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Everything posted by TXSG8R

  1. It just shows that they aren't any different from the hoi polloi. I think we all know people we can say the same thing about. I have a EE buddy in Huntsville, Alabama. He's originally from Cali, not remotely religious, his strongest link to politics prior to trump was similar to mine. Mostly vote republican because of their support for the defense industry. He's prior military and a gun guy too, but prior to Trump I never knew him to raise any stink about 2A. He never piped up about muh guns during Obama for example. He also used to clown on the religious right. His daughters all swim, one good enough to get a full scholarship at a D1 school and participate in Olympic trials. His best friend is from Boston and leans left. Now, he pops up in my twitter feed constantly yelling at local news sources for anything negative about Trump. He also regularly retweets all the right-wing weirdos now. His best friend tells me that he is still all in on Trump. Refuses to recognize the election, cant admit to any faults or failures by the orange idiot. Its so hard to try to predict who this shit will infect, but once it gets its hooks in it seems like its impossible to break.
  2. Thanks, I always thought cardiac arrest required some kind of intervention, CPR or defrib, to restart the heart.
  3. Can the heart stop momentarily and cause something like this? The reason I ask is because when they carted him off I didn’t see anyone doing any kind of CPR, I think he laid on the court for a couple of minutes before the carted him. Something else I read initially was that when he hit the ground his eyes were open, which is what spooked the hell out of the players. This is all scary as fuck, it’s hard to believe with today’s medical tech a heart condition could still slip through the cracks.
  4. Just saw this. So armchair doctoring, would the medically induced coma and language like "following simple commands" lean more some kind of stroke or would some potential heart issue be treated in a similar way?
  5. Can you lighten the thread page numbers in dark mode? Dark gray on black is tough to see.
  6. It’s concerning that they aren’t updating Keyontae’s condition. They said they flew his family into Tally Saturday and announced he was critical but stable. Silence since then. I hope I’m not reading too much into that.
  7. Its a large leap from having someone compromised within an org installing malware to full on collusion. Insider threats are always a problem. That's what your internal processes are supposed to help you find and/or prevent. Lots of people are going to be called on the carpet to explain how the exploit could be injected and not caught through their internal QA processes. If it was a compromised appliance they could at least point the finger at a sub and/or shipper as a way they injected malware. With it being software, they in theory own that entire chain, so Solarwinds has to eat the entire shit sandwich. Solarwinds will be fine long term. They are a behemoth in the network admin world, but they could have fucked themselves out of gov't contracts for the foreseeable future.
  8. Correct, nothing is impenetrable. The concern is that it started potentially in March and wasn’t caught until now. The autopsy on this is going to be interesting. I’ve read some people are pointing at supply side intervention. I though all Solarwinds stuff was software based, which means someone injected exploit code into their product. Not a good look for a company based around network support to give a state actor a back door into gov’t networks.
  9. Pitts participated in warmups and wasn’t allowed to play, no injuries that anyone has reported on. He didn’t sit anyone else that I know of, but he shuffled the O line around trying to find more balance. Trask had guys in his face most of the night as a result with a 4 man rush.
  10. Fair. As dumb as the Wilson play was, Mullen deserves the blame for sitting Pitts and juggling the O-line in an effort to get better running numbers. The team was clearly looking ahead to the Bama game. That’s on the coaches for not keeping them focused. Sitting Pitts just amplifies the mindset that the LSU game isn’t a priority.
  11. Wilson should probably sleep at a friends place tonight. If he has any left in Gainesville.
  12. Marco Wilson seemed like the next big thing at corner his freshman year. Blew his knee, has been human toast ever since. He’s taken a lot of heat on Twitter and boards over his play the last two seasons. This will help a bunch.
  13. 4 man rush and both tackles got absolutely whipped. Mullen deserves a ton of shit for rolling this out on senior night.
  14. Yes. Clinched the east last week. Losing tonight would tie us with Georgia, but we had, the head to head tiebreaker. Mullen seemed to think that LSU would roll over I guess.
  15. Agreed, Mullen made some pretty shitty choices that gave LSU some life. How do you not take advantage of a depleted secondary?
