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Posts posted by Buffsoldier

  1. Decided to post this here, and not fuck up another thread.

    Texanbychoice posted that he and his wife just miscarried in the Dad Thread over in Daily Texan.  It sparked a memory.  (BTW, TBC, I'm really very sorry for your loss)

    Shortly after arriving in theater for my 2012-2013 deployment, just after Thanksgiving, my ex informed me she was pregnant.  I was very excited.  It would have been our second child.  The birth would have been just barely before the full time of my deployment, so I would have been sent home maybe 2 weeks early, so no real changes were necessary at that time. I was excited as hell. I was going to be a Daddy again.

    About 4-5 weeks later, she told me that she miscarried.  I was devastated.  I was able to get on with the deployment in a fairly short time, but I was hurt bad.

    It's pretty clear, with the gift of hindsight, that she drank and pilled my child to death.  She couldn't control her need for the substances and killed my child.  She murdered my child.

    Fairly obvious, but I'm not dealing with this well.  Not even a bit.

    I've turned off my phone and taken the battery out.  I don't have any booze in the house, so I can't take advantage of the lowered inhibitions to call the ex and scream at that bitch.  But motherfucker, do I want to. Bad. I want that bitch to feel every bit of my pain right now.  I want her to suffer.  I want her to suffer the way she made my child suffer.

    I did the only two things I could do:

    1.  I held it together, and I hugged my daughter extra tight as I put her to bed.  And then I hugged her again, and told her I loved her with all my heart and how I'm so glad that she's in my world.  I told her that her happiness is my happiness.  And then I hugged her again.

    2.  I'm typing it here, and leaving it.  And praying it helps the pain abate.

    She killed my child. Maybe my baby son.  Maybe my baby daughter.

    I know there is another possibility:  That she was lying about being pregnant in a vain hope that I might get released from the deployment.  And when she saw that it wasn't going to work she ended the charade by telling me she miscarried.  So that being a possibility, the manipulative alcoholic bitch went out of her way to let me believe that I was going to be a Daddy, and then to let me believe my baby had died.  I'm not sure if that's better or not. 

    God damn her for that.  Damn her straight to hell.

    • Like 3
  2. 36 minutes ago, DaysOff said:
    1 hour ago, WhatTheBuck said:
    Mrs. is pronounced missus (sounds like "misses").
    Ms. is pronounced mizz. 
    Miss is pronounced miss. 

    All of us childrens from the 70s and 80s that had the single women's lib teachers, " it's mizzzzzzz".


    • Like 2
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  3. 9 hours ago, RPM said:

    Gagnon said the vulgar videos played for 15-20 minutes. Multiple videos of the incident began circulating on social media overnight.

    No one was injured, but someone did get rearended.

    ...And how!!!

  4. 1 hour ago, Modessit said:
    4 hours ago, crimsonlonghorn said:
    Since I work from home, my wife's commute is infinitely longer than mine and her car consumes a lot more gasoline more often than does mine. She might fill up 2-3x a week and, frankly, I don't exactly when or where she fills up. 
    All that being said, when I do have the time to do it for her on the weekend - especially Sunday evenings without asking - it's a very easy way to make her happy and earn extra hubby points. 

    My wife has the talent to use up all the gas in the car no matter how far she's driving. My car could have 3/4 of a tank and she could use it to run to the corner store a 1/2-mile away to get something, be gone 5 minutes, and when I get into the car later the gas light is on.

    That's because of the P N D R 2 1 options, she always chooses "1", because she's only going to 1 place.

    • Like 8
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  5. 16 hours ago, Mudcat35 said:

    We went to the football game this last Saturday night.  We sat in the upper deck and enjoyed a nice cool breeze for most of the game.  Actually pleasant weather, which I was not expecting.

    During the 4th quarter, my wife and I decided to head to the concession stand to grab a couple of drinks and a pretzel.   We took the opportunity to sit in some chairs right by the concession stand, relax a little and watch the game on the concession stand monitor.  About halfway through the pretzel, she looks at me and says "I wish it wasn't so windy up here.  It seems like the wind has really picked up".  

    3 feet to her left was a giant fan, blowing straight on us.

    If ever the was a moment created for the specific use of TLJ face....

  6. I want to say it's Phillips 66, but there's some gas station commercial with 2 hipsters on a road trip in a 66 Ford Van that makes me criminally ragey. 

    "I don't trust anything under 3.8 stars." Motherfucker, your eyeless skull will see billions of stars in the fucking field I'll be leaving your lifeless corpse in.

    Edit: it's 76. Not Phillips 66


  7. On 9/21/2019 at 12:15 PM, FondrenRoad said:

    They also kill between 6 and 20 billion mice, rats, and rodents per year. Places that have removed all their feral cats have seen explosions in their rat populations. They do wreak havoc on native rodent species, but so do rats. 

    The answer to all this is to release snakes. They will take care of the cat and rodent problem while leaving birds mostly alone. Then you have to get something to take care of the snake problem. 


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