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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by BradInATX

  1. Just now, NorthLoop said:

    There has to be some connected ACU people watching this game that are losing their shit, texting the AD, etc. 

    Yeah, you have to think that ACU's coaching staff somehow didn't notice or else they'd be all over the refs. Crazy. I actually don't think they ever fixed it. I bet they'll get word at halftime and it'll be fixed coming out.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Braff Zacklin said:

    So the Big 12 remains unbeaten? There's been some tight ones, including this 50/50 matchup between Mizzou and blowU.

    Me thinks the difference is composure. If you'll forgive the drama, the teams that advanced to the tournament were forged in a crucible of intense competition. They've learned to keep their heads; close games won't faze 'em as easily as it might others.

    Let's hope our 'Horns are just as well prepared. Even better, let's hope they jump out big from the start and coast to an easy W.


    It might be the booze talking but let's hope we just fuck their shit up

  3. Maryland could give Bama some trouble. They're just just smothering the life out of UConn and seem like the type of team that you need to be mentally strong to deal with. Bama seems a little fragile. Pretty impressive, albeit a little boring in style. If I'm a coach that's the type of team that gives me heartburn looking at as my next opponent. Even if you beat them they're going to take a pound of flesh.

  4. 1 minute ago, Sbbruin said:

    Please tell me no one here is going to be rooting for the Mormons tonight.  I hate those fuckers.  We’ve lost numerous football games to them playing against their 28 year olds.  Bullshit mission loophole.

    I have UCLA in both brackets and I drafted them in our seeded challenge thing. But if I'm being honest, I did those things expecting to have Izzo Magic..

  5. 5 minutes ago, Prepuce of Doom said:

    This is exactly why I took Ohio with my first pick. 

    UVA always being ripe for an upset, the possibility of a C19 cancelation, they nearly beat Illinois in the nonconference, and the fact that their PG has a story perfect for a Cinderella story. 

    Yeah, and those seeds are nicer than the 8/9/10 seeds oftentimes because they draw better second round matchups than the higher seeds. I wanted Syracuse bad because they get a vulnerable WVU team and a beatable Houston team in the next rounds. Three wins is worth like 66 points, which is close to enough to win it some years (I won last time around with 80). Got snaked one pick before me though. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Js1 said:



    Sounds like they fucked around and found out. Really sucks for the kids on the team who did follow protocols, but that's the way she goes sometimes. Those kids learned a life lesson in a pretty tough way today.

  7. Just now, Kermit said:

    There’s not a lock out and they need the tv money. It’s not like he was injured due to wear and tear. It could’ve happened to anyone, and frankly the dude is the least injured superstar in any sport that I can think of. He’s a fucking freak.

    Sure, but still. Injuries correlate to more games played in a shorter period of time, that's basically accepted science by now. Plus, as a Spurs fun you already know how shitty the second half of our season looks with a billion games in the last two months. It's pretty dumb. I get it, follow the money, but it's not ideal.

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