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Zeus last won the day on August 14 2021

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    sky and thunder god

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  1. Huge play Obviously a safety either down or flag for intentional grounding ”the foul was described incorrectly” what the fuck lol huge moment in the game ruined by rig 12 officials they also took 15 mins to figure out how to spin this fuckup wont miss watching these dipshits stare at a tablet 4 or 5 times a game. Especially the last few drives of the 4th quarter, they love to stop play and watch replays.
  2. You misread my post. Rig12 is pussy dumbfuck refball, SEC is actual football called somewhat fairly and allows the guys to play. I went to Texas and I’ve been to about the same number of Florida games as Texas games in my lifetime.. so yeah I’ve watched a little SEC ball
  3. Playing against Bama online I think they are turning the tackle coach setting to aggressive because I just lost 2 fumbles 2 games back to back against bama Playing as Texas in CFP mode online sucks shit because it’s not the right playbook. It’s some stupid shit with 2 TEs in like 6 of the 9 gun formations. Hopefully they “fix the glitch” that gives me some other playbook as Texas. No other team gets a diffident playbook online…
  4. Zeus

    Big Noon Show

    Big10 is already a dump lol aggy really chomping at the bit to jump over there and place 4th in their division
  5. Hillbilly unplugged his internet after the first pick lmao
  6. It's a thing, there's also no "comeback mode" for teams down two touchdowns to force the game into an exciting last second play to win or lose. Also there is no longer official reviews every other play, or huddles to decide the call that take 1-2 mins.. There's not going to be anymore players thrown out of the game for blowing up a bubble screen either. Basically we are going to be watching football from now on instead of refball.
  8. Texas doesn’t even have the correct playbook online road to CFB mode… maybe they fix that. Although I guess maybe they did it on purpose because it’s too OP?
  9. You can’t even hit a guy in the front if he isn’t looking - blindside block now guys are smart enough to put their hands up and just “screen” from behind to avoid a block in the back so no, clipping isn’t really a thing anymore because the sport has gotten hyper sensitive on certain fouls including this one…
  10. Anyone wanna split up the SEC (it just means more) teams and play a season on dynasty mode? We can gather and do a random draw for the teams or whatnot Just trying it out: league name: ShaggyBevo password: Surly i hit Y for random and got Auburn…
  11. Get ready for a lot of this lmao
  12. Go to the practice mode and pick 10-12 plays to just run over and over and over again until you are comfortable hitting all the different receivers. You can set the defense in nickel and double click the left stick to have it pick a random play too.
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