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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by BradInATX

  1. 5 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    No one is defending him. People are disputing his motivation was rooted in racism.  

    Excuse Me Reaction GIF by Mashable



    Because any level headed person sees that it wasn’t.  

    Why? Because he said "I'm not a racist"?

    I mean I guess if it works for you, roll with it. The people who wrote letters to CDC that got published probably don't think they're racist either. But it certainly shows a predisposition to being sensitive towards accusations of racism when you give the benefit of the doubt to a guy who specifically targeted Asian businesses and the only evidence we have that it WASN'T racially motivated was taking his word for it.


  2. 1 hour ago, sheeeit said:

    Too funny.  You are so unhinged you do not even realize that this response is exactly what I am talking about.  Lots to unpack here.

    "Fuck you and your bullshit excuses for this asshole."- What excuse did I make?  Do you even know what an excuse is?  I'll give you a hint, trying to understand why someone does something like this is not an excuse.  Understanding the guy had some fucked up religious and sexual ideas does not excuse anything he did you dolt.

    "Its much more important to you to prove it wasn’t racially motivated than proving the guy was a murderer. That’s fucked in the head. "- Well considering that I referred to him as a murderer and killer multiple times and that he was arrested and confessed to the murders I sort of assumed we had already "proved" he was a murderer.  Maybe you needed some additional proof?  Not sure.  As for the racial motivation, I am fully aware that you and your ilk do not care at all about actual truth or facts, but most people do.  We were fed a constant response from politicians and media outlets and activists that were falling all over themselves to be the first to call this racially motivated.  We then had multiple posters on here claim the same thing.  I, and a few others, merely pointed out that the actual facts as we currently know them do not point to this being a racially motivated crime.  

    "You are a large part of the problem because guys like you and the sack fail to recognize the truth and are just plain intellectual idiots and racists who refuse to recognize what you are."- Huh?  What truth am I not realizing?  The reality is that you and your ilk once again, are not even remotely as smart as you think you are.  It differs for everyone but you just seem like a massive jealous idiot that that gets his jollies off by coming to an anonymous message board and ripping on people you think you understand by assigning opinions to them that they don't have.  I guess you do it to make yourself feel better or something.  You remind me of the 5 year old that doesn't want your best friend to have any other friends so you rip on all of them to somehow try and make yourself look cooler when the reality is that you are just insecure, jealous and pathetic.  


    Writes an entire thesis defending the motivations of a serial killer, ends it with "you are just insecure!!!!"


    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Fuck You 1
  3. I don't think Shaka is gone unfortunately. It makes too much sense to let him stick around for another bad year and reduce his buyout, take the blame for an almost certainly poor 2022 season and build hype for the new stadium with a new coach. A new coach isn't going to take what's left of the roster anywhere important next year anyway so no need to start your new guy with a bad season which would depress the fanbase for the opening of the new stadium.

    It's almost certainly not going to happen, imo. Let Shaka eat the inbound shitty 2022 season and start the new era for the new stadium. I don't love it, but I understand it.

  4. 1 minute ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    Lol ok!!!!!

    I'm not telling you how to think or feel. I'm telling you what it looks like to other people. Do what you want.


    What a weird thing to be mad about. You're upset that the guy said he likes Shaka and you've gone on and on about it for multiple pages, in a borderline-neurotic way. You're acting like a clown and a weirdo.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  5. 3 minutes ago, Dr. Teeth said:

    As Rafferty was asking, where is their toughness? I think teams like IL and TX think they can play like they do in November. The other team will stop hitting shots and tire out. Could still happen for IL. But it is risky when one team is so into the game and willing to do whatever it takes to win. You can’t hope the lower seed will just stop playing hard and well. 


    Yeah. Loyola is actually a good squad though. They are doing work out there right now. ACU is fucking terrible and we still lost.

  6. 53 minutes ago, Pancho said:


    Wait, where is this coming from?  Are people just making this up?


    We're less than 12 hours removed from the loss and our fanbase has already created an entire narrative where the media all freaks out about us firing a black coach, which has of course forced CDC's hand to keep him. 

    • Haha 2
  7. The 40 year old man playing post for Loyola is already short-arming some shots. I'm hesitant to say that the team with all of the NBA athletes will wear the other team down though because last time I said that was 12 hours ago. And, well, you know..

  8. This thread is hilarious. It started as a "see Dems don't renounce their bad leaders either!!" both sides attempt for the GQP to assuage their own guilt for saddling us with terrible leadership.

    Thread turned into a full blown pinata party with literally everyone on the thread and liberal boogeymen like AOC and Biden calling for him to resign.

    So now we're digging up year old opinion pieces in a desperate attempt to save face. Yikes.

    Narrator: This did not go the way the OP had hoped.

  9. And today I learned that Electronic Boutique and Babbages live on in Gamestop, which is really disappointing.  I loved those two stores, especially Babbages.
    Gamestop also bought Funcoland, if anyone remembers that. My first job in high school. Fun as hell job. Eye opening how many parents would drop their kids off to "test out" different games for two hours while they shopped or fucked or got drunk or whatever they did.
  10. This might should go on the unpopular opinions thread, but not all of Sims' lack of shots is on the coaching. I saw several times where they gave him the ball in the post, he made one half hearted move and passed back out. You know you can make multiple moves in sequence to work towards the basket right?

    And sure some of that is coaching, I'm not defending Shaka at all. He is terrible and needs to be fired. But Sims is kind of a soft player. He got killed on the boards by a bunch of scrubs last night too. That's not all coaching. You can't coach marbles.


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