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Everything posted by heso

  1. It happened in one of the other places too. You could tell that both cnn anchors thought it was incorrect but weren’t positive in their knowledge of the process enough to challenge it.
  2. I expect that he came in a distant 4th at best, but more likely 5th based on what I saw last night. They were at very few locations where he had a viable 15% and many locations where he was behind Yang in the first count.
  3. “Quick, go get our black guy and bring him up here. Put him right in the middle so the country knows we aren’t racist.”
  4. That happened at one of the caucuses that CNN was at. I think it was the one that Tapper covered. The Biden crowd was clearly not viable but in talking to them they explained that they were going to woo the people from the Klobuchar group, which was also not viable after the first count.
  5. https://twitter.com/fs0c131y/status/1224628685808066565?s=20
  6. But it’s not like those 8 million would still work in all of the local private insurance companies.
  7. My favorite is to read a direct transcript of trump speaking off the cuff. Seeing his mind flit between bits of thoughts without completing a single sentence for minutes at a time.
  8. Finally got around to talking to one of my good friends that works at a health insurance company (in Pennsylvania) about the Democratic candidates. Had no idea where he stood on it going into the conversation. he said he said he doesn’t talk about his support of sanders at work. Says people there pretend like it’s not even a possibility that he makes it to the White House. said he’s donated to sanders and would welcome losing his good paying job if it meant Medicare for all. plans to start looking for a new job of Bernie gets the dem nod just in case.
  9. From what I’ve seen tonight 4th is his absolute peak. Top 3 and then Joe and Klobs duking it out for 4th.
  10. Just from what I’m seeing it looks like it’s gonna be a 3 horse race between sanders, warren, and Pete.
  11. He said earlier that they didn’t have enough cards for the number of people that showed up. So they had to wait for more. Then they tried to count the total number of people attending, but somehow they failed at that the first time around so they had to do it again.
  12. Those mother fuckers just want some attention so they sit in the uncommitted stands so people will make them feel wanted.
  13. The numbers they showed from one of the college campuses was sanders - 45, warren - 29, Pete - 9, yang - 7, Biden - 3.
  14. I assumed the video was mirrored since all of the lapel pins would be on the wrong side as well.
  15. Someone told me that he committed to throwing his money behind whoever wins the nomination. No clue if that’s true or not be it would be fun to see him throwing his cash into attack adds that just expose cheeto’s bullshit.
  16. Depends on the constituency of the senator.
  17. Where are all the floating dollars coming from, some sort of cash confetti cannon? or is trump supposed to be so rich that a stiff breeze blows cash off of him like dandruff?
  18. Nothing would be sweeter than the people who think he’s a real brilliant tough guy seeing him exposed as the pussy mental midget that he is.
  19. Seems like that’s been the case for the last few Super Bowls.
  20. Speaking of his silver spoon. I just read about how he and his brothers tried to corner the silver market and at one point owned 1/3 of the privately held silver in the world.
  21. They use a number of cameras to triangulate the ball position, right?
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