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Posts posted by Constant

  1. First off, congrats on the hard fought win. That caliber game is exactly what this rivalry deserves and it’s good to see it back. 

    Like I said last year, I’m still thoroughly impressed by Ehlinger and his toughness. Kid has that ‘it’ factor. Ended up talking to his mother for awhile as she tried to escape the sun for a bit. 

    This is probably the worst 3rd down and turnover creating OU defense I’ve ever seen. Just abysmal. I haven’t seen stats but it seemed like Texas was 85% on third down. Mike Stoops should not be allowed on the bus. He’s done.

    Since I’m working the game, the nature of my presence doesn’t allow me to see every single play to completion, but from what I did see, Texas was the better-more consistent team- which feels weird saying. 

    If any of you asswipes were in sections 24 or 25 you probably stomped on my toes as you entered the section. 

    Anyways, good to see these quality matchups between the two new coaching regimes. That stadium was rocking on both sides. Good stuff. 


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