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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. On 9/16/2023 at 3:35 AM, Billy Pilgrim said:

    So I watched a movie on HBO Max called The Lodge. It was more of a psychological thriller. Has a couple of “what the hell” moments (you’ll know what I’m talking about early in the movie if you watch it). It dragged a little in the middle but that’s more due to the subject content. I thought it was worth the watch.

    Was that the one with Riley Keogh? If so, it held my attention well enough--was a nice slow burn.

    The new Exorcist movie with the two little girls looks scary AF! For real. I still avoid the original, it gets to me like nothing else. 

    I saw The Nun II. It was kinda meh, though I didn't see the first one and admit I'm not super knowledgeable about the Conjuring universe. It was kind of like, let's run here, let's run there... if a demon, much less Satan was so powerful, how are you shutting the door on it and keeping it out or being able to hide from it? 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Nivek said:

    They (GQP) look at the government as a source of self-enrichment and nothing else.   If Kavanaugh tried to interview to work at the fry station at McDonald's, he would not have gotten the job based on his publicized interview.   Acting like an asshole, sniveling and crying, and with assault allegations against him.    

    But to the GQP, that is recommended.  

    yep, and don't forget literally vowing revenge against his perceived political enemies, in a position which requires impartiality. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. 2 hours ago, rage-a-holic said:

    I bought Hyaena when I was 14 because Bill (of records and tapes) told me Robert Smith and The London Symphony played on it.

    Prior to that, I knew maybe 3 Beatles songs. I wore the shit out of that record re-playing "Dear Prudence"; I assumed she wrote it.

    Ah, good ol' Bill. Did he give you the special discount just for boys? 

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  4. the default should be shifted to who can rather than who cannot possess. The 2nd is vague and doesn't support the current SCOTus interp. Who can own, in terms of the need to actually own weapons that are more than recreational or self-defense, would be less fraught than excluding out groups who can't. Very radical view only to this country, I'm aware 

  5. This will be obvious to some, but before the advent of the internet, previous generations often did not know how to put a name to the experience of gender dysphoria. It's generally a fairly small portion of the population who are trans and it just has not been widely understood or spoken of in most cultures, historically. Like with gay people but much more so. So once people finally have more widespread knowledge, you are going to have more people being able to identify themselves as trans, most who certainly have no motive other than accuracy, considering the still-extreme stigma. I say this from my family's personal experience. I wish the right-wingers would consider what the actual lived experience would be like of someone who came of age before the internet etc., and then after. To say it's all some sort of social contagion is myopic at best.  This might be my most diplomatic post ever, so savor it my bitches. 

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