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Everything posted by Underdog

  1. End of an era tonight, last show of his monthly residence at MSG.
  2. Behave, people. Barney Fife is watching.
  3. We used to Delia’s shipped to us before we got burned out on them, damn good tamales.
  4. Tops Diner before they went all uppity with their new building.
  5. Underdog

    Getting old sucks

    Good luck getting them to drink it.
  6. Usually: hey, baby… how about a threesome? You, me and a sleeper-sofa.
  7. Have never watched it, should remedy that sometime.
  8. Probably same ones “monitoring” this site.
  9. "I am a volcano of lust. My soul has been filled with images of this woman for ages. For years I have followed my mind in my business. Tonight I shall follow my heart..."
  10. Always be prepared when the Republican VP Candidate is over at your house…
  11. Let me be the first to say JD Vance didn’t kill himself.
  12. Guess trump won’t be taking care of Elon like he mentioned recently.
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