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Posts posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. 40 minutes ago, lucious leftfoot said:

    The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    This deserves the world's biggest eye roll. When will the straight, white Christian guys EVER catch a break??

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Rage+1 1
  2. 13 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    I’m in OKC at the moment. Holy shit, this place is a singularity of MAGA idiocy. Our hotel has stacks of two newspapers out: the WSJ (fine) and…The Epoch Times. Fucking for real.
    The ads for the GQP congressional runoff are competing ads on who can suck Trump’s dick the hardest, and about who will be the most hardcore about protecting Oklahoma from the dirty Mexican horde.
    Oklahoma…still even dumber than Texas.

    Strangely (or not), Oklahoma seems to have more lesbian bars than just about anywhere (not that it's a thing that exists in great numbers...). Of course, lesbians exist across a broad range, like you'll have your country gals and military types who aren't necessarily progressive, or political, but still. It's an interesting dynamic to contemplate.

    https://www.tastingtable.com/1318400/oklahoma-epicenter-lesbian-bars-us/#:~:text=Anchored by the state's largest,newcomers Indigo Lounge and The

  3. The lies you get are just what you deserve for questioning their inherent authority. And when you unjustly question them, they are the victims. 

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Gap03 said:

    "Political beliefs"? 

    Fuck ALL the way off with that bullshit.

    Yep. Reminds me of:

    Help, I'm being persecuted for my beliefs!

    Really? Which ones, your belief in small government and fiscal responsibility?

    No, not those... the OTHER ones.

    • Haha 1
  5. TIL that an upside-down flag means you're actually a Patriot TM. 

    I had no idea that flying Old Glory upside down wouldn't get you an ass-kicking as a commie piece of shit

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. Wait, when did protestors at UT try to take over the campus?? Is that just NYT laziness trying to conflate all the protests at universities? 

    Also, I thought the trial court rejected the officer's claim that Garza tried to get a detective to withhold exculpatory evidence?  But then Abbott gets to state it as fact? wtf? I know, I know Brisket

  7. 1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Miles came out defending his old charter school system. He says that the Texas schools only transferred funds to pay for the corporate services, and that the HQ was in Colorado. Everything according to him is legal. 

    It wouldn't surprise me if the laws are grey when it comes to charter school (mis)management. It's very possible that they are allowed to transfer reasonable funds to an out of state corporate office and that our representatives purposefully let reasonable be undefined.

    Weirdly Miles is standing on fact that he hadn't worked for the charter school as an exec/employee in over a year. Of course he's been a consultant with them since he's had the HISD top job.

    I call bullshit. These charter schools receive public funds so they should be subject to the Public Information Act. Even the ones in Colorado if part of the Texas chain of schools. Keep digging. Even as shady as his explanation is, it's probably false and Texas dollars are flowing to those schools themselves and directed to the "administration" (i.e., the pockets of Miles and whoever he decides). Cool fact is, the PIA is administered by .... Paxton's office.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 3 hours ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

    What annoys me about this is that I hold back a little hate for folks like Kacsmaryk that are targeted for forum shopping.  Maybe he just has a really conservative judicial philosophy and the AG just takes advantage of the forum rules and puts cases up there.  Maybe he doesn't deserve hate for that.  He's sort of an unwilling participant in the big sham.  But then signing onto stuff like this makes it clear that he wants to be involved in the politicization of the judicial branch.  It makes it clear it's not unwilling at all. 

    ah man, you should have seen his confirmation hearing. He's an unapologetic activist and completely, utterly unfit to wear the robe.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    You mean “future Senator” poster child, right? Because that’s how this timeline works. That kid has “American leader” written all over him.

    Soon to join the Turning Point USA tour along with Rittenhouse and the Covington red-hat guy 

  10. 2 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:




    I wouldn't trust her at all, that's not a lie that'll be easy to definitively uncover, and she knows it'd be a bombshell if she said he admitted it 

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