

  5. 7 minutes ago, markstanco said:
    1 hour ago, alphahorn said:
    I flew from NY to Austin a few years ago with Royal - He's a great guy, I could definitely get behind that choice

    Shaka too is a great guy. 


    Careful buddy, you're going to have to give a ten paragraph dissertation as to why you think he's a good guy.

    • Haha 1
  6. Just now, TexArcher said:

    It's definitely a foul, lol.  This isn't soccer where you can demolish the guy as long as you get the ball first.

    It shouldn't be. He didn't "demolish" him, he caught his arm on the way through the ball. The arm was never relevant to the play. I'm not disagreeing that it's a foul by rule in college basketball, but I dislike it.

  7. 14 minutes ago, ShowMeALoss said:


    If I am the AD, I hire a consulting firm and ask them to give me 5 names from the top group and tell me what will make them consider Texas. 


    Jay Wright, Mark Few, Izzo, Pitino, Self, Calipari, Huggins, Williams, Kryzewsky. Thanks that'll be a few million dollars. Hope you have another job lined up after you get shitcanned in year 1 for wasting a ton of time, money and opportunity cost chasing guys that the University would never consider (Pitino, Huggins, Cal) or that would never consider coming here (literally everyone on the list). Most of those guys wouldn't even pick up the phone. You might have a 5% chance of getting Wright or Few to answer, but they'd almost certainly just use us to get a raise at their current school.

    It might be worth calling Jay Wright. He's the only one on the list that makes sense. Izzo is a ridiculous fan fiction notion. He wouldn't even answer the phone for us. The notion that he would even give us the time of day is why people make memes about Texas entitlement. It's absurd.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    The top priority should be building a winning program as soon as possible. The arena opening should not play a role.

    Don't disagree, but the Texas athletic department doesn't always work like that. I don't like it, but I think it's a distinct possibility. Business is business. I'm preparing for another year of Shaka, and if he gets canned, all the better.

  9. 9 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    If he "feels no urgency," it's because the money isn't there.

    Given that we have swallowed most or all of our capital projects pigs, and the Tom Herman pig, I think it's highly likely that the now manageable buyout is there.

    I'm sure the money is there if he wants it. I just think they're going to be looking at timing. Unless you can get whoever you think is the absolute home run hire (for me this would be Beard only), as an AD, waiting a year might make sense. You don't really want to saddle your new HC with the shit show that next year will be, because then you're going to go into the new stadium coming off a bad year and no coaching change to give people hope and re-invigorate the fans.

    Lots of moving pieces to that though. Who they think are the home run hires, our chances of getting them, and how secure CDC feels in his job. But I don't think it's at all a foregone conclusion that Shaka is gone. There's certainly the possibility they write it off to a weird Covid year and bad luck and hype the B12 "title". The die-hards won't like it but the general public will shrug and continue to not watch Texas Basketball and it won't much matter.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, ShowMeALoss said:

    Why not reach out Tom Izzo? I know it seems like an improbable hire but I think he makes sense for several reasons. He is already in the hall of fame and there is nothing more he can achieve at Michigan State that he already hasn't. His salary is not too high for Texas to beat (not sure about the buyout though). With the rise of Michigan, it will be harder for him to win the Big 10 and losing to Michigan more often than not won't sit well with their fanbase who might see him as someone who is past his prime ala Mack Brown. A fresh start somewhere else can do wonders for him.



    And if that doesn't work out? Call Gregg Popovich. 

    • Haha 4
  11. Tech needs to come down with these offensive boards instead of trying to tip them in. Poor decision making. There's been a lot of that that I've seen this year. Lots of guys trying weak tips instead of coming down with balls that they easily had, then going back up strong.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Are you white adjacent?


    I'm white af.

    I read the article. It creates a lot of questions. It definitely, and I personally haven't denied this on this thread, leaves the door open for it being not racially motivated.

    However, the only way you can come away thinking that there's no way it was racially motivated is if you already know what you want the answer to be. That article is nebulous, and it's been a week. There are lots of questions. He drove 30 miles from one to another. Have you ever driven in Atlanta? 30 miles is like 8 hours of driving. That doesn't add up if he was just randomly hitting massage parlors.

    I'll wait to learn more about it as we go rather than jumping to conclusions. My commentary was purely on the energy being put into defending this guy by the poor mistreated affluent white "minorities are so mean to us" crew. A ton of Americans were murdered in cold blood and you guys are worried about the murderer being unfairly labeled a racist. Your priorities are fucked up.

  13. 1 minute ago, GringoSalado said:

    Because they are clearly racists, who always deny their racism. Let's see if they float. Is that how this works?


    Do you know why being perceived as a racist isn't something I'm worried about or something that riles me up?

  14. Just now, Johnny Sack said:

    Have you read the wapo article that cites his friends and acquaintances?


    Nope. I don't really care that much about this story. It's just pretty eye-opening, albeit not surprising, to see some of you spending more time worried about a mass murderer being unfairly called a racist than the huge number of people he killed.

    In my experience most racists associate with other racists, his buddies saying he was a great guy doesn't mean anything.

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