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Posts posted by Pancho

  1. 1 hour ago, babysdaddy said:

    Are you?  Do you?

    Is the n-word a term of endearment amongst homies, regardless of race, now? Does that mean the reclamation project was successful? Can I audit one of your classes?

    Am I offended when I hear Latinos say the n word? No.

    When I first heard it, I was in the locker room at the gym. I legit couldn’t start my workout for 15 minutes because I was thinking “should I be offended at that?” 

    Other Black folk here may have a different opinion but for some reason, I’m just not offended.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 1 hour ago, BeardIP said:

    In my experience, though as a counterpoint, I saw exceptions made like all the time. And I know black people aren't a monolith, but it's extremely cringy to me when I hear Mexicans use the n-word, especially in mixed company. And black people don't bat an eye at it and are used to it, I guess. Maybe the Afro-latinos started it in NY or something and it slippery sloped to the Mexicans in Texas, but I always felt like they were violating when they did that but nobody ever checked them on it, so idk?

    That said, back in my day we used to call white people who dressed and used urban slang so extremely and gratioustly that it was a caricature upon themselves as a word that is probably not PC today. Let's call it the W-word. It blew my mind even more when these guys were given a pass in mixed company to use the N-word. 

    My son has always been a tall and gangly white kid, when he started getting older he would ask us to take him to the local rec center to play pick up games. He went to a lily-white private school and the culture schock was real for him. I remember once picking him up, he had to be almost 15 at the time, and he said, "Dad, these black guys all call me the n-word-- what's with that? Why do they do that? etc."

    And I had no real good answer. I think I told it either means they like you or maybe it's just used like "dude". But it was a great teaching moment to a) never, ever, ever, ever, no matter what say or write that word and just pretend it doesn't exist and ignore it when you hear it..



    Part of my lecture on Language and Culture in my Into to Communications and Interpersonal Communications classes centered around reclaiming words. The n-word is a reclaiming word.  (As is bitch and the f word for gays)

    My students really understood the lecture, asked questions, and the conversation in class was always cordial. I encourage those who weren’t apart of those communities, especially related to the n word, to ask questions if they had them as my class was an open classroom. The few Black students I had in those classes would also share their experiences and their thoughts, and overall during my years of teaching, this lecture was always positive. 


    I always ended the lecture above with this question—what happens when another culture adopts the n word and they start saying it? My students would always look puzzled and ask “dr. Pancho, what do you mean?” And I’d have to explain that I, a Black man, have personally started to hear more Latinos use the n word than Black people. Then I asked my students, “should I be offended at that? Should I say something?”

    I just always leave it there and allow the class to dictate the conversation. It’s very, very interesting. What’s more interesting is the amount of Latinos who start to realize that oh shit, they and their homies actually do use the n word and then they wonder if they should stop. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. 12 hours ago, TKthunder2 said:

    Have any of you ever watched a PSA? Have you ever seen a PSA and thought Holy Shit I didn’t know that? No? Because generally people on here this site (with some major exceptions) have above average intelligence. Do you think we need PSA about being nice to people, not littering, that fathers are good? No, the majority of people don’t NEED these PSAs because we know these obvious things already.

    But still we run them anyway, in hope that young people hear this message early and often for the betterment of society. Argue that PSAs don’t work or are ineffective, but you can’t argue that people don’t know because there are very real examples of smart people making not smart decisions because society tells them there is no rush. For example…

    Here is a NYT op ed discussing why having a child later in life is no big deal and a WAPO article about a woman who believed all the rhetoric and ultimately was unable to have the child she always wanted. Maybe she would have trouble conceiving no matter what, but the sentiment that you can have it all on your own timeline is in stark contrast to science/logic/reality.



    This has nothing to do with men. If a woman chooses not to have a kid then great, power to her. But if she wants a child, she should not start thinking about that at 35 and I’m still not sure how that is a controversial message since it is literally what every OBGYN would tell you.


    You are suggesting a PSA/class about when the best time for a woman to have a child and you are suggesting it be only for women. 


    Hawaii Listen To Yourself GIF by ION

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, TKthunder2 said:

    Flex post? I know multiple women who have said they wanted to wait and others who have froze their eggs, only to be devastated when they were unable to conceive in their 30s. This is very common. Some spent thousands of dollars on fertility treatments, others end up adopting and it works out, but all of them go through significant mental anguish because they believed that it would just happen when they were ready. But that is not reality, and society is actively telling these women that they can have it all, which is true, as long as they understand HOW (which many do not). More education and awareness is the answer, I’m not sure how this is a controversial statement.

    I’m not saying your example doesn’t happen. You’re just making it seem as if because you know a few women who thought this that means nearly all of them do. You even suggested a class solely for women on this very situation. It’s stereotyping. 

    You’re also not accounting for the number of men who a) don’t have the soldiers anymore to conceive, b.) who also may not know about the eggs things, and c.) who either don’t want children or may want them later in life but they themselves can’t. Those aren’t the fault of a woman. 

  5. 17 hours ago, TKthunder2 said:

    Women used to care about finding a man who could provide and protect.

    Our society is generally safe (most crime at historic lows, despite steep rise in property crime) so they don’t need protectors.

    More women than men are getting advanced degrees and able to support themselves.

    As a father of a young daughter these are great advancements which are generally beneficial to all.

    That being said, what is out of whack is women’s understanding of their own priorities. Only 5% of women claim they do NOT want children, however more and more are waiting until their mid to late thirties to pursue that goal.

    As a country we do a great job of showcasing women’s empowerment in the workforce, but we do a horrible job of explaining the basics of fertility.

    Honestly this is something that should be required to be taught in high school, reviewed regularly by OBGYN’s with their patients, and something the government should have running on PSAs.

    If knowing the data, you CHOOSE to wait or not have kids until later then that is okay, but the number of 30 years olds who don’t realize they have already lost 90% of their eggs is astounding and that should not be the norm.

    WTF? This is not the flex post you think it is. 

    What data do you have that shows 30 year olds and older “don’t realize” they’ve lost 90% of their eggs? Is it not highly possible they know the odds are lower at that age but that just so happens to be the age they are personally ready to try? 

    Why is it just women not understanding their priorities when just as many men don’t want kids as well and just want to fuck around? 



    • Hook 'Em 5
  6. 15 minutes ago, TrashMaster G said:

    Fuck this shit "music" that has been playing for the last half hour. 

    We had real music before that. Where did it go?

    It’s at your tailgate. just go there. 

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