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Posts posted by 686

  1. So in order to combat any future laxative addiction it’s important to introduce laxatives? My experience with beer says this may not be the smartest approach.

    Don’t try to apply logic to this. She read it on the internet, it must be true. In prior years, she ran this all the way up the chain to a pediatric gastroenterologist (who knew that even existed), who told her to chill out and this isn’t a thing, but here we are.

  2. Just want to clean up and store. I’m told they’ll eventually be mine, so besides some quality time with my FiL, I’ll get a little protection on inheritance.

    Totally comfortable with what you laid out, and I think evaluating every piece individually before determining cleaning need is the way to go.

    “Corrosion X” for exterior rust and “Corrosion X for Guns” for interior/action rust and rust prevention have been the best performing long-term rust preventative I’ve used/seen. It’s a little expensive, but worth it IMO. Available on Amazon.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. I mean that's literally Article 5 right there.

    Yeah he’s jumped the shark, maybe intentionally entering the “old man yells at cloud” zone so that cooler heads can prevail while he keeps the crazy rants going to some how “save face” int their way. Solovyov is like Khrushchev banging his shoe on the podium like a clown and the rest of the folks know it’s time to “make a deal, wrap this up and get back to doing business with Europe”, as was said in the other state tv broadcast.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. Solovyov is still delaminating, “nuke England, nuke the Gerald Ford, etc”. Seemingly more and firmer dissenting voices. I’m actually surprised one of the guests didn’t call him out on his hypersonic missiles are the solution statement. The silence was palpable though. They all know they’re fucked.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  5. That’s why I like the big cats. Almost always go for the throat to asphyxiate. Wolves and hyenas typically start eating their prey from behind, which is an asshole move. 

    African lions are the exception and eat they’re prey alive frequently, starting from the back and just wildly brutal. It’s like they’d prefer to listen to the thing squeal as they’re gnawing on it. I did once see a tables-turned scenario where a bull Cape Buffalo came up on a den of lion cubs, and he promptly ground them all into the dirt until they stopped moving. A guy once wrote he never saw a wild thing sorry for itself, but I think it’s also true that wild thinks don’t give a fuck about feelings.
  6. Well, you can't say that was a surprise. Is your 10yo scheduled for a colonoscopy or what? Damn man...

    Wife read some idiotic shit on the internet that made her believe that constipation is a chronic downward spiral condition that if it isn’t aggressively treated immediately will result in the kid having a fucked up colon and being addicted to laxatives their whole life.

    This event could be cross-posted in the stupid shit wives do thread.
  7. @Prepuce of Doom The 10yo crapped her pants yesterday after the wife loaded her up with 3 days straight of miralax, so afterwards maybe the 13yo was making a statement of solidarity that I under appreciated…

    • Haha 1

  8. It could be manufacturing issues (shitty tolerances)

    from a Ukrainian armor chop shop about 6 months ago:


    One scenario I’m imagining for this to occur is that when the barrel was drilled, the bit wandered, so the bore of the barrel actually curves as it goes from breach to muzzle. Fucking yikes. Definitely going to be a wear problem.
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