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Degenerate Gardner

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  1. I will never understand it on a rational basis. Our fellow American pines for a traitorous pretend strongman in diapers. No kink shaming intended.
  2. Train wrecks are attention getters but it usually doesn’t bode well for the trains.
  3. Does this mean Melanie is doing the girl on girl thing again? Not just judging , I don’t blame her.
  4. It’s not the death that’s in dispute , it’s the timing.
  5. My only question is: exactly how much in danger was Trump? I mean, I have a LOT of follow up questions to that one, but they would probably get me banned.
  6. I wish I had a dollar for every push poll text I received in the last week or so.
  7. Yet not nearly as fucked as it would be if Trump gets a 2nd term. I’ll take a elderly statesman over an elderly grifting traitorous sociopath every damn time.
  8. It feels a little like Al Franken resigning. Dems have higher standards for elected officials combined with zero pragmatism which predictably results in shooting off Uncle Sam’s dick.
  9. A lot of people reportedly objected to the taste of Lam.
  10. You can be sure they did, but the calculus in 2020 was like 2024’s: whoever can beat Trump. It’s fair to fault the Dems for not developing another viable candidate. I can’t exactly disagree with the calculus though. It’s a triage situation. This country’s well being has perhaps never been more dependent on which old white guy keels over first.
  11. Bread and circus eras should at minimum offer those things. Circuses have been replaced with presidential debates, wheat with chickpea flour. Those are the positive comments I can muster at the moment.
  12. Party game challenge: what could Trump possibly say in a debate that would alienate the cult?
  13. That’s just the recency bias talkin, man. The effort was always there, but Chendall didn’t exactly start last season on fire. There were some awkward, frustrating moments. The improvement was fun to watch though and he came on strong with double digits in both NCAA tourney games. All of which is to say: Weaver is a valuable contributor and my favorite returning player, but I think him starting to begin the season is far from certain.
  14. If Trump is re-elected, please strike “pathetic man” and replace with “pathetic populace”. Until then, it’s masturbation, which I usually support.
  15. I’ve begun to consider they ARE being intellectually honest, but are blinded by a congenital lack of empathy and self awareness. This possibility offers lessons only otherwise gleaned from a trip to a Nazi museum without having to deal with long flights and hassles of transatlantic travel.
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