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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. Here too, but I also liked these. I’d eat the middle and throw away the “crust”.
  2. I always liked them better not toasted.
  3. Yeah, I loved The Ring of Power, but I’m not one of the book dorks that is going to complain. I get it if you’re one of them, I’m just glad in this instance I am not one of them.
  4. Edit: lol…you’re a dick joke. And watch the video.
  5. Ummm...how many people in the general pop would fit in here? It was probably more true of Shaggy, but still?
  6. That was such a fun season. You could see things were really heading in the right direction. Beating Chicago at Soldier Field still meant a little something then.
  7. Where I go to work there are no Ubers, taxis, or otherwise. I have to drive, but it gives me lots of time to listen to the Grateful Dead! I also drive straight down St Charles Street where the have the bandstands all set up. Its like I'm in my own Mardi Gras parade when I leave the hotel at 5 AM. It's always fun to count the puddles of puke along the way. I miss it already.
  8. Can they just go back to their old menu??
  9. I'll be there for one show. They play on my birthday so I owe it to myself as a present to go to this show,
  10. Hell yes!! I'm putting a dent in that big bottle of Basil Hayden I posted above. Damn it's good to be home!
  11. Whatcha drinking Bongos?
  12. I've been in New Orleans this past week and as I drive through the puke stained streets at 5 AM, this song always comes to mind.
  13. This is the perfect offense for him because he understands the structure and what he is supposed to do, but has the freedom to do something else if he sees and feels it. Goddamn, this team is probably 3 or 4 good starters away from competing for a Super Bowl. This feels so much different than when Desean first really burst onto the scene. I always felt like that won because of him and JJ and the rest of the organization holding them back from winning at the highest level. I don't feel that way any more. A few key FAs and a deep draft and this team is right there.
  14. This is the perfect cure for being on the road again all week. In New Orleans. During Mardi Gras. That sucked.
  15. Did Kirk Bohls or Art Briles get a vote?
  16. left handed monkey wrench /Bob Weir
  17. Every single person that lives in the general New Orleans area…why can you not just fucking drive like normal people???? And I live in the goddamn Houston area.
  18. Hate

    Toby Keith RIP

    While I personally hold him responsible for bro country, nobody but Jerry Jones, Bob Stoops, and Barry Switzer deserve cancer.
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