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Posts posted by Jester

  1. 8 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Grift seems the most likely reason. 

    Probably tougher to serve a subpoena on him when he's being safeguarded by the secret service and holed up in the White House.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I never really got into UA stuff.  I have a couple of "pieces" that are pretty decent that I got on sale at Amazon.  Seems a tad overpriced at retail.

    Beyond that, I don't know much about their stuff.  Their early marketing, which seems to have disappeared, seemed kind of tailor-made for the "urban aggro" demographic that constitutes college football.

    Their golf stuff is pretty legit.  But it is overpriced....which is why it always ends up on the sale racks/amazon.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Like 1
  3. Just now, lemonlime said:

    The average citizen Trumpublican already believes that the Obama, the Dems, Hillary, and Soros are coming for their guns.  This won't move the needle.  This will (1) expose fraud and (2) be forgotten by tomorrow after the next batshit and horrible thing trump does.

    lol.  No.  It won't.  It will be entered into their "law & order!" rallying cry as proof that dems don't care about the safety of the average citizen and support Antifa.  Won't stop them from putting videos together of the protests and then shifting it to "and now the Dems want to leave you defenseless."  Sound ridiculous?  Yup.  Bought by morons?  Yup.  

    Trump was defeating himself.  It's shit like this that 'could' move the needle.  That's the problem.  Why give them the fucking chance or any ammo at all?  There was nothing to be gained by this.  Push it to February like SydneyCarton said.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Pfft.  The people who would take this as a rallying cry are already going to vote, and they're voting for Trump.

    This has no impact whatsoever.

    You underestimate the stupidity of the average citizen.

  5. 1 minute ago, SydneyCarton said:

    You're smiling? As far as I can tell, this is about the worst thing the Democrats could have possibly fucking done right now. It will be spun as an attack on your guns, it will galvanize a bunch of Rs who might have been willing to sit it out, and it's going to be framed as a direct attack on YOUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS AND OWN GUNS. 

    Democrats can't stop shooting themselves in the dick.


    Unfortunately, this.

  6. 1 minute ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    It’s not even in the top 100 annoying practices that dipshit employs.  

    I finally found something I have in common with the president. of course, I just use the tactic with my wife when she wants me to do some home improvement projects around the house.  he uses is to lie to the American people about pandemics and what not.

  7. 12 minutes ago, AnTiM said:

    At least Trump has admitted that maybe Dr. Fauci knows more about covid than he does, so maybe there is still some hope that....who am I trying to kid?  Hand me the shit sandwich so I can take a bite, please.

    when eating a shit sandwich, it is not advised to nibble.

  8. 35 minutes ago, pyrohornIII said:

    Nah, he's trying to goad them into doing something.  More attention for him then. 

    Twitter should just link his old tweets that contradict his new ones.  

    • Like 5
  9. 6 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I think the "accurate sense" observation is pretty spot on.  Either that or he has advisers absolutely crawling up his ass every time he's about to finish himself.  Actually, the latter makes more sense and seems to jibe with reports.

    I don't get the "cowering in fear" part.

    This is more accurate.  Trump is not some evil genius.  He's a petulant child that wants attention.  He knows any time he makes an asinine suggestion or threat, he's going to get the attention he craves from media, his advisors, staff, etc. etc. etc.

  10. 2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    It's a testament to Bernie's overall political efficacy and power that you say this thinking it's believable. Bernie was gang-banged for 10+ debates by Democratic nominees about why M4A is too radical a change and how people love their private healthcare.


    Let's take this as fact without giving any credit to Obama.  Great.  Good on Bernie.

    So faced with someone who could push that ball forward vs. Trump who is trying to kill any hope of getting it done..... you might throw away your vote if Biden doesn't affirmatively state he'd pass every progressive bill that 'might' land on his desk?  Can you see how ridiculous that thinking is?  You can't be that stupid.

  11. 22 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    20 states have voted so far, and in all 20 of those states the exit polls show that more people want to get rid of private insurance and replace it with a government plan than not.

    A lot of you more conservative-minded centrists are reading yourselves into these voting results.

    Your issue is that you're equating a government health insurance plan with 'radical change'.  I don't think anyone views it as such following what Obamacare had set forth.  The free college and other pie in the sky ideas.....yes.  Those are radical and won't pass regardless of who the nominee is on either side.

    The fact that you'd throw away your vote if Biden doesn't meet some arbitrary ultimatum you've set forth is both hilarious and sad.  I have no idea how old you are, but it's the classic millennial everyone gets a trophy/instant gratification attitude.  And if you don't get a trophy, damn't if you aren't taking your ball and going home.

  12. 2 minutes ago, NateHitch said:

    Won't be voting for Trump either. I'll just write in and vote for the person I want to rather than for the one I'm supposed to. I've watched my dad and grandfather go through dementia and alzheimers, I wouldn't have voted for either of them for president either.

    What could go wrong? -every Gary Johnson voter circa 2017. 

    • Like 1
  13. 15 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    - "He voted for NAFTA, the worst trade deal ever, and he even still defends it. Me? I just passed the best trade deal, such a great deal even the Democrats agreed. Even loony Pocahontas who hates me agreed it was a great deal. Across the aisle, everyone agrees with my trade deal. Unlike NAFTA which destroyed the factories."

    - "He voted for the Iraq War, which I was against, and was a huge mistake. And I avoid wars, unlike Joe I don't want to invade every other country and start wars. That war started so many terror groups and built ISIS, who I defeated because of a war Joe started."

    - "He wrote the terrible and racist crime bill that I have overturned. I helped get people out of prison who never should have been in prison but were because of his racist crime bill."

    - "He wants to cut Social Security and Medicare and I want to protect it. For years and years as an ineffective senator and with Obama he tried to cut Medicare and Social Security. I will protect it."

    But yes ALSO the things you just said.

    Ok, now do Trump.  But put that shit in a spoiler because it's gonna be long.

  14. 20 minutes ago, texasstrong12 said:

    Glad I could help. I don't know why you don't take a look in the mirror when you have the rep that you have outside of this board. You do realize people outside of this board consider you a "freak" right? 

    lol.  I'm pretty sure CTJ will take that as a compliment.  As he should.

    • Like 1
  15. 7 minutes ago, victory88 said:

    Damn, hearing Anwar describing players breaking shit in the locker room losing it makes me think Herman has lost this team.  This team is frustrated because they were promised that if they did what the coaches asked them to do, they would fucking win games.  Instead, the coaches put them in terrible situations with their gameplans and then douchebags like Mehringer berate the players during film session.  

    I’m just happy the players still care.  But ya, they deserve better. 

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