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Certifiably Surly
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2117 Surly 10%

About hornmpa96

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  1. She needs to pick a VP that assists in the Swing States and they should spend every day in those states from today forward. Leave No Doubt and Run up the Score!
  2. That flight attendant should be fired. There was no reason to escalate a simple misunderstanding about a cup of ice.
  3. That was never going anywhere with Manchin and Sinema.
  4. My freshman 25 was a combination of beer and a large Gumby’s pizza every weekday around midnight. If I ate like that now, I would need a scooter to get around.
  5. Winter Storm URI in 2021 - I’m team drip.
  6. My nested outage was fixed this morning. The Generac purchased after Uri has been a champ through this.
  7. Can you please stop citing this bullshit? Centerpoint had net income of $917 million in 2023. Centerpoint generated net cash flows of $18 million in 2023 after considering capex of $4.4 billion and dividends of $535 million. Learn the difference between gross vs net. You’re basically citing a 2000 dot-com financial metric - “EBE” or Earnings before expenses.
  8. I struggle with any poll that has Kennedy receiving greater than 3% of the vote. The last independent candidate to get that high of a percentage was Gary Johnson. Where do the people who are Kennedy voters in these polls actually end up? It’s easy to be upset with Biden about Gaza or his age and tell a pollster that I’m pulling the lever for Kennedy. It’s a completely different thing to actually do it in the voting booth.
  9. Am I the only one who reads this in Jackie Chiles’ voice?
  10. Power was restored on Tuesday afternoon only to be lost again today.
  11. Do you send Dubin down? I’ve liked what I see from King and Ort so far.
  12. Ort just throws strikes. I like it.
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