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Everything posted by heso

  1. Wanted to see what my R senator was saying to hedge his bet on how the next 2 years will play out.
  2. I picture her dropping her papers on the way in and just quickly shoving them back into her binder then hoping she didn’t get called on to answer.
  3. The best part of Dersh’s argument is that it doesn’t even have to be remotely in the best interest of the country, only that the president could claim that he thought his action was in the best interest for the country. Not even that the action itself was in the best interest of the country, just that the president thought that the action would help him get re-elected and therefore better for the country. its such an insane argument.
  4. Yes, but only because it doesn’t matter to Dersh or the gop right now. The argument will flip 180 degrees when it’s a dem pres.
  5. The parties take turns asking questions. The group that the question is directed to gets 5 mins to answer. 2 days of 8 hours for questions. In the Clinton trial that worked out to 150 questions.
  6. Schiff is way better at this than the rest of the house team.
  7. Can someone please explain to me the rural poor’s love for the GOP. I genuinely don’t understand how that came to be. The 14 states with the highest poverty rates are all Republican strongholds. The the great lakes states are only swing states because they have a balance between rural and urban population but the rural poor in those places are all overwhelmingly republican Is it a race thing? A gun thing?
  8. I just saw a GOP senator claiming that if we’re going to impeach Trump for making the deal with Ukraine to help his re-election prospects then no president will ever be able to do anything that would improve their chances of re-election without getting impeached for it. He gave the example: if a president goes and makes a trade deal that is beneficial for the country, that’s now impeachable because it improves his re-election prospects. jesus Christ. I don’t think I know anyone stupid enough to believe that. But I’m sure I know people that will believe it because a GOP senator said it on Fox News.
  9. Well he’s just a pure capitalist with no fucks given for the history of the team, the fans, the city, anything. His sole purpose in life is to extract as much cash as possible out of everything he touches. Whats happening now is that the sports fans in the city have watched the Steelers and penguins run ideal franchises and win championships for decades and the pirates just not give a fuck about competing. The stadium was packed when they were competing after all those years of losing and they got rewarded by the owner slashing payroll to suck as much money as possible out of it. Now he’s cleared house with the hopes of convincing the fans that it was the fault of the GM and manager but everyone sees that the emperor has no clothes.
  10. His family was a minority owner when McClatchey was still the majority owner. He learned how to maximize profits without fielding a competitive team from McClatchey until Nutting became the majority owner in 2007. a few years ago when they were competing for the division he said publicly that attendance would need to increase for payroll to increase. That season and the following season he had record attendance. He cut payroll both seasons to maximize profits from the increased attendance. Made bullshit moves at the trade deadline when the rest of the division was making real moves to compete. He’s turned down bids from Mario Lemuix and also a bid from one of the Steelers minority owners to buy the team off of him that would actually try to make the team competitive. he’s just printing money right now. The mayor has floated discussions about possibilities for the city to force his hand since they paid for the stadium but expectedly took no action. also, I hate him because he bought the ski resort near by and raised the prices to the point that it’s not worth it for me to spend the $ to snowboard on ice pea gravel.
  11. Was gonna ask if bob nutting was old enough to die soon. Unfortunately he’s only 57. I’ve never seen another sports owner give absolutely no fucks about winning. Profit is the only thing that matters.
  12. Just got word that my company’s Miami office is under a mandatory evacuation until tomorrow as a precaution. edit: apparently the building owner issued the mandatory evacuation of the building. Seems unnecessary with Cuba between the earthquake and Florida.
  13. I don’t know, I think one side submits one question, then after the answer the other side submits a question. I don’t expect there to be any specific attribution, just that it would be coming from the dems or the gop
  14. Defense ends their portion. Questions begin tomorrow for 8 hours then Thursday for 8 hours. questions in writing, alternating between parties. 5 minute time limit on answers to questions.
  15. Repeatedly asking “Why are we here?”
  16. My company’s Hong Kong office is recommending all employees work from home for now. No such recommendation for the Shanghai or Beijing offices yet.
  17. Pirates now sitting with their lowest payroll since 2004. The city fucking hates the owner. The stadium was a ghost town last season. No doubt it will be worse this year.
  18. Even though 95% of that 40% would stand to benefit from it.
  19. Guys Zelensky said there was no quid pro quo. Pack it up. No need for this trial.
  20. Guys Zelensky said there was no quid pro quo. Pack it up. No need for this trial.
  21. Jesus listening to this guy is a fucking beating.
  22. There has to be a significant segment of the Republican population, especially politicians, that absolutely despise trump and everything that he his. But because the base has made him their god, they have to tread very carefully about where they put their votes. If they wholesale abandon Trump, the doom themselves. But they can’t enjoy seeing what he’s doing to the country.
  23. He has to tweet about it because the ratings of his defense vs the prosecution’s ratings matter. Hannity spent a segment of his show talking about how low the ratings for the prosecution were and how terrible the production was. “These are the people that brought you the wizard of oz and they couldn’t make it more interesting than droning on and on like that?”
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