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Posts posted by Underdog

  1. Knew about the J2 contract, didn’t know about him turning down DH, interesting. 

    Love reading/hearing movie facts on casting for the classics.  

  2. 1 hour ago, Napoleon said:

    But it was also interesting to watch the lack of any emotion that Anderson had after winning. From winning the point, to packing his stuff, to hugging Isner, to signing autographs, to answering the first 5+ questions in the interview, he was like an expressionless robot. It wasn't until talking about hitting the ball left-handed that a human being appeared on screen. Wimbledon will change it's 5th set policy, but they'll probably have a tie-breaker at ~12 ALL, not at 6 ALL. Which is fine, but something has to be done.

    Obviously fatigue but also showing some class to a fellow competitor after a hard fought match.  

    Don't know why but I just never have cared much for Nadal, phenomenal player. 

  3. On 7/9/2018 at 11:58 AM, ZB'Tejas said:

    Michael Irving @ Jack's Volleyball back when

    Jeff Van Gundy @ Wynn this past weekend

    Ludacris @ Wu Chow in Austin last year

    Did you drop a "hand down, man down" or a "mama, there goes that man" on him?  (i know it's a Mark Jackson saying). 

  4. 1 hour ago, BurntEyes said:

    Yeah, that's the one. And yes, I admit, those did help, but I promise at 5 pm or after 10 pm on a weekend, hearding cats would be smoother.

    Oh yeah, going north on Mopac from 360 or 71 (pick your shit storm) is also a pain. 

    Have you tried earplugs?

  5. On 7/11/2018 at 12:39 PM, ajax said:

    Tim Tebow is dating his second Miss Universe, this one hotter than the previous. 

    Have tickets to see him in Binghamton next week...
















    mainly due to Billy Joel themed fireworks post game. 

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