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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. You, me, bielak, javier, randy johnson, france garbage ass, dallas keuchel
  2. That should be the last start we see from Hunter Brown for awhile
  3. I was told Loperfido would hit homers
  4. Next thing you are gonna tell me is Bregman is gonna actually fo something today
  5. Hold up...no runs given up in the 1st by Brown? Is this legal?
  6. Hunter should find a new profession
  7. Grasping at straws Cabbages turn
  8. Our guys probably should have just stayed home today
  9. I mean that was a fair ball but OK
  10. "Remember when" AJ Pierzynski didn't suck? Me either
  11. Lol Yordan slow on the acceleration there
  12. This lineup sucks...quit fucking around Framber
  13. I mean sure use stats where the player doesn't qualify
  14. Tucker made that dudes dick go up inside him with just his presence
  15. At least we already have the lead so Bregmans pop up won't totally kill us
  16. Altuve dragging his nuts all over Servais face this inning
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