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Everything posted by rpspeed

  1. Sad but doesn't sound like it was anything football related. "It is unclear how he contracted the disease. Stephens played in 32 games for California University in his first three seasons. The school was not playing football this fall with COVID-19 health concerns forcing sports to be halted by the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference." https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/2020/09/08/college-football-player-jamain-stephens-dies-covid-complications/5752177002/
  2. Both kids have been in school in person for 3 weeks now. No problems.
  3. Bowie County if anyone is interested. There have been 71 deaths and they have them all listed individually with date, sex, and age. School has been going for about 3 weeks, some have had their first football game. https://www.ci.texarkana.tx.us/672/Coronavirus-Disease-2019
  4. 100,000? ...."According to the Department of Transportation, the seven-day total for the rally from Aug. 7 was 365,979 people, which is down just by 7.5% compared to last year at the same time." https://rapidcityjournal.com/news/local/attendance-down-but-spending-up-at-80th-sturgis-motorcycle-rally/article_548ed4d8-adce-5a06-957b-c39109864bca.html We pretty much know most attendees were over 40, not in pristine physical shape and most likely hadnt sheltered in place the previous 6 months.. Some on here were certain this was going to be Spain and Italy combined. Instead 365.000 people from all over, came together with no social distancing and produced 100 cases.
  5. Somebody just donated $500 on the youtube feed
  6. jeff on youtube if periscope isnt working https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RPkb5uLbpU
  7. From NE Texas: Pleasant Grove and Liberty Eylua ISD both started in person Aug 10th.They both had a covid case to start the year but quarantined those affected and have been able to continue. Sports are still on the schedule with volleyball and track this week and football games starting next weekend. Texarkana ISD started this week and no problems so far. Strength and conditioning/practice occurred almost all summer, band/drill team activities as well. The football season doesnt start until Sep 24 but they have a scrimmage against Longview the 18th.
  8. Zoom meetings, what could go wrong? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/fla-mom-fatally-shot-during-childs-elementary-school-zoom-class-remembered-as-great-mother/ar-BB17Vg1R?ocid=msedgntp The killing occurred on the first day of school in Florida, while one of Rosado-Morales' daughters was receiving online instruction. The 10-year-old's teacher and other students in the Zoom class heard the commotion that preceded the shooting, and helplessly watched the student react to the violence.
  9. A few numbers from my area in NE Texas Total Positive Cases in Bowie County 543 Bowie County Patients Hospitalized locally 26 Bowie County Active Cases 286 Bowie County Patients Recovered 226 COVID-19 Deaths in Bowie County 31 Non-resident Patients Hospitalized locally 36 Total Hospitalizations 62
  10. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/medical/concerns-arise-as-some-receive-positive-covid-19-results-but-never-got-tested/ar-BB16Wkwg?ocid=sf&fbclid=IwAR3qCJFAxJivNG3paBrafkRxQVrsvpMTpamTrGJupit3ShrFH7MtLNZs_UU "This is part of the testing mechanism problem. People are sitting in their cars, sometimes for hours, or standing in line, six feet apart sometimes for hours. You’re registered though, you’re number 15 in line, and you are Jay Wolfson. If Jay Wolfson says he can’t wait any longer and he leaves, it will get number 15 and now get Rebecca Fernandez, who was standing behind him, and she tests positive, and then everyone from then on gets the wrong results. There has to be a better way to do this,” explained Dr. Jay Wolfson, Public Health & Medicine Professor for the University of South Florida.
  11. So, I was at the store today and saw a coworker who was diagnosed positive 3 days ago. First person Ive known to have it, anyway he put his finger up to his mask like shhh and kept on shopping. I was about 20 yards away. The virus doesnt work me up like some on this board but still kinda freaked me out. If he's doing it I'm sure others are. Wife wanted me to notify someone, but I'm not even sure who that would be.
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/research-identified-most-least-effective-132900374.html So, what are the best face masks for COVID-19? This is how the study breaks face masks down by effectiveness, from most to least effective: A stitched mask made from quilting cotton A cone mask A folded handkerchief A bandana
  13. If 3 people playing tennis without a mask got you riled up, its a good thing you didnt go to Canton Trade Days this past weekend lol
  14. Texas mask order won't be enforced by law enforcement in these places Some elected law enforcement officials worry about lawsuits. Others have said their offices are too busy. Almost all of them that are looking the other way say they believe Texas Governor Greg Abbott has overstepped his bounds. They're part of a growing number of agencies that are choosing to look the other way when citizens aren't wearing face coverings as ordered by Abbott earlier this week.
  15. I was informed protests did not lead to the Rona
  16. Ourr post office has the same sign, although its not strictly enforced. Mask percentage is up from about 10% to 20-25% in Texarkana. Half of those are halfway wearing them tho. I was checking out at a store and the lady while wearing her mask stuck her fingers in it, adjusted and pushed it out from her face then proceeded to tear off my receipt with the same hand and give it to me lol. I'm not team #ballgame so it didnt bother me just found it interesting.
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