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Posts posted by harpercollins

  1. These standalone ERs are so shady.


    I took my 15 year old daughter for a COVID rapid antigen nasal swab yesterday after a possible exposure last weekend. She had thrown up once the night before and reported feeling lightheaded after vomiting, and since she had been babysitting for my sister who is currently in a high-risk pregnancy, I wanted to look into getting her tested.


    I called signature ER who had been bombarding me with google ads. They got my insurance information over the phone, and told me the ER copay was $250, so I said no thanks (as I could get her a PCR test for free from her PCP). The receptionist quickly said, “oh okay we’ll only collect $100 of the copay.” Me: “I think that’s insurance fraud?” She says, “I don’t think so.” Ok, whatever—worth $100 for me to have a test result in “fifteen minutes” rather than 5 business days.


    I drive to Killeen and check in. Intake person has zero PPE. No gloves, no mask, nothing. I pay my $100, sign a bunch of documents and then park in the designated spot.


    We wait for an hour, and a second intake person (LVN I think) comes to interview my daughter through the car window. Again—no mask. Just going car to car interviewing people there for COVID testing.


    Wait for another hour and a nurse comes (finally someone with a paper mask) and does the vital signs and nasal swab.


    Wait for a third hour and the ER physician comes out and tells us test is negative. He listens to her chest, and asks her about being lightheaded after vomiting. He then tells me she needs further testing to figure out why she was lightheaded and vomited.


    “What kind of testing?”


    “CBC and lipid panel, EKG and chest x-ray.”


    “Wow! For vomiting? Did you hear something in her chest that makes you think we need an x-ray?”


    “No I couldn’t really hear anything because of the noise with the car running. My recommendation is to get admitted for further testing.”


    “Ok I’ll make her an appointment with her primary care physician.”


    “That’s fine, but since you’re leaving against my recommendation you’ll have to sign this affidavit saying that you understand you’re leaving against medical advice, and you won’t hold me responsible if she dies or has some adverse effects from forgoing testing.”


    “For real, dude? You go to 11 years of school to come out here and shill EKGs in the parking lot?”


    I’m sure they’re not all like that, but dayum. How do you sleep at night?

    • Like 4
  2. I haven’t posted this because I wasn’t sure it would translate, and I’m also still in horrified disbelief that she said this, but I can’t sleep so here goes:

    I have five kids 7-14. We were all sitting around the TV playing jackbox games with the neighbors. My seven year old daughter, Maggie, is hilarious and was killing it on the game. Also playing was my 14 year old daughter, Annie, my middle three kids and a neighbor family.

    (If you’ve played quiplash, you know that the game on the tv gives you a prompt, and then the players enter a funny or clever answer in hopes of getting votes as the best answer.)

    The prompt was: “something you don’t want to find in your ice cube.”

    The two answers written by the kids to choose from were:

    A bandaid

    I said, “blod? What’s blod?”

    Maggie (the first grader) blurted out: “well, i didn’t have room to type it all, but it’s not just any blood, I meant Annie’s (the ninth grader) vagina blood. Did you guys know she had that? Wouldn’t that be terrible in your ice cube?”

    Shocked silence and then awkward sputtering, finally followed by cackling. Neighbors quickly left to explain menstruation to their children.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  3. We recently replaced all of the cable boxes in our house and they have a voice control.  For about 2 weeks she has watched me say, into the remote, "Outlander ** on Netflix".
    Bless her heart...last night, she gave it a try.  "Outlanders on NextFlick".....3 times....then she just chunked the remote at me.  I felt sorry for her.  There are several words she pronounces differently.  I rarely correct her unless it is a word that might be embarrassing to say in front of strangers.   Most of them are due to spelling but some I can't figure out why she pronounces them a certain way.  And to her credit, she apparently, FINALLY looked at the logo on the screen and said, "Oh....NET Flix".
    Fascinating = FASC-i-nating (this is a spelling issue)
    Waxed = Wax-ed  (no idea)
    Farted = Fart-ed-ed (no idea)
    But words like Worked, she says correctly.  But Fart-ed-ed cracks me up every time.
    OH....also, we dog sit Baboso's dog from time to time.  To get her to go outside, the dog knows "Go be quick".   But my wife miss-heard it, so she says, "Go get a quickie".  Every fucking time...I giggle.  
    **  If you haven't watched this titty-fest, so yourself a favor and invest some time.

    She sounds dyslexic. There’s a visual kind that you typically think of but also an auditory kind where you can’t distinguish phonemes.
  4. I did shitty on the PSAT.  No idea what the score was, but remember it was average (at best) and that everybody became a national merit scholar in my class, but me.  
    Don't let it get him down.  The prep books (they were books in my day, I'm sure they're online modules now) really do help, especially for those of us that have trouble focusing for significant amounts of time.  Also, you need to leave each section behind when you're done with it.  No use in second-guessing yourself.  That's a trait that is invaluable in so many ways.  Which always made me wonder why females consistently score higher on those things than males do, because they can never leave shit in the past.  
    Anyway, here's a modicum of cold comfort.  Between the my leadership academy at McCombs and serving on the Forty Acres scholarship selection committee, I get to give away several million dollars of other people's money every single year to the best and brightest.  In ~decade of doing that, the PSAT scores of these students has never once come up (good, bad, or indifferent).  I got a shit score and two years later, I was on partial academic scholarship to an expensive private school in Florida with a D-I walk-on roster spot to boot.  
    But yeah, in the moment---it's a tough thing to overcome.  As with most numbers in your life, it will shock him how much this never happened.  

    everybody became a national merit scholar in my class, but me. 

    No they didn’t. It’s less than the top 1% of scores.

    Even St Johns who has more national merit scholars than any school in Texas has at most 25-40 each class.
    • Like 1

  5. There really aren’t any. And that video is 2 weeks old.

    ah that's important context.

    Truly he's probably not wrong about many more deaths related to flu. Flu season had a 7 month start on COVID19 season.
  6. Wow. Are there other ID experts saying this? Will be interesting to see how it plays out. If it turns out to not result in a bunch of hospitalizations, people will credit the social distancing. Hard to prove a negative.

  7. The head of infectious diseases at Dell Medical has interviewed with every news station in town at their request. They aren't airing the interviews because he is saying it's overblown and the numbers dont add up.  But no, let's just cancel everything because the government says to. Does anyone actually use their brain anymore, or just follow the crowd?  
    The doctors at Dell thinks this is wrong.  Are any of the local stations airing interviews with them?

    Source? Why wouldn't they just tweet something to that end?
  8. I'm so disappointed for my baylor guys. We had a legit shot. Yada yada yada fuck Baylor I know where I am. Just bummed for them (and me if I'm honest).

    Hopeful that these decisions work and slow the spread.

    • Like 1
  9. My heart goes out to all those Kansas City bars that aren't going to make shit because we suck dog balls and will be bounced in 12 hours.

    No I need y’all to win. I have a long-standing pact with my Minneapolis cyclone friends that if Baylor and ISU meet in the big 12 championship game we will drop everything and meet in KCMO.
  10. Defensive efficiency. Better than any team since 2002. They’re good. 

    That's impressive. I wonder how the league being "down" factors in.

    I know we have a slight edge in points per game allowed but kenpom is a genius so what do I know.
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