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Posts posted by KeysPhoneWallet

  1. even worse, he pays 37% of every pay day, but taking that cost of money hit as soon as possible, for the money at stake here, is worth tens of millions more for little fish.
    if they wrote him a check for (guessing) $70m today he keeps 44m
    3-month t-bills are yielding more than long paper right now
    44 x 0.535 = 2.36m january bonus
    assume 3-month paper stays at 5% for just 1 year
    48.68 (april 24)
    51.11 (july 24)
    53.67 (october 24)
    if jimbo gets bought out tomorrow he makes 10m in 1 year just parking the money with the fed, whereas if he compounds annual checks from talkiebird (paid with our money) he makes far less
    a metric fuckton less
    JIMBO WANTS TO GET FIRED - actually he wants to collect his guaranteed contract - but he has negative monetary incentive to win

    3month t bills yield 5% annually, not in 3 months. In your example you’d get 5.35%/4 at the end of 3 months.
    • Hook 'Em 5
  2. So my wife thinks we put too much into this pool and that the amount we spent is the going rate for what we got. I didn’t get any quotes beforehand from other companies so I really don’t know what all the work would have cost if I had called a random company. Anybody have any idea? I figured just the resurfacing alone would probably cost around $12k or more considering they had to chip out and redo the main drain system to bring it up to code.

    Took out 4 trees
    Fixed drain
    Resurfaced with quartzscape
    Added handrail
    Added 10’x25’ pressure treated deck
    Added Metal covering
    Replaced sand filter with DE
    Resurfaced the slab around the deck with that cool deck stuff
    Added rock wall flower garden to front of pool
    Added the rock wall and new stairs to back area by slide
    Repairing the slide
  3. So my wife thinks we put too much into this pool and that the amount we spent is the going rate for what we got. I didn’t get any quotes beforehand from other companies so I really don’t know what all the work would have cost if I had called a random company. Anybody have any idea? I figured just the resurfacing alone would probably cost around $12k or more considering they had to chip out and redo the main drain system to bring it up to code.

  4. 25de8ae9cd03ffc9c7ae62181b868ef5.jpg
    Our new pool was finished last week. Got naked in it on Friday night while we sent the kids to the football game. They called after the game and wanted to go eat late dinner. Suuuuuuurrreeee. Take your time.

    Nothing fancy but will be a great place to cool off and drank.

    Very nice. Are there 2 led or just the 1?
  5. I know Jimbo is a snake oil salesman but how many times can you sell close losses when you're 6 years in. At least Sark is in year 3 and showing progress.

    These two things aren’t equivalent. A&M showed they still aren’t good enough but will try to sell that they are just a few pieces away. We were good enough. We had the lead Witt a min. We didn’t lose bc we don’t have the players. Ours was just a freak as outcome from a freak ass game. Everyone that watched saw that was a freak ass game. Not an indictment of where our program is.

    We can’t pretend the two programs are in the same spot. We’re legitimate they are smoke and mirrors and it will forever be next year.
    • Hook 'Em 4
  6. This is exactly what he was trying to do. His press conf talked about it. RPO on second / down sack. Third down he had to get to FG range. He said his mindset changed only after that sack.

    Generally don’t want to switch to up tempo offense when trying to execute a 4min offense.
    • Like 1
  7. That's the entire FUCKING POINT.
    God fucking dammit why the fuck does this kid get a fucking pass for everything with you people. He fucked up today. It's okay. We have more games to play. But he was absolutely a huge fucking part of the problem. Jesus fuck. 

    The 7 points given up in turnovers early in the game had almost no bearing on the outcome bc the punt block negated them. The game was lost with the poor 4min offense. The defense couldn’t stop ou and we shouldn’t have given them the last possession.
  8. So we did give up 7 points on 3 turnovers. But that really didn’t decide the game. The OU offense tempo kept us from rotating guys and the defense was gassed subsequently there was almost no pass rush and we gave up way too many points. Given that it was clear we couldn’t stop their offense, we gave the game away by not running the clock out with the 4min offense.

    • Like 1
  9. I believe the coaches felt the tempo was aiding the offense in their drive success.  The drive stalled after bowman got hurt and their defense got to break, regroup, and substitute.  I think the plan was tempo to decent fg range and then burn clock. Came up one first down short. 

    So it was 4th down sure, but we had them out there with their fg block team right? And they called time out with 16sec left? It seemed like they were completely unaware of the idea that they should minimize the time to give Gabriel the ball back…
  10. I broke out a glass of my cowboy bourbon to root on our final possession. Felt good watching the fg go through. Then ou ran right through us and I was thrown into turmoil. Even the cowboy couldn’t get it done…

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. On that last Texas drive, when we were trying to kill the clock, on third and long, seems like Sark called a run play that netted five or so and centered the ball for a FG. He had two choices: We saw one play out. We lost. The other was to go for a first down with a pass. If you get it, you run out the clock and win. If you don't, an incompletion stops the clock, you gotta punt and OU has one timeout left. He put the games in the hands of the D, and they failed. I'd like to blame him, but he may have made the percentage call.
    The D we'd become used to didn't show up. Looked like a basic prevent set up instead of blitzing and forcing errors. Common fucking mistake that cost us. 
    That said, a punt could have pinned OU inside its ten and put extra pressure on their QB. Might have changed the dynamics. Instead we gave them the ball at the 25 after the gimme kickoff

    Yea this was where the game was lost.
  12. I'm just replying to the poster who said Quinn played great.  There were plenty of reasons for the loss.

    He did play great. Just not great enough to overcome everything else that went wrong.

    His first int hurt, but that didn’t lose the game it happened like a minute in. There was plenty of time to recover. His second int ended up being inconsequential bc we got a blocked punt for the td right after.

    Once things settled down, He had a million completions in a row and kept us moving the ball.

    We lost it when we couldn’t get into the end zone in 4 straight tries from the 1, and that was on blocking and sark, not Quinn; and we lost it when the defense let ou march down the field and score a td with 1min to go. You could also say we lost it when our 4 min drill ended up taking 3 mins and only scoring a fg. Bc if we had run all the clock out and gotten the fg or td, we would have won.
    • Hook 'Em 6

  13. This of course is emotional bull shit and not true. There was a stretch at the end of the 3rd/beginning of the 4th where we changed our approach and it greatly affected Gabriel. It also resulted in a few batted balls. We adjusted from our soft zone and played more aggressive sending blitzers in and it literally changed the game. Then with everything on the line we reverted to thing that did not work earlier. 
    Just insanely stupid to revert back to that shit at the critical moment. 

    I guess when I rewatch I’ll see this amazing pressure I didn’t notice the first time
  14. I still do not know what we are doing on defense on that last drive. Playing it safe to not give up a quick score? They marched down the field in less than a minute and scored. You get up on receivers, collapse the pocket and send Ant Hill after the QB instead of watching Gbenda and Ford cover receivers 25 yards down field. Just a total fucking criminal job of defensive coaching. 

    We didn’t collapse the pocket once all game…
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