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Posts posted by austingirl

  1. 6 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Fuck yes it is.

    It's like some of you heathens never went fishing or hunting in the 1970s.

    Olive and pimento loaf sammiches. Vienna sausages and mustard.  Saltines and PB.  Saltines and margarine.  LIVING RIGHT, that's what that was.

    Hunting camp fare definitely lowers the bar on what's acceptable. We evacuated to my dad's hunting camp in Zavala when we were trying to dodge Hurricane Andrew, and there were things I will never unsee.

    8 hours ago, Dewey said:

    I haven't thought about olive loaf in a longtime, I'll have to look for it at the store.

    As for gross foods, my dear mother liked to get recipe ideas from the local paper, one such recipe was to wrap fish in foil and cook in the dishwasher. She did this several times before my father led the coup and we were able to overthrow her.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

    Jesus Christ. Was there...other stuff in the dishwasher at the time? I have so many questions about the logistics of this.

    5 hours ago, otisdog said:

    My mom's Saturday bacon and eggs. She would clean the entire house while she cooked this meal. Hour and a half to fry the bacon, ended up looking and tasting like yesterdays campfire. Then another hour and a half for the eggs...no bacon grease left after that long, she just cracked the eggs and slow fried them. The egg white would turn green and take on the properties of 1/4" hardware cloth, and the yolk would render down to some form of Sulfa tablet. Just Awful.

    I took over the cooking duties in the 7th or 8th grade.

    My mom worked full-time and was always on a diet (for the record, she's tiny and weighs 110 lbs on a fat day), so she was always eating weird shit, like canned stewed tomatoes. I also took over the cooking detail in middle school. We ate lots of Hamburger Helper, spaghetti with meat sauce, and boudin with saltines.

  2. On 4/17/2018 at 9:32 AM, zman13 said:


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    So why was she forbidden from entering the basement? Maybe I missed it, but there didn't seem to be a clear reason.



    I guess it was because he was working with a ton of frequencies for her hearing aid and didn't want it to hurt her or mess anything up.

    My 10-yo loved it. The worst part for him was


    When she steps on the nail and then pulls her foot off of it.


  3. On 4/9/2018 at 10:07 AM, HornOnTheBayou said:

    The text messages are cracking me up. "BULLET DELIVERED!!!" with confetti had me rolling.


    On 4/9/2018 at 11:07 AM, Thiefery said:

    and the "Hang in There " Cat meme

    I'd watch a show just with this guy and his texts.

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  4. On 4/7/2018 at 11:39 PM, GreenspointTexas said:

    Great for a directorial debut but a little overrated. Still enjoyed it bigly


    Alien looks great. Movie should have been R instead of PG 13

    You think? (Regarding the R rating) It's definitely intense, but no sex, violence, or really any gore. My 10-yo is dying to see it and I think he could handle it.

    This movie was what Signs wanted to be. The acting was really outstanding, and I think we can expect lots of greatness from John Krasinski as a director.

  5. 2 hours ago, hornfan785 said:

    It's not claymation, it's stop motion. And do you hate all stop motion animation? I'm curious why.

    Yeah, I generally don't like it at all. It's just really clunky and jerky, and I can't think of a modern case where it added to the movie experience. But, I haven't seen Fantastic Mr. Fox, so I'll be sure to check that out.

  6. I appreciate Wes Anderson even though I've only really liked a few of his movies (The Grand Budapest Hotel and Moonrise Kingdom), but this one seems like the next level of pretentious even for him. Like he's saying "Critics love my movies no matter what so I'm going to do the next one in the worst animation style possible because I can." Because fuck claymation.

  7. Had blackened catfish Opelousas last night at Schooner. It's not the prettiest picture or plating but damn it was good. And I had totally forgotten about their au gratin potatoes. Been a few years since I'd eaten there.


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