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Everything posted by TXSG8R

  1. Stop trying to run the dude that can’t run, and definitely can’t jump, you dumb fuck. If you insist on running QB power, bring in Jones.
  2. Technically doesn’t include one team having -0 in their record?
  3. Najee’s ability to run through contact on his lower legs is unreal. Most guys get a leg clipped and wind up tripping themselves, he just keeps on steaming.
  4. Ole Miss was missing their best two WRs that opted out for draft prep.
  5. Lost to A&M because of the worst time possible to fumble. Lost to LSU because Mullen let the team look ahead.
  6. That’s the one thing I’ll say about the heisman race and Jones being the favorite. Trask fits balls into much tighter windows. Jones throws to lots of wide open guys, or has guys take short throws and bust them for huge yardage. Pitts is the only thing comparable to Devontae Smith, and he missed 2 full games this year, and a Trask still has thrown for more TDs.
  7. I fucking HATE when Mullen calls shit like that. Trask has cement blocks for feet. It’s a complete waste of a play asking him to run with the speed of Bama’s D. If you really need a QB run there, put in Jones. You wasted the fucking stop your defense finally got you.
  8. Lol, 3 man rush on max protect and Trask gets dropped when he hits the last step of his drop.
  9. On defense. The offense is going to lose a ton of talent. Toney, Pitts, Trask, Grimes all gone. The OL is young, but that’s still a rebuilding job. Running backs should be good with Lingard being eligible. The offense is going to change a lot next year though. Emery Jones is more of what Mullen wants in a QB, much bigger threat with his legs.
  10. Bama is a juggernaut. They get the most talent in recruiting, they generally have the best coaching, their school and boosters are completely all in on giving the football program anything it needs. Clemson is the only other program thats close.
  11. 2 or 3 I think? They didn’t win one until 2009, Mark Ingram.
  12. Lol, a LB covering Smith. Top notch work by Grantham.
  13. Our defense isn’t interested in tackling anybody.
  14. TXSG8R

    Florida Gators

    My ass is prepared to take the length. Either Kyle Trask wins the heisman tonight, or we get fucked in the face. I expect the latter.
  15. Absolutely, the way gov’t codes for jobs, especially for civil service positions, leads to a lot of very unqualified people in important positions. And with contractors, you’re only as good as the staff that wrote the requirements. That’s why relying on skilled people managing open-source software is a non-starter for the bulk of gov’t IT jobs. There aren’t enough skilled people to run it, and even fewer skilled GS managers to run those teams. They will pay Solarwinds type outfits all the money in the world for turn-key solutions, they don’t have any choice.
  16. I forgot to ask earlier, are those companies transitioning their Solarwinds budgets to code analysis / monitoring for their new open source toys? While taking more of their IT security in house is good on paper, I wonder if they fully understand what they’re are signing up for. Open source isn’t any more secure than an IP product, you’re just signing up for the code security in house, which can be daunting depending on the size of your org/needs. Hence why the gov’t won’t go that route, and Solarwinds will likely keep on rolling with gov’t contracts. As much as they distrust companies, they distrust their IT staff’s competence even more.
  17. Yea, I cant imagine the reaction to stuff like ration books, fuel rations, and scrap drives with our current society. "Patriots" would be front and center leading the charge against the greater good screaming SOCIALISM. Asking Rednecks to swap their big steel brushguards and bumpers for some wood shit for the greater good would probably lead to more deaths than covid.
  18. Yea, I'm a network guy primarily, just got firehosed with RMF as the CyberSec lead for my program so I know more than Id ever care to about all the other controls. I read this like these were sequential events If so, the 2FA exploit occurred prior to the Orion breach, right? I know later on in the article they show how they hit it again during the Solarwinds breach, but it occurred earlier as well?
  19. Those are great questions. Access to that server is still a long leap from them pushing an exploited update out to the world. To tack on, what is their process for creating updates, and what credentials are required for submitting/approving them? How did an update get through their QA process with foreign code? How does external traffic to/from their software not get sniffed and audited to match up with expected traffic and destinations during testing, both internally, and externally during security scans (gov’t has quarterly or monthly scans depending on the org)? Ports, protocols, and services are usually white listed on gov’t networks, so how did this traffic get back to an external control server?
  20. Ironically open source is very hard to get approved on DoD networks (I assume for gov’t networks as a whole, but I don’t have direct experience outside of DoD). As much as Solarwinds is taking a bath on this, there’s a handful of gov’t people that are also going to get ass blasted over this because all of this is pretty black and white in RMF. They either approved mitigations that were faulty, or they fudged risk assessments and vulnerability reporting. Proper defense in depth / layering would also have reduced the impacts of the breaches, which is also a very big deal within gov’t RMF. As much as we laugh about solarwinds123, the bigger issue will be the lax IT dep’t at treasury that gave their “good” admin the keys to everything and his credentials gave the hackers access to the good stuff. Vulnerabilities and exploits are a when, not if. Your cyber security posture should expect them and be designed to minimize the impact and catch as quickly as possible. That’s why I don’t expect the impact to Solarwinds to be as massive as some people are predicting. Microsoft had their 2FA bypassed as well during this breach, and there have been plenty of other IT/tech heavyweights that have had exploits/breaches (how many of us are still using intel chips?). Market share and response will drive how Solarwinds weathers this.
  21. Meh, we will see. Companies hate having to change streams on IT investments due to the cost and infrastructure challenges. I think you'll see plenty hang on just because its the cheaper/easier option, especially if they didnt get hacked. Solarwinds will take a beating, but their market share will probably see them through.
  22. Tangentially, I saw a tweet where a black woman's family was sick with COVID, and that their doctor didn't want her to bring anyone to the ER/hospital until "their lips started turning blue." The replies were amazing, many POC talking about getting similar advice and some doctors chiming in on how to check other areas of the body for signs of hypoxia and links to cheap oximeters so they wouldn't have to guess. I doubt the original doc had any ill intent with his advice, its just a huge blind spot.
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