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Posts posted by Underdog

  1. 2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Someone is overlooking the talents of Lydia Cornell.


    For some reason, I hear some cheesy sax music in my head and envisioning a pizza boy delivery scenario playing out. 

  2. 47 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:


    Well, that's when you get the Monterrey chicken strip sandwich rather than your usual #4.





    Seriously, man--what the fuck's wrong with you?  It's like I don't even know you sometimes.

    Blondie just came over the mere mention of the Monterrey Chicken Strip Sandwich. 

  3. 12 hours ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    I didn’t like the taste but I always got a kick out of whispering “the body of Christ” when I popped one in my mouth. 

    So the power of Christ compelled you? 

  4. 3 hours ago, GreenspointTexas said:

    Burger king


    carls jr


    jack in the box




    pizza hut








    all horrible


    9 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Arby's. If I want to eat old meat flaps with horseradish sauce I will go down on an elderly prostitute and probably pay less.

    Subway. Always mediocre or less, now I think only of Jared diddling kids. 

    Popeye's. How the mighty have fallen. All that's worth ordering now is the beans and rice. Not much meat on the chicken these days, and the spicy is bland. 

    Captain D's, Long John Silver: This has been a mystery for me for decades now. 

    Burger King: Has no identity, no niche. 

    You both suck cock.  

  5. 17 hours ago, Carl Spackler said:

    Assholes who toss their cigarette butts out their car window and onto the ground when they're done smoking.  You smoked it in your car, so keep it in your car until you get somewhere that has a trash can, fuckwad.  I hate litterers in general, but for whatever reason, this particular type of trash-laying makes my blood boil.

    We should be allowed to shoot litterers. 

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  6. 11 hours ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    Did you watch any New Orleans games last season?  Honest question  they got better when he got hurt. Biggest reason? Tempo. They sped up their pace of play and Davis became a monster. Addition by subtraction. 

    If they use him as a few mins here and there/match up, no worries. But if they try to feature him they will be going s disservice to their own offense. Only one way to go there. Down. He slows the pace of the game at his optimum output. 

    When Boogie went off against the Rockets they lost. When he facilitated and only got 15 they won. I hope he is a huge part of their offense going into the playoffs. 

    Kerr was interviewed during a SL game and he mentioned that it was brought up to Cousins about his role with the Team/Offense and that there will be times or several trips down the floor where Cousins won't be the focal point(and he shouldn't) and Cousins bought into it, which only time will tell if he does.  If it indeed it's a ring grab on his part, he'd be damn well smart to just STFU and don't rock the boat.  Of course, this is Cousins we're talking about. 

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