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Everything posted by kopp0e

  1. This page is spewing info at lightning speed, forgive me if this has already been noted:
  2. Maybe we can still get UT v LSU/ Vols v OU in 2020..?
  3. A few random realignment-ish posts, from Nebraska & USC sites: -
  4. It is actually (kind of) related to this exact thread, as in the status of Nebraska for the 2020 season is in flux, may join XII, /fin... 🤐
  5. Works for me, XII adds #10-Nebraska/ #11-Colorado/ #12-Utah/ #13-Arizona/ #14-Arizona State, to XII (WVU to ACC)...
  6. XII can add a few power brands (Nebraska/ Colorado/ Utah/ Arizona State/ USC & UCLA, in a year or so..?
  7. Well, hmm... That sounds (close to) what I've been spouting:
  8. BYU vs Nebraska, could be a game this fall..?
  9. The 1 thing still in favor of B1G move today - https://i.imgur.com/5HdZcRy.png
  10. In the midst of this, more sports layoffs, as recently Fox & NBC has done the same,COVID might put the smack down on big collegiate contracts...
  11. At this point, (for 2021) I'd wager a better chance for the Texas -[XII]@ Arkansas -[SEC], game to happen than Nebraska -{B1G] @ Oklahoma -[XII]... In a few years, maybe ESPN "allows" Notre Dame & +1 to ACC/ TCU & West Virginia to SEC/ XII gets Nebraska-Colorado-USC-Oregon-Washington..?
  12. Also the optics of having schools play in other leagues, whilst not getting tv contracted money, looks bad...
  13. Well, the presidents' could be "furked if they do/ furked if they don't" if that is the case... BTW, the head cornshucker has declared NU will play anywhere anytime & all that stuff...
  14. Yeah, the "orgasm" would wind up being a simple case of wet farts, the way this year is going (so far)...
  15. Gotta get that itch out 😲 (ok, now I'm "fine" again)...
  16. That's a corn shuckin', Mr.Ohio, for 2020..?
  17. I'll top that with this: (mic drop) - 😉
  18. Who hacked texags to make something remotely funny.??
  19. Huh..? So PAC following the SEC (money) strategy, over that of Rose Bowl buddy B1G..?
  20. We may be seeing the death of the current power 5 structure, right in front of our screens this week:
  21. Ok, last one for now: (what does this mean..?)
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