  16. Trask is putting up massive numbers without a stable of NFL receivers that are running away from people after the catch. Pitts is a freak but he has missed almost 3 games worth of time and Trask is still productive.
  17. Very, plus this is the last home game and Pitts is gone to the NFL. It just makes no fucking sense to sit him the entire game. Get Trask and Pitts a bunch of scores, break LSU’s will, and then let Pitts sit after the half if you’re that worried about him. Mullen is a great offensive mind and can coach up a QB, but he still outsmarts himself on occasion.
  18. Bama was going to fuck us up regardless, but at least lose a shoot out instead of rolling into that game with guys questioning everything. Even if they squeak this out, it raises a lot of questions heading into a game where you need to be dialed in. Oh, and as a bonus you’re probably cratering your QBs heisman shot.
  19. Sitting him to keep him healthy for Bama. O line has been a problem all year, especially in the run game, but it was manageable. They shuffled things around for this game instead of going with what works.
  20. Mullen deserves some heat for this shit. Sitting Pitts takes a weapon off the field and tells LSU you think they suck so bad that you can win without him. Then on top of that you experiment with a new O line configuration the week before Bama? Trask has been uncomfortable all night, and while the run game looks a little better, why are you fucking with your bread and butter? Trask’s arm is what got you here, who gives a fuck about balance.
  21. Mixed bag, there was some quality skill position guys but the recruiting up to that point had prioritized stars over need. You're still seeing some of that this season. Our defense is a dumpster fire after losing a handful of guys. The O-line was especially bad, in depth and skill, when Mullen took over. The TE position pretty much didnt exist under butter teeth (Pitts was one of his first signings). That 2018 team had a great stable of backs, 2 are in the NFL now, and no one knew who they were because they were running into walls all season. Mullen has also relied pretty heavily on the transfers to smooth some of that over, we would have been turbo-fucked without some of the guys he found in the portal. Van Jefferson, Trevon Grimes, Jonathan Greenard, Justin Shorter, Brenton Cox Jr, the list goes on.
  22. Mullen has been coaching in the southeast since 2005. He finally has Florida past the rebuild phase and is starting to compete. UF will be opening a new football athletics complex late next year. I don't see him leaving all that to start over in Texas, where he would have to build recruiting ties from scratch. You guys already went through this with Charlie, you need a guy that already has roots in Texas so he can hit the ground running IMO.
  23. Yea, like you said, that’s every army base. A lot of the predatory businesses are run by former/retired soldiers that know how to lock soldiers into shitty deals. Bragg had a standing order that no one below E5 could sign a car loan without an E5ks approval. You have kids with a guaranteed paycheck that is backed by Uncle Sam. The gov’t will garnish his wages to pay off debt, so they just railroad these guys. They had kids getting bent over with 20+% car loans. I’ve been to most of the army bases, I think Bragg/Fayetnam is by far the most threatening place. Infantry is nuttier than squirrel shit, and you have all the SOC/former SOC guys hanging around town on top of that. Really dangerous guys to be around once they got some liquid courage into them.
  24. Disagree, it’s more of a PR move than anything that will help with safety IMO. Taking the heads of flag officers without showing that they were not enforcing the army standards wrt sexual harassment is all for show. The Army creates the standards, the commanders ensure those standards are trained and enforced. If the division commander ensured that SHARP was being trained property and on schedule, didn’t do anything to restrict or modify the reporting avenues available, and didn’t put their thumb on the scales when it comes to The UCMJ, I don’t know what else you can ask that commander to do. Soldiers and civilians receive SHARP training. They are told that if you’re uncomfortable with reporting things through your chain of command there are other specific avenues for you take a report to. I think the completely unrelated deaths amplified the response. I think Guillen’s family amplified the response. I’m sure someone in her food chain deserved to get hammered over this if they sat on SH complaints (which I still haven’t seen any corroboration for outside of her family reporting it), but I don’t think it should have applied that far up the chain. Maybe the full report will provide some details on why I’m wrong, but from what I’ve read to date, this feels like public sacrifice to appease the torch and pitchfork mob.
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