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Posts posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. 5 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Just a point of order.  The Texas AG isn't really the "top cop" in Texas.  Fairly unusually, the AG has almost no law-enforcement jurisdiction, other than filing civil suits.

    He's not even the head of our state LEA, the DPS.

    His constitutional duties are limited to representing the state in civil litigation and approving bond issues.

    I'd be kind of interested to know historically why that is, someone around here is bound to know.  Maybe its as simple as the rationale behind the weak governor--no executive type power in one person.

    Of course, the concept of a state- or even nation-wide LEA is relatively new, as policing has always been a county or municipal level function.

    But that includes a lot of various criminal or probably more accurately "quasi-criminal" authority the office has. Prosecuting medicare/medicaid fraud. Non-payment of child support. Representing the state in federal habeas appeals from misdemeanor all the way through death penalty cases. Open records rulings/opinions. Consumer protection litigation. Of course, Kenny's main claim to fame is just suing the shit out of any Dem president on our behalf. But there's a shit ton that office does, or at least is set up to be doing.

  2. My father-in-law is currently in hospice care at home due to alcoholism and has the wet-brain thing. He managed to make it to 76-- or 77?-- and birthday next week. My understanding is that the primary process killing him is his uncontrolled blood pressure. The alcohol has greatly weakened his body systems and mind, but also made him not give a shit to take care of himself as far as just taking his BP meds etc., which has been the case for quite a while now. Faced with the reality of death, he kept maintaining it was his own choice to keep drinking, not caring that his refusal to even try getting sober meant his wife became his full-time nurse. It's been part of my own wake-up call to drink a lot less for fear of just not giving a shit about myself or anyone else. 

    Anyway, sorry to hear about MAC, he truly was a gifted writer and fascinating guy.

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  3. In contemplating moving from this shithole and leaving behind my elderly mother, I console myself with the fact that her shitty voting record and continued swallowing of the propaganda has helped create this mess.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  4. I feel like Dell Children's needs to fucking say something. This is so horrible it makes me want to cry. Kids are going to die or end up with lifelong problems and no one seems to fucking care unless it directly affects them. As the parent of an adolescent boy, I find it personally terrifying as well... that's what it feels like --terrorism by the government.

    • Rage+1 5
  5. So the school chaplain thing and the no-inspection thing are seriously about to become law?! What. the. ever-loving fuck. 

    Vote for us! We'll make our already shitty roads more dangerous! and put potentially predatory religious spies in with yo' kids!

    This has got to be the worst session this state has ever seen. I don't know why I'm shocked but this is all just fucking CRAZY

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  6. 2 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Paxton is now investigating Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. You can just imagine the lawyers Paxton is outsourcing this investigation. This isn’t the type of work that a competent attorney would want to handle. Not to mention that they understand the job that Paxton is looking for them to do. He wants to find a few doctors to punish.

    honestly, someone just needs to pop a cap in his ass start filing massive lawsuits at this point. One criminal intimidating and bringing the full power of the law down onto medical providers and by proxy, their patients, through extralegal proceedings. Full-on rogue fascism is here.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 2 hours ago, elfenix said:

    That would be Kav. Gorsuch would have gotten on when Kennedy retired rather than Kav. Gorsuch was tops on fuckwad whose parents hated him Leo Leo's list. I think Barrett would probably have been nominated to replace RBG over Kav because replacing a woman with a frat bro would be even worse optics.

    just speaking to the actual timeline of the stolen Obama pick

  8. 14 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    This. I mean I don’t watch cable news just as a matter of sanity and sound decision making practices, but I know enough about it to know that they who watched Fox for decades consider CNN to be the “Communist News Network.” They were not looking to jump leftwards to CNN when Fox fell apart with this lawsuit. They just want equally nutbaggish networks that don’t owe three quarters of a billion dollars in defamation suits (at least for the moment). Motherfuckers who watch Fox News don’t watch it to be informed. They watch it to have their pre-existing opinions validated. CNN ain’t doin that. 

    Well they're starting to try by normalizing and both-sides-ing things they shouldn't. Fuck CNN.

  9. Too bad the courts are already hack-stacked. There's an article in Rolling Stone -- paywalled I think -- that details the 5th circuit's shitty treatment of the lawyers defending mifepristone in court yesterday, accusing the lawyers of personal attacks on poor Kaczmaryk while being oh so deferential to the plaintiffs and Ho stating that they get to oversee the FDA. The quotes from the 3 hacktivists -- seriously the worst panel of the already terrible court -- are just infuriating. The GOP deserves so so many election losses for being an absolutely lawless party.

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  10. How long would it take between an announcement of resignation and the time when a Newsome-appointed warm body could have their ass in there actively voting/working? Just wondering if some bullshit interim delay factors into this at all.

  11. was it... Cheney? Still begs the question of whether Ralph should have foreseen the intent and ability to start the Iraq and Afghanistan wars before 911 even happened.  Anyway, don't blame me, Bush was always going to handily win Texas obv.

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