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Posts posted by Handcruser

  1. I don't have a specific set in mind yet, just I've generally zeroed in on that general idea as it's a very flexible option. I need to be able to supply various drummers a kit for tracking if the need arises. Side mission, it would give me something to futz around on myself at times.

    Ahhh- I gotcha.

    We’ll make sure they’re round and no cracks and sound good.

    I e got a set I’d sell. Somewhere on this thread.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. Alright guys, it's a shameful day I thought would never come. For a few reasons I need to pickup a kit (please don't tell respectable folks).
    I need to get something very flexible and middle of the road that I can get consistent sounds out of. I've kind of landed on a vintage Gretsch, and need the collective wisdom here to bring up any pitfalls I need to look out for.

    Make sure they’re round.
  3. Who do we want to win this game? I thought Washington should win out for us to be in the CFP. U-DUB winning out would kick Oregon to the curb and we'd jump them. Free shoes U has to lose one of their remaing two that they can lose yet.
    If WSU wins, does that kick out the PAC champion from the CFP?

    Root for WSU

  4. I’ll be damned - yeah, I deal with the local government waiver mostly, not the one for state govt units. Sure enough, it excludes employees.

    Surely there’s a waiver or workaround on that, as it’s so regularly in play for coaches.

    Didn’t orgeron have an llc or something?

    Maybe that’s the way around it.

    My God, I wonder what the contract will look like for him. 

    I’ll take a stab at it-

    Base: 10 years and 200 million
    No buyout
    Paid upfront day one
    If Dabo decides to quit he gets to keep all of it
    If Dabo goes to coach anywhere else Aggy will pay his salary for that school for 10 years
    If he beats texas he gets a 25 million dollar bonus
    Free Corvette for life every year
    10000 acre ranch
    Free blowjobs on Gameday from Looch
    10% of faculty salary deposited monthly in Cayman Islands account
    • Drool 1
  6. I'm going to be pretty shocked if it's not Elko.  Just too obvious given he was just there a few years ago.   It's a hire Billy and the rest of the Ag media can sell (much moreso than Traylor).  He would likely be able to keep most of the defensive talent/recruits.  The question would obviously be offense.  I don't know much about the current Duke OC (Kevin Johns) but he doesn't have a resume that jumps off the page.  Getting a home run OC hire is what would be tough as not many names that really jump out at you (that likely aren't in the market for one of the smaller jobs that opens up).

    Sir - I’ll have you know right now that they have Bobby “motorcycle” Petrino on staff right now. The home run hire has been made. The cake is baked.
    • Haha 3
  7. I would bet it was more of a “let’s see if hamas comes and steals this and if they do we won’t deliver an amount that would fuel their tanks and things so they don’t use it against us” than anything else.

    And they were right if so.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. Then: "We money whipped a sitting championship head coach."
    Now: "We are paying a loser head coach to sit."

    So what your telling me is Aggy hired a national championship coach, gave him every resource to win, he recruited highly ranked classes, and they had to fire him for not being able to win anything?

    I wonder what the problem is?
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