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A-Tex Devil

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Posts posted by A-Tex Devil

  1. 12 hours ago, WJC88 said:

    Same for me when i watched a cpl of their games.

    Huge fall for him to not even get drafted. But i think he finds a way to stay in the league at some point.

    K recruited over him assuming he’d Ben one and done. He would have played 8-10 fewer minutes/game as a sophomore.  

    If he can find a shot he will be good on the league.  He’s one of these guys like Westbrook or Avery Bradley  (much inferior than them of course) where NBA game may suit his game much, much better than college. 

  2. Is the dude from Leicester that scored all those goals 2 years ago on the team? Or does he suck again?


    Vardy gonna party, amiright?

  3. So are the colonies basically other parts of the former US that the Gilead leadership nuked as part of the civil war that allowed them to take over?  I didn't read book, but my understanding is that the book never makes it clear.  The show seems to indicate that, though.

    Set aside relevance to today.  The book was written in the 80s as a thought piece on whatan 80s style Iranian Theocracy might look like in the US.  That said, I am sure there are some extremist Warren Jeffs/Westboro BC types out there that watch and see Gilead as the good guys.  Those types tend to not have TVs, though.   (Last two sentences tongue and cheek.  Please do not flame).

    And yes, I can't wait to see how next episode starts.  Things did indeed get real.  

  4. I was gifted a 4 pack of Yellow Rose.  Each bottle had a soapy taste too it.  I chalked it up to my bad taste buds and the consensus that bottled Yellow Rose isn’t as good. Loand behold they did have a recall!


    Thats too bad. I hope they can get through it.  

  5. 4 minutes ago, RD3 said:

    No way that was fantasy.

    Correct.  All the fantasies/dreams have been from Barry's POV.  We see Janice go out to the dock without Barry, and we hear the gunshot from the room where blonde is sleeping.  I'll be disappointed if it was fantasy at this point, although I am not sure I like the killing Janice angle.

  6. 58 minutes ago, BurdineBandit said:

    About as much closure and "hope" we can get from this show. Earn needed that. There was a lot of showcase acting in that episode and everybody did well. Al on the plane was pretty damn solid, Darius getting "serious" and focusing at that Jewish spot, Earn baring himself for Darius, all good shit.


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    People on twitter were saying that Earn did that on purpose, I thought he probably just left it in his bag on accident after taking it out of Al's presence and then had to make a split-second decision at the airport. What y'all think? If he did do that on purpose it seems like the first time he's really taken something into his own hands and made some shit happen. But it also kinda seems far-fetched.


    With respect to the gun:


    Earn forgot about it.  Then purposely put it in Clarke County's bag.  Al gave Earn props because now he is headlining.  But oops.  Clarke County's manager took the fall and Clarke made the flight.


  7. 6 hours ago, RTF Horn said:

    Yeah, Abernathy has all of the code of how to make the hosts uploaded into his hard drive brain.  No one else in this world has the technology of what's in the park.  Robert & Arnold never shared it with anyone in the outside world.  That's why Charlotte is doing anything she can to get it out.  Speaking of Charlotte, at the beginning of this ep it was said that Abernathy wasn't with her anymore? I guess somewhere in the next 11ish days she loses him?  Good.  I hope Bernard jacked with the code somehow.


    I think Bernard took all of that info out of Abernathy and put it in himself.  I think in the compound when Charlotte see Bernard, they don't use Abernathy's name, just that they are still searching for "it".  Perhaps they get Abernathy back and there is nothing on him anymore.  Would explain why Bernard was glitchy again.

  8. Somebody that knows the Valley better than me explain the people on Oracle HQ roof partying in the opening credits.  It seems like every piece of that has some meaning.  Is it the equivalent of the Hooli acquirees being put out to pasture but staying on salary?

  9. The kid that played little Paper Boi/Al was dead on.  Great acting to pick up the same tics and attitude. 

    And the lab partner Earn was ignoring was clearly V, right?  

  10. So might Teddy and Dolores (read: Wyatt) scenes be in the past post-Dolores wipe out of the Hosts and Arnold.  Nope.  Nevermind.  They left those party goers to hang (unless that was this timeline and Dolores was in two timelines last nigh).  I recall Teddy having that history with Wyatt.  In any event.  I'm confused, and that is fine.

    Was there any part of Sunday's episode that was in a 30-year old timeline?

  11. 2 hours ago, Saint Tacky said:

    Casey Affleck was so good in GBG he almost pushes GBG past Mystic River on his own.  But, too much talent in Mystic River.

    I like The Town just for the car chase scene.  "Now that's how you drive a fucking car."

    This is where I am.  Mystic River is certainly more epic, but I just prefer GBG and Casey Affleck has a lot to do with that. The ancillary characters in GBG were awesome as well. 

    The Town is really good but a different kind of movie.  It’s a cliche “one last heist” movie that is executed and acted extremely well.  

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