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Everything posted by TXSG8R

  1. if I was an NFL team the biggest thing that would give me pause from this game about Lawrence is how much he throws off his back foot to avoid taking a hit. It started before he took any real hits. It’s a stark contrast to what Fields has shown tonight.
  2. I don’t follow Clemson that closely, but I assume their O line recruiting is top notch based on their overall rankings every year. OSU is making them look completely bitch made.
  3. Jake Fromm is trending on Twitter, and it’s all excellent.
  4. I’m genuinely surprised with how OSU is demolishing Clemson up front, and with the crater they are trying to climb out of, that the OC is asking the undisputed top QB to run option plays.
  5. Lawrence is just getting a jump on his preparation for playing with the Jags or Jets. He just never stops working.
  6. One can hope. Dabo’s smug bullshit needs to be knocked down a few pegs. Fitting if it comes at the hands of OSU after ranking them at 11.
  7. That’s Fields injury is letting the LBs tee off on the inside runs now. They aren’t worried about him taking off anymore.
  8. Can’t be blamed for playing a guy with a broken rib if you don’t know he has a broken rib.
  9. naw he was hit in the spine Yes, but Skalski’s helmet moved a lot of organs and ribs out of the way in order to accomplish that.
  10. I don’t know what Fields will do in the NFL, but I know he isn’t a bitch.
  11. I’m sure Saban will be fine with that TO if he ever sees a Kelly coached team again.
  12. Between the block in the back call and now that roughing call, lol at the idea the refs are trying to help Georgia.
  13. There’s zero chance of the party splitting, because both sides know they need each other’ votes to be competitive. A split republicans vote would open too many areas to a democratic winner. You’ll just see a more narrow purge of anyone not on board with trumpism. This shit on the 6th is the first of many public loyalty tests.
  14. Yea, I guess the only way it makes some sense is that a bunch of wet behind the ears school-house privates are more likely to follow illegal orders to do something like this, mostly out of ignorance. For those thinking that these school houses have grizzled, seen and done it all veterans, let me correct you. Most school houses are full of guys that aren’t deployable, or got the hook up with branch and was able to park their asses in one of the easier jobs in the army. They are given tasks, conditions, and standards, and for many, that’s the extent of their knowledge on a subject.
  15. Is that bad? Seems bad. Grantham needs to get the Joey Freshwater treatment and get fired before the plane ride home.
  16. The receivers that are missing are 75% of Trask’s 40 TDs this season. With them on the field, at worst it’s a shootout. guys like Pitts and Toney force defenses to double or shade coverages that opens things for other guys. The browns went out and lost to the jets missing about the same number of receivers. An NFL QB with NFL backups couldn’t overcome it. I know you guys are smarter than this. No one goes out and sandlot QBs their way at this level with a bunch of random guys. They work their asses off on timing and reads. When guys change, it fucks all that up. Defensively, it probably doesn’t matter. Ventrel Miller is a good LB, makes a ton of tackles, but he’s one guy. We have been thin at DL all season. Marco Wilson sucks at corner, it honestly wasn’t any worse without him. The safety we are missing is about the same. Our defense was shit all year. we didn’t win games by locking anyone down. We won by scoring a bunch of points. Those 4 missing guys are a huge void.
  17. The O line has to improve a lot because with EJ at QB, they need to open holes. Defensively, the first thing that needs to happen is firing Grantham.
  18. Yep. Our O line sucked all year, Trask generally made quick reads and got the ball out to the right guy. Missing a DL starter and our best tackler and middle LB. they weren’t great against the run to begin with, missing those guys I’m surprised OU would even put the ball in the air.
  19. I know you guys are fapping to this beat down, but you guys do understand we are missing 9 starters from that team, right? It’s apples to oranges.
